Kendrick and Drake are only two members of those that you listed. If you want me to change my statement to say that everyone but *two* of your list are underground, fine. I can handle that. And no, I haven't been living under a rock. I live in the same city that Drake is from. I know who the guy is.
When did I ever complain about you listing your favourite songs? You are obviously a rap/hip hop fan, and that's fine, but I never complained about you listing your favourites in 2015.
No, I did not attack you for the fact that I don't know most of your music. I pointed your argument out because Boboy is my friend, and I always have my buddies' backs.
Lastly, I do not have an inferiority complex. A tip for the future: using big words and acting above everyone else does not make you cool. You project yourself as a snob, and someone who thinks he is better than everyone else. Remember that next time you see something you don't like on a thread.
To end this post: I'd like to end the argument here. We've flamed enough. This will be the last response from me that you'll see on this thread pertaining to this argument.
Well, there you have it. I created a response when I felt like I really didn't need to say anything more. You are welcome.