YOU bothered to read the thread, you'd see that boboy had asserted that no modern music was of any value, which is objectively false. I said that his belief came from his unwillingness/lack of effort to look for new artists might like, as there is literally
no other way for him to think that way. There is 'good' music in every single genre; even if you despise everything except for 60s-80s rock there are current revivalist bands that emulate older styles of music that I'm sure he'd like if he bothered researching. Notice how I only ever talked about music that appeals to
HIM because I understand that 'good' music is completely subjective. If it makes you feel good, listen to it and see if I give a sh**. boboy is someone who i feel could greatly benefit from watching this video! ^_^
This is the most fallacious statement I've seen in a long time. What's even funnier is that you consider artists like Kendrick Lamar and Drake underground. Have you been living under a rock? Kendrick set the spotify record for most album streams in the first day of release and Drake regularly tops charts and has multiple platinum-selling albums. Really underground!!!
Words. In. My. Mouth. You're assuming a link between my posts that just doesn't exist.
This is a thread called "What Is Your Favourite Song In 2015" so it's hardly unreasonable for me to list my favourite songs in 2015, is it? Not once did I mention the words 'hip' or 'cool' when I said to boboy that he should put more effort into finding current music he might like. I did not tell him to listen to songs on my list. You're attacking me for no reason other than that you don't know the songs I listed. Does the fact that I like music that you don't know about make you feel threatened in some way? Do you have an inferiority complex? Please let me know.