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Syrian Refugees


Nov 13, 2015
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Hey guys! If you have anything rude or disrespectful to say, please don't leave them here, I don't want this thread locked.

Some people say that we shouldn't let Syrian Refugee's into America because they could be, or are 'terrorists'. It is a proven fact that of all the Refugee's America has taken in over the past 10 years, less then 0.5% have been terrorists, and that was before the extensive screening we have now. With the holiday season coming up, young children in Syria shouldn't be worried about their house getting blown up everyday, when they can have a safe life in the US. It's not like were just bring over huge boatloads of Refugee's and dumping them in our Country, the screening process to be accepted takes over 18 months. A lot of people say we shouldn't take them, because they could be a secret part of ISIS since they're Islamic, but in reality, ISIS is no more representative of Islamic people then the Westboro Baptist Church is representative of Christianity.

I also think it's funny to point out, that 31 US States, 30 led by Republican Governors, have said that they will not accept Syrian Refugee's into their states, which is hilarious because as a Governor they have no right to do that. I'm glad I don't live in one of those 31 states.

Leave your thoughts below. *NO FLAME PLEASE*


District 13
Feb 20, 2014
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The new Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has announced we (Canadians) will be taking in 25,000. My family has been thinking of housing a family to get them started in their new life.
It'd honestly be great if you do so, the Syrians need help and we should be able to provide it to them.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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Let them in. A terrorist could just as easily be an American citizen who has been turned into an extremist by ISIS propaganda or some other influence. Additionally, a mentally unstable person is also just as capable of doing something crazy, as shown clearly by previous shootings in America. Nobody is yet to suggest that we kick all mentally ill people out of the country. Instead almost all of us would agree that we should do more to help mentally ill people so that they can overcome their issue. Lets do the same for refugees.

At the end of the day ISIS actually wants us to not take in Syrian refugees. This is because the fact that so many people would want to get away from their land makes them look bad. If you don't believe me, do some research yourself. Or if want a head start read this: http://www.vox.com/world/2015/11/17/9747042/paris-attacks-isis-refugees
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Nov 13, 2015
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Let them in. A terrorist could just as easily be an American citizen who has been turned into an extremist by ISIS propaganda or some other influence. Additionally, a mentally unstable person is also just as capable of doing something crazy, as shown clearly by previous shootings in America. Nobody is yet to suggest that we kick all mentally ill people out of the country. Instead almost all of us would agree that we should do more to help mentally ill people so that they can overcome their issue. Lets do the same for refugees.

At the end of the day ISIS actually wants us not to take in immigrants. This is because the fact that so many people would want to get away from their land makes them look bad. If you don't believe me, do some research yourself. Or if want a head start read this: http://www.vox.com/world/2015/11/17/9747042/paris-attacks-isis-refugees
Much agreed.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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For once, I have come on here and found a truly intriguing, debate thread.

-Obama doesn't by any means intend to cancel his plans of allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees to enter America next year.
-Only 2 percent of refugees are single males of combat age.
-The United States has one of the strictest screening process in the world.
-Refugees from Syria can live wherever they want in the United States--regardless of what governors say.
-It normally takes 18-24 months for a Syrian refugee to be considered 'checked' before admittance to the country.
-We've already taken in 1,000+ Syrian refugees into the US.

The Possibilities
-Terrorists could possible enter into the country with refugees and carry out a terrorist account.
-Disagreements on the topic between republicans and democrats could cause the government to shut down once more (if the spending for departments that control refugees is cut and then vetoed).
-Government officials could become overwhelmed with the number of Syrian refugees that want to enter the US freely.

My Opinion
Throughout history, the United States of America has been known as the "land of the free". The founding fathers sought a country that was about opportunity, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Sadly, everyday there are many civilians throughout the globe that do not get those basic fundamental rights that most of us so thankfully have. Continuously, Syrians sit in desperation of freedom while they live in fear that someday the Islamic State or other terrorist organizations will attack them next. If we as a country could, with low risk of a terrorist attack occurring in the US, give those people a home, we would be saving numerous lives.

Turning our backs to these Syrians is not the answer. If we continue to live in fear of the Islamic State creating a terrorist attack in America, then we give them what they want. People (or groups) like ISIS feed off of the fear of civilians. Shutting our borders to Syrian refugees because we're "afraid terrorists might get in" gives them exactly what the want--fear. Not only that, but we allow them to keep their victim pool. More and more people die because of them.

With all that said, I do believe we should continue to be extremely strict with who we allow into the states. With the recent attacks in Paris (and attacks everywhere else in the world), it is vital that we do not allow anymore terrorists into our nation. Most Syrian refugees are definitely not terrorists but it only takes 1 or 2 to make a disaster. We must be careful, but not afraid, in our fight against terrorism and ISIS.



Nov 13, 2015
Reaction score
For once, I have come on here and found a truly intriguing, debate thread.

-Obama doesn't by any means intend to cancel his plans of allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees to enter America next year.
-Only 2 percent of refugees are single males of combat age.
-The United States has one of the strictest screening process in the world.
-Refugees from Syria can live wherever they want in the United States--regardless of what governors say.
-It normally takes 18-24 months for a Syrian refugee to be considered 'checked' before admittance to the country.
-We've already taken in 1,000+ Syrian refugees into the US.

The Possibilities
-Terrorists could possible enter into the country with refugees and carry out a terrorist account.
-Disagreements on the topic between republicans and democrats could cause the government to shut down once more (if the spending for departments that control refugees is cut and then vetoed).
-Government officials could become overwhelmed with the number of Syrian refugees that want to enter the US freely.

My Opinion
Throughout history, the United States of America has been known as the "land of the free". The founding fathers sought a country that was about opportunity, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Sadly, everyday there are many civilians throughout the globe that do not get those basic fundamental rights that most of us so thankfully have. Continuously, Syrians sit in desperation of freedom while they live in fear that someday the Islamic State or other terrorist organizations will attack them next. If we as a country could, with low risk of a terrorist attack occurring in the US, give those people a home, we would be saving numerous lives.

Turning our backs to these Syrians is not the answer. If we continue to live in fear of the Islamic State creating a terrorist attack in America, then we give them what they want. People (or groups) like ISIS feed off of the fear of civilians. Shutting our borders to Syrian refugees because we're "afraid terrorists might get in" gives them exactly what the want--fear. Not only that, but we allow them to keep their victim pool. More and more people die because of them.

With all that said, I do believe we should continue to be extremely strict with who we allow into the states. With the recent attacks in Paris (and attacks everywhere else in the world), it is vital that we do not allow anymore terrorists into our nation. Most Syrian refugees are definitely not terrorists but it only takes 1 or 2 to make a disaster. We must be careful, but not afraid, in our fight against terrorism and ISIS.

Well we do need to be careful, there is a very very low risk that a terrorist could ever enter the country through our Refugee program. It would have be very very carefully thought out. To this day, even with the hundreds of thousands of refugee's that America has taken in, 0.0% of them have ever been terrorists. It's a fact, look it up. I think that we should let them in, but of course, intensive screening processes are needed. The republican governors are being absolutely disgusting when they say that they won't accept any refugee's. It makes me laugh when people think that since some of them are Islamic's, they're from ISIS, when really, ISIS and Islamics have nothing more in common then the Westboro Baptist Church and Christianity.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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Well we do need to be careful, there is a very very low risk that a terrorist could ever enter the country through our Refugee program.
Yes, there is a very low risk of one entering the country. However, it only takes one like I said. I think that we should allow them to enter in by all means, but not just everyone should be able to come right in.
The republican governors are being absolutely disgusting when they say that they won't accept any refugee's.
Agreed. They have no right to do it anyways. According to the law (and Supreme Court), immigration policy is under the federal government and states cannot do anything about it.


Nov 13, 2015
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Yes, there is a very low risk of one entering the country. However, it only takes one like I said. I think that we should allow them to enter in by all means, but not just everyone should be able to come right in.

Agreed. They have no right to do it anyways. According to the law (and Supreme Court), immigration policy is under the federal government and states cannot do anything about it.
Exactly, we aren't letting people come right in, most of the people in Syria probably still won't make it to the US in time, since our refugee process takes 18-24 months, and at the rate the U.S., France, and Russia are bombing Syria right now, it probably won't even matter.

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