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The forums these days (个_个)


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Some mirrors are just too small...
even though this was kinda amusing it seems a little harsh :/
'what are you accomplishments' 'no one cares'
what's wrong with sharing things people are proud of; the community corner is for getting to know people...
I think you're sort of forgetting the dozens, if not hundreds, of hours that I've put into making positive remarks & comments, and encouraging people to post and express themselves.

The vast majority of my time as a forumer was spent giving feedback that was often exceedingly polite, friendly, and positive all-around.

Mango, I agree that it was "slighty harsh" - it was intended to be that way.

And Giggums, I'm perfectly aware that I'm flawed, and also behaving in a way that's cocky or arrogant
In the past, I spent a lot of time, perhaps too much time, emphasizing humility and politeness that, after a while, was no longer heartfelt.
If you want me to go back to being a goody-two-shoes who's concerned about his public image to the point that he deletes anything that's the slightest bit rude or insensitive, then go ahead and say it.
But that won't be who I am, or who I've become. It's a matter of self-identity.

"Alex" and "Mooclan," although different names for the same person, are also what I consider platforms for me to express myself in different ways.

Tell me: If a random person with little to no prior forum history had come onto the forums and posted the exact same screenshots with the exact same remarks, you'd just lock the thread, or disregard it as the words of someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
However, my history here lends a weight to my words that merited an ongoing discussion, even if it's simply me being on the receiving end of negative feedback, (key word: feedback).
But, of course, I don't know how long that discussion is going to last.

Perhaps I should bring up a more relatable example:


This is coming from a son, presumably a teenager/young adult, to his father.
It's regarding his choice of underwater footwear - water shoes. Although there is a reason for his father wearing those shoes (to protect his feet), his son still makes a remark that is intended to be humorous and comedic. The phrase "What are those?!" implies that the son is ridiculing his father's choice of shoes, but in a funny way.
Likewise, my posts are coming from a long-time forumer (in this case, I can be compared to the son who records the video) to the forums overall (the forums, being a shaping influence, can be compared to the father.)

You don't see the son receiving significant hate, do you?
That's because it's obvious that it's an interaction made for comedic purposes, even at the expense of someone else.

Giggums, a lot of my recent posts have been made with a very care-free attitude (often with intentionally poor grammar,) in a calculated manner. I actually delete a lot of the content that I type - sometimes, even as much as entire pages if I realize that it drifts way too far off of the original topic, or doesn't contribute enough to merit an entire page of words.

So, perhaps it's true that some mirrors are too small. But at other times, some people are looking through shattered windows.


May 6, 2015
Reaction score
So normally I'd leave like a 4 paragraph reply to a thread like this. But I'll say 3 following words:

100 percent agreed.


This thread seems interesting.

*parkour's to the kitchen*
*comes back realizing he forgot to get some popcorn*
*parkour's again to the kitchen*
*comes back to the pc*
*realizes he needs to pee*
*goes to the bathroom*
*comes back and enjoys reading the posts*

On a serious note, the MCGamer forums today cannot be compared with the MCSG forums back in the day. Nowadays, pointless clan threads, threads that contain just amazing grammar that makes me wanna cry, et cetera, et cetera... Yeah Mooclan did sound rude but I still find him the god of the forums. marry me pls


Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
This thread seems interesting.

*parkour's to the kitchen*
*comes back realizing he forgot to get some popcorn*
*parkour's again to the kitchen*
*comes back to the pc*
*realizes he needs to pee*
*goes to the bathroom*
*comes back and enjoys reading the posts*

On a serious note, the MCGamer forums today cannot be compared with the MCSG forums back in the day. Nowadays, pointless clan threads, threads that contain just amazing grammar that makes me wanna cry, et cetera, et cetera... Yeah Mooclan did sound rude but I still find him the god of the forums. marry me pls


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
A lot of us are missing the main point of why all this mayhem is insuing. If we could all just put our differences aside and stop arguing, there would be a significant drop in problems.

I'm not trying to be the peace preaching hippie here, but I'm sick of this arguing.

Here's the bottom line. Why are we on the forums? To talk. To express. To disuss. We're here to talk about our network and have some fun, throw around some banter, make change, share strategy, etc.

Yes, our forums have sections to organize the sharing of this information but when ot gets to the point where we're going over the top in yelling and disrespecting people for making mistakes like usig the wrong section, there's a problem.

Furthermore, arguments erupt over yelling at the people who are yelling at the people who post in the wrong places or perform simple mistakes.

There are more civilized ways to solve problems, let's engage in those.

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