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Glitch or What?


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
On Teweran SG i teamed with my good friend. While it was 5 tributes left, it was us, a team of 2, and 1 other. We located the other 2 who were moving around the map freely, yet when we approached them, they went still as if they were ghosted. We tried to hit them and I got 1 hit on one of them before he began causing me damage very quickly and i couldn't hit him anymore when, my teammate tried he couldnt get any hits and almost died. While we were occupied with the one person I noticed the other had begun to move freely again. We gave up and went after him, as soon as we got close the same thing happened, 1 hit then much damage caused to us. Again, the other began to move around. We went after him and it kept repeating. Since they couldnt eat our 1 hits eventually added up and we killed them both. We assumed they were ghosted in some weird way, but they accused us of hacking and "freezing them". This is part of the ghosted glitch I'm assuming, but I wanted some clarificationon what exactly happened. Please note that I had about 6 armor bars and they had food in their hands when they hit me- which was when we got closer than 5 blocks to them. Thank you!

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