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The forums these days (个_个)


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
6 likes, but no one wants to answer this question?

Probably because most of then aren't staff and agree with you. You want an answer? This would be my explanation, but keep in mind, I kind of agree with you.

If you're a new member on the forums, at least I found it difficult to navigate. Even when we switched this whole layout crap, I got lost. I think there should be leniency for those newer players. Also, some topics could bong in multiple sections, and just because a mod deemed it unnecessary for one section, it doesn't mean it doesn't fit. Finally, if you have been on the forums for a while and you simply don't care so you post in the wrong sections *cough powdski *cough* then yes, you should be temp banned.

There you go, that's my explanation.


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
see the sunglasses and 'stache?


we need more of that and less of...

And I'm on only page three
Who Wore Bad Better LMAOOOOO
Last edited by a moderator:


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
see the sunglasses and 'stache?


we need more of that and less of...

And I'm only on page three
Is this honestly how you see the forums? This is a place for individuals to express anything they like as long as it isn't offensive to others. You of all people should know that as you seem to think yourself a forum supreme. Sure, many of those posts are in the wrong section, but some of the things you were saying are blatantly rude. For instance, you stated that no one cares what Nikk looks like, but maybe that took him a LOT of courage to post. Also, if no one cares what people look like, why did you make an effort to start off this post by directing people to your profile pic of your face? As for other posts, you are discouraging people from making Goodbye threads? You've made plenty of useless threads yourself. Goodbye threads, on the other hand, are not useless. I love reading Goodbye threads, myself. Most of them bring up old memories of the community that I've long forgotten and members that I've longed to see again. Some of those threads are not in the wrong section that you stated were and the ones you claimed as illegitamate titles are actually clever that incite people to click on and read what it's entails.

Yes, people make plenty of mistakes on the forums. There are many threads in there that do not belong in Community Corner. Moderators are always working to clean it out and move them to the appropriate section. Go look at the Clans & Teams section. In the past 20 days, a group of other Moderators and myself have worked avidly to clean it out. It's now down about 100 pages than it was when we started. The way that you see things are not the only way things should happen. To be frank, they are really not the way they should happen. You cannot control the way people want to express their ideals as much as you would like to see that happen. I'm sorry, but it just drives me insane when I see you refer to yourself as someone who is so perfect here. You cannot argue with me on that because you said yourself that we "need more of [you]" and less of what you think is wrong.

On another note. You are all welcome to post what you want. Please, though, keep it in the write section and keep it appropriate. Moderators are constantly checking the forums to make sure that everything is in order. Maybe not at as great of a rate as you or we would like, but it's an on going process. Sometimes things are being posted faster than we can remove ones that don't belong. To add onto that, we are also trying to make an attempt to be involved rather than only acting as chimney sweepers.

Please, don't fill the community corner with good bye threads then come back 3 days later saying "I forgot my laptop" or some lame excuse. Please make some fun, unique, and silly threads!
That's up to the poster to decide what they want to post. If you want to see great discussion, you must start great discussion. Do not rely on everyone else to make it for you. As you can see, you've already started a good bit of discussion here with this thread, but know that threads about the community dying or devolving aren't always the best when you want something interesting. The Community Corner is a place for people to connect with the community, so if they want to post Goodbye threads, they are more than welcome to. If they want to discuss Huahwi, they can. He is a popular individual among our community, therefore, it involves the community in which the Community Corner is an example for.

Use this platform to your advantage. Do not feel discouraged by individuals that think they know the only way to be a forumer. If you want to express your opinion or start even the most minor of discussion, do it and be proud of the discussion you caused. I look forward to seeing the forums reach a prime time again just as much as all of you, but let's do it the proper way; the way we did last time. Subconciously and naturally. Not manufactured and mindless. Structure is fantastic, but it restricts creativity at times. We built these forums to be a center place of free-thought. Use that. Develop that. Make our forums the way you want it.


Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
see the sunglasses and 'stache?


we need more of that and less of...

And I'm only on page three
Yeah i a gree, we need better threads, no one putting thought into what writing. :(


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Is this honestly how you see the forums? This is a place for individuals to express anything they like as long as it isn't offensive to others. You of all people should know that as you seem to think yourself a forum supreme. Sure, many of those posts are in the wrong section, but some of the things you were saying are blatantly rude. For instance, you stated that no one cares what Nikk looks like, but maybe that took him a LOT of courage to post. Also, if no one cares what people look like, why did you make an effort to start off this post by directing people to your profile pic of your face? As for other posts, you are discouraging people from making Goodbye threads? You've made plenty of useless threads yourself. Goodbye threads, on the other hand, are not useless. I love reading Goodbye threads, myself. Most of them bring up old memories of the community that I've long forgotten and members that I've longed to see again. Some of those threads are not in the wrong section that you stated were and the ones you claimed as illegitamate titles are actually clever that incite people to click on and read what it's entails.

Yes, people make plenty of mistakes on the forums. There are many threads in there that do not belong in Community Corner. Moderators are always working to clean it out and move them to the appropriate section. Go look at the Clans & Teams section. In the past 20 days, a group of other Moderators and myself have worked avidly to clean it out. It's now down about 100 pages than it was when we started. The way that you see things are not the only way things should happen. To be frank, they are really not the way they should happen. You cannot control the way people want to express their ideals as much as you would like to see that happen. I'm sorry, but it just drives me insane when I see you refer to yourself as someone who is so perfect here. You cannot argue with me on that because you said yourself that we "need more of [you]" and less of what you think is wrong.

On another note. You are all welcome to post what you want. Please, though, keep it in the write section and keep it appropriate. Moderators are constantly checking the forums to make sure that everything is in order. Maybe not at as great of a rate as you or we would like, but it's an on going process. Sometimes things are being posted faster than we can remove ones that don't belong. To add onto that, we are also trying to make an attempt to be involved rather than only acting as chimney sweepers.
What you said in the first paragraph, I'm sorry but it's all wrong. So what if it took courage for nickk to post a picture of himself? We have a thread dedicated to that, he can post it there. That's mostly the issue, the fact that a thread was dedicated to a single person when there are places for it. You say goodbye threads aren't useless because you enjoy reading them? That means you enjoy them. It doesn't make them any less useless.

I want you to know that Clans and Teams have been filtered out of the New Posts section, so those who come here for the forums, well, we don't really care. The focus of his post is on the community corner and mcg discussions. Clearing out c&t us just something that sounds nice to brag about, not anything actually useful to the forums. And what he says about needing more of him on the forums. I interpret that as more people who understands how they work. Never has he said he's perfect, he's only claimed to have a greater grasp of how things work, which just so happens to be true.

Finally, please don't get upset with any response you may get from him. You didn't need to respond to him in the way you did (calling him out) so if he has some smug retort, you're as at fault as him. Just letting you know, people are very unaware of this fact here.


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
That's mostly the issue, the fact that a thread was dedicated to a single person when there are places for it.
That does not make his post any less valid.

You say goodbye threads aren't useless because you enjoy reading them? That means you enjoy them. It doesn't make them any less useless.
I was giving my personal opinion on the matter. Several people enjoy these threads. That is why they get high traffic. That is why there are many of them. They are statements by the community about the community. That gives them direct credibitily to exist there. I do not understand why people are so against those threads. They hurt nothing. They are not spam. They are not malicious.

I want you to know that Clans and Teams have been filtered out of the New Posts section, so those who come here for the forums, well, we don't really care. The focus of his post is on the community corner and mcg discussions. Clearing out c&t us just something that sounds nice to brag about, not anything actually useful to the forums.
My point with this was that Moderators are constantly working to clean out the forums. This is a very large forum with many different sections to it. We are a small staff team in comparison. Community Corner has existed for quite awhile and is in the process of being cleaned out as well. I was using the Clans & Teams section as an example of how things are being handled, but that it takes time and effort to get it done.

You didn't need to respond to him in the way you did (calling him out) so if he has some smug retort, you're as at fault as him.
I've known Alex for a long time. I'm familiar with his personality. Know that I am not alone in my view of him. Several of us have been biting our tongues with recent statements in hopes that the matter at hand would cease to exist, but I was tired of letting it continue. I decided to finally take my thoughts and let a portion of them out. I want this community to understand that it is free to be what it wants to be. It does not have to listen to one individual that believes that they understand the entirety of the forums and knows exactly what it needs. What it truly needs is for people to use the forums at their leisure and in the manner they deem fit. If you disagree with that and you decide to handle it at your own approach, then I applaud you for taking that approach, because it accomplishes the same task in the end. I encourage your disagreement.


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
see the sunglasses and 'stache?


we need more of that and less of...

And I'm only on page three
Though we could improve a bit more on cleaning out the forums sections and making categorizing a bit tighter, the post was rude and slightly obnoxious. As important as it is to have your own opinion and express it, it could have been done in a more polite way.
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
What you said in the first paragraph, I'm sorry but it's all wrong. So what if it took courage for nickk to post a picture of himself? We have a thread dedicated to that, he can post it there. That's mostly the issue, the fact that a thread was dedicated to a single person when there are places for it. You say goodbye threads aren't useless because you enjoy reading them? That means you enjoy them. It doesn't make them any less useless.

I want you to know that Clans and Teams have been filtered out of the New Posts section, so those who come here for the forums, well, we don't really care. The focus of his post is on the community corner and mcg discussions. Clearing out c&t us just something that sounds nice to brag about, not anything actually useful to the forums. And what he says about needing more of him on the forums. I interpret that as more people who understands how they work. Never has he said he's perfect, he's only claimed to have a greater grasp of how things work, which just so happens to be true.

Finally, please don't get upset with any response you may get from him. You didn't need to respond to him in the way you did (calling him out) so if he has some smug retort, you're as at fault as him. Just letting you know, people are very unaware of this fact here.
I sent a very extended PM, which included some similar points. I can send you a copy, if you want. It's pretty nice to know that I'm not entirely mistaken in my reasoning.
Know that I am not alone in my view of him. Several of us have been biting our tongues with recent statements in hopes that the matter at hand would cease to exist,
As a person who has been known to thrive in conflicts, I'm curious to find out more. But, by the very nature of the situation, that's rather unlikely.

However, I'd also like to raise one question: Is the number of people who share the opinion sizable? Or is it, in reality, closer to 3-5?
You don't need to give an actual answer, but something that I'd like anyone else who is reading this to keep note of is that someone can claim that they're "not alone," in an effort, and have "several" fellow-minded people, which could potentially imply a larger number than it really is.
It's a gut feeling, and that's something that I tend to rely on.
I'm not at all surprised that there are people who dislike what I do. But, of course, it's not like anyone revolves their forum activity/involvement around hating me. They do their own thing, and disliking me (or my attitude) is a mere side-effect of browsing the forums.

I suppose, since this thread is urging people to light up the forums a bit, this line of discussion isn't particularly off-topic, albeit in a roundabout way.
If you guys feel like we should take this to PMs, or just end this particular dispute overall, feel free to do whichever.

As a secondary way of communication:

that's a brief summary of my typical response to anyone who tries to pick a bone with the bull


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
I sent a very extended PM, which included some similar points. I can send you a copy, if you want. It's pretty nice to know that I'm not entirely mistaken in my reasoning.

As a person who has been known to thrive in conflicts, I'm curious to find out more. But, by the very nature of the situation, that's rather unlikely.

However, I'd also like to raise one question: Is the number of people who share the opinion sizable? Or is it, in reality, closer to 3-5?
You don't need to give an actual answer, but something that I'd like anyone else who is reading this to keep note of is that someone can claim that they're "not alone," in an effort, and have "several" fellow-minded people, which could potentially imply a larger number than it really is.
It's a gut feeling, and that's something that I tend to rely on.
I'm not at all surprised that there are people who dislike what I do. But, of course, it's not like anyone revolves their forum activity/involvement around hating me. They do their own thing, and disliking me (or my attitude) is a mere side-effect of browsing the forums.

I suppose, since this thread is urging people to light up the forums a bit, this line of discussion isn't particularly off-topic, albeit in a roundabout way.
If you guys feel like we should take this to PMs, or just end this particular dispute overall, feel free to do whichever.

As a secondary way of communication:

that's a brief summary of my typical response to anyone who tries to pick a bone with the bull
Some mirrors are just too small...


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
see the sunglasses and 'stache?
we need more of that and less of...
And I'm only on page three
even though this was kinda amusing it seems a little harsh :/
'what are you accomplishments' 'no one cares'
what's wrong with sharing things people are proud of; the community corner is for getting to know people...

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