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Meet The Community - Glen


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
1. Name:

- Glen

2. Nickname: -

3. IGN:

- Bsrkr/Berserker/Glen

4. Age:

- 18

5. Which region do you play on?:

- AU

6. What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?:

- The Hub Banter or new projects with building.

7. One embarrassing moment in your life?:

- Refer to question 10's link lol, my 12vie youtube videos ;-;

8. One cool fact about yourself?:

- I'm tall and look funny

9. Which are your best friends in the Community?:

- I have a lot of old best friends and new, but I don't want to not involve others into this category.

10. When did you join MCGamer?:

- Late 2012, played my first few games with an old member from a smp I used to play called Toxicwasteii or something here's a video of one of my adventures with him on the smp.

11. How did you find out about MCGamer?:

- Refer to question 10.

12. PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?:

- I'm pro at all the things.

13. What is your favorite Gamemode?:

- Gamemode, most likely SG or creative back in the days.

14. How long have you been playing Minecraft?:

- Since beggining of 2010. People in my class were talking about it and I say it sucked etc and got addicted straight away.

15. Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?:

- Staff member would have to be AlpakaWhacker does a good job with the servers. http://www.mcgamer.net/player/pyro_0/ As my favourite VIP.

16. What is your favorite SG map?:

- Fallen Empire Blake

17. What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?:

- bring back the community to what it once was
- Create a map that all players will enjoy
- Thrive well with Red Forest

18. Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?:

- Probably cscoop or when lemonz87 uploaded.

19. What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?:

- OMN love the trolls.

20. What is your favorite MCGamer memory?:

- Seeing my map on the servers for the first time and being so happy.
- Or playing sg with huahwi or hawaii however you pronounce it. I'd insert the link but includes swearing at the start. if you're willing to find it /watch?v=3U6mxbVzNJ4
- Or Plastics days c;


Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Who the hell r u? Never seen u before. Welcome to the community


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