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"MCSG/MCGamer is dying"


Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
I'm really getting tired of these thread lol.
MCGamer is not dying, it's changing. People who don't like the changes leave, but plenty of new people who do like the new changes join everyday to make up for it.
Even if it's changing, it's changing for the worse.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
As I'm writing this at about 7:00 P.M. EST, which is roughly the peak time for a week day, it shows there are 963 people online. I hate to tell you this, but this number is nothing compared to a year or two ago. MCSG is dying, and it's simply because fewer people than ever find the game entertaining enough to keep playing.

A few of the things that are going very wrong, to be frank:

There are too many maps. A lot of people aren't saying this for no reason. I haven't played this game since January of 2015, and as I've returned, I've counted the maps. 26. There are 26 maps that I know absolutely nothing about. Granted, some surprise and freshness is okay. I would have been okay if MCGamer had been adding about one new map per month, but this is too much.

Not to mention, the new maps are all very similar. They are flat, simple, with a little water, and there is always a freaking wheat field. Most new maps bear strong resemblance to either Valleyside University or Par 72. I can tell people have been mass-producing "pvp-friendly" maps, but that unfortunately gets old. You need to have maps like SG 1, SG 2, and Winds of Change too. Personally, I am also missing a lot of maps that have been removed, including SG 5 (They removed this classic?), Fallen Empire, Survival Kingdom, and Ancient Japan. However, I don't know how much others are.

What I suggest is: Have between 20 and 25 maps. I'm not going to add them all up, but I think MCG has over 50 currently. That's discouraging and overwhelming. Recall that in 2012 and 2013, when the servers were generally packed to the brim, there were always less than 20 maps. People may enjoy familiarity more than you think. Chess is the most played game of all time, and it is always the same. But if you are going to add a lot of maps, at least make sure they aren't a remake of Valleyside or Par 72.

The site is a mess. I'm going to be honest here, it looks absolutely horrific. I've never seen such an important and popular organization have such a poorly laid out site, especially for such a long period of time. There is a large string of links at the top that take two full pages worth of space, so when you navigate anywhere you have to scroll down for five seconds. The page also shudders up and down when I scroll, but I'm not sure if other people have this issue. The site also takes you to different areas in which the format and look of the site is entirely different, and it looks unprofessional.

And, of course, the forums are still atrociously organized. I suggested some ways to clean this up a year or so ago, and nothing happened, which doesn't surprise me. There are still dead zones which don't get posts as well as areas that need to be split up because they get too many posts. The front page is too large. There simply need to be more subforums. It is too spread out, and everything is green. I'm no artist, and I can tell it makes people subconsciously dislike the forums.

I can also tell people dislike nearly all of game modes besides Survival Games. The others get virtually no plays, with the exception of Battlegrounds. Look on other servers with a variety of games, and they are played regularly, coded well, and have good concepts. If you are still confused, JustAHotDog summarizes my thoughts pretty well here. MCGamer needs new and innovative game modes that are attractive and free of bugs if it wants to grow. This is why some servers, such as the Hive and Hypixel, get so many players. They appeal to a large audience with their variety available. The Hive and Hypixel have grown in the last two years, while MCG has shrunk.

Finally, there are just too many bugs and little things all around the server that drive people away. Flint and steel has been messed up for far too long, as well as the dozens and dozens of glitches in the minigames that are unappealing. If anyone remotely important in the MCG community reads this, know that you have to get with the times and do what other big Minecraft servers are doing if you want to survive. Learn from them. Diversify, fix bugs, upgrade your website, get rid of unnecessary rules, make sure mods don't annoy players, get rid of maps, make the in-game more look professional, and be careful which members in the community you listen to. The loudest aren't necessarily the most correct.

You haven't done all bad. I'm seeing less hackers and teams than I did ten months ago, and the game is still fun enough to play for me, though not necessarily for many others.
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Mar 16, 2014
Reaction score
I've heard alot of people/Youtubers saying this. I'm gonna talk about this a little bit and hopefully the new people who just came to this server know what the players want and what they don't want.

First of all, This server has been here for a long time. People who have been here since the V1 days know that this server has been here for a long time and this was the server they probably enjoyed most. Now if you compare MCSG in the past (early 2014) and MCSG right now (Early 2015) you will notice alot of players will say that MCSG in the olden days were 100x better than it is compared to now. But the staff team on MCSG is not doing their job as an admin, a developer,a Senior moderator or a Moderator. Now let me ask you this MCSG staff team, If you were to listen to what the community wants and you get them what most of them wants, Will such things like this happen? Every single day you see people LEAVING MCSG because they are tired of the staff team NOT DOING THEIR JOB. They even quit minecraft just because MCSG/MCGamer is getting boring. Ever since MCGamer v2 came out, stuff like this happened. All we want is what we have in the past which includes old maps and bug fixes.

Moving on, i have to talk about this because everytime i watch minecraft youtubers i will always here this sentence. "STOP ADDING NEW MAPS". You can keep the maps that we have right now. We don't really need the new maps. If the staff team were to play MCSG daily, they will know when the new map is being showed up in Pre-Game, most of the players will leave leaving around 12-16 players in the game. Some of the maps are here are broken. Like the stone sword tree on Valleyside University, It was the CORE of the map. The Master Sword on Demons breeze, It was the CORE of the map. Now all of those are gone. That is why you see people leaving MCSG. Why are other servers gaining popularity than MCGamer/MCSG? Because the staff on other servers listen to what the players want and not what they want! As simple as that. Like the staff of MCSG, What are you doing?

Moving along, This is the last thing i'm going to talk about here. The bugs. The old bugs haven't been fixed for a very long time even though we reported about the bugs. But still nothing was done. The flint and steel bug, it used to have 3 charges. But the last one didn't work and we didn't care anyways because we still have the other charges left. But now the problem with that bug is getting bigger. You can see youtubers who made survival games video will rage just because their flint and steel charges doesn't work and also i think it's about time you stop recruiting moderators. -snip-

My last sentence to MCGamer staff team, Keep doing what you are doing. -snip-
I agree, and disagree. I like the premise of this post, but MCGamer is not dying, it's more of MCSG. Hahahaha, who am I kidding? Who plays anything besides MCSG?
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I used to have an opinion and well thought response to these threads but now you people are just doing it 'cause you see others doing it to, so:
  • no one cares about these threads honestly
  • stop making these
  • no one cares.
  • oh
  • and no one cares


Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
I don't mind the idea of new maps being added. I just hate the fact that they remove old maps that are great builds (and even one that was part of the original series of SG maps by Vareide, SG5), and then they replace them with small, generic maps that are overloaded with chests and aren't really "Survival Games" at all. And also, no new maps are ever popular nowadays unless they're a revamp of a previous map. Seriously, the last new map that became popular was SG: Adrenaline, and I'm pretty sure it's been over a year since that was added (or at least very close to a year).

In terms of MCSG "dying," it really is, as much as people hate to admit it. And instead of admitting it, they make up the excuse that it's "changing" not "dying," when it's really both. The player count is going down. At times there are less than 500 players on the entire network in each region combined. So yeah, the server's slowly fading, but I don't know when it'll get to a point where there's hardly anyone on at all. However, at its best, MCSG still can have up to about 3,000 players on, but even then the community is still pretty bad. I almost never recognize anyone in any games I join anymore, because everyone's names are so generic and unoriginal.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Holy sht it's BitoBain

Besides that, my views on the dying MCGamer population is that Minecraft itself is becoming more a child's game. Back then it was pretty rare to see children. YouTubers attracted children to play the game, taking the place of us adolescents or young adults. On top of that, have you seen how Minecraft is being treated now? It used to be treated like an indie game, but now it's more of a proper game ran by a company. The amount of people that play Minecraft now is obviously very large. In the future, those children will grow enough where they will be just like us, while we will probably have real lives and taking care of our own children.
Yes, it does feel like the age group of people playing this game is now younger than ever. Or at least, a lot of the old timers are now starting to enter adulthood.

Anyway, I also know that the entire idea of a hunger games in Minecraft is no longer new or interesting. Dozens of servers now offer it. Part of the reason this server was so popular in mid 2012 was that the first movie came out, and it was a very popular movie. It was a bit of a fad, and you can't expect a fad to remain big forever. In fact, Mockingjay Part 2 comes out in a few hours. After that, Hunger Games can only die out. Good servers that started as hunger games servers have since diversified.
I used to have an opinion and well thought response to these threads but now you people are just doing it 'cause you see others doing it to, so:
  • no one cares about these threads honestly
  • stop making these
  • no one cares.
  • oh
  • and no one cares
The prophetic threads do get annoying and I do remember seeing too many.

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