• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

The MCGamer Project


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score

An Introduction
Hello tributes! Welcome to the MCGamer project thread. There has been one main goal on my mind for the past month as well as many others, this goal has not been to bring MCGamer back to the golden era but too bring MCGamer to a new era of player base, gamemodes, and equality. To put a little disclaimer at the start of the thread I would like to state that this project is not associated with the MCGamer staff team nor worked on lead them, the work has been done by countless community members as well staff alike.
The Reason
As you all have seen and heard MCGamer has brought an uprising of community back-lashing against the administration and staff team for not listening, not learning, and advancing from there mistakes with the network. For the past few months the amount of staff resigning has been normal but traumatizing, there is one main reason behind many of the reported resignations, school. School is an important place to learn and grow as people and a network should not be the place to hold us back, but even with school holding many back we need to find a new method of training, information, and people to bring this place slowly back to the way it was.

We have all seen that MCGamer is obliviously not the way it used to be a nor it will ever be but we can bring MCGamer to a new era of players and games that can take the community to a new level. This level will be a new staff team and a new attitude. Instead of seeing hate on the forums of why as the community is dying hopefully we will start encouraging people to lift up the positive vibes within the forums.

The Method
The method of this project is quite simple this is how it will work. Each week we will have a certain amount of acts put out via. thread & in - game. The amount of acts put out per. week will be up to our Project Staff and the ideas come up with that week.

You may ask what an act is. Here is the simple idea of an act via. thread. We will start out with our first act starting this week. I will sit down with the Project Team and conduct a meeting discussing topics about what the first act in this case should be. Once we have come up with an idea we will get writing.

The thread itself will have many sections, each section may talk about the issue, how to handle or resolve it, taking in a pole from the community about a certain topic, or giving the community a challenge offering a reward in return for completing the task. After the act is posted we will give 2 - 5 days for the act to be read and fully processed no matter if it is in - game on the teamspeak or in the forums the task will need to be finished by then.

An Act
This project we are about to move forward is something no one has ever seen before at MCGamer. Something that the community has not experienced but hoping to become enthralled within the project. The project is not only a forum wide project it will also be an in - game and teamspeak project. We will be working with the staff team and hearing there opinions and then switching gears and listening to the communities ideas and opinions. At the end of the day the ideas and opinions of each act put out will be reported to MCGamer Administration alongside having a meeting with Chad personally.

The Outcome
The outcome of this project will be hopefully one of two things. First of all, we want to see the community happy again and grateful for what they have. We want to see them happy that we are back with a new player base and games and having them contributing into the community without any help from an outside source.

Our second goal is not to be remembered as the people that created the project, we want the community just to be boosted again, we are not here for the credit.

Here is the current schedule of acts set for this week:

9 / 23 / 15 - Act 1 To Be Posted

9 / 26 / 15 - Act 2 To Be Posted

Application Overview
Just remember before you apply to meet all the requirments and submit the application via. PM to Titan [Me].


  • Have at-least been in the community for 9 + months
  • Have been on the forums for at-least 1.5 months
  • Joined the network prior at-least 1 month ago
  • Have a sense of knowledge on the state of MCGamer right now
  • Have a mature attitude
  • Be at-least 13 years of age or older to apply


What is your name:

Link to forums account:

What is your IGN:

How old are you?:

What is your email:

Why would you like to join the project staff team?:

Do you have any past punishments here on MCGamer?:

Do you have a microphone?:

Do you have teamspeak?:

The Staff

Current Founder:


Sr. Leaders:


Final Note
I absolutely do not want to see any hate against MCGamer upon this thread alongside bashing other community members or staff members. I also don't want applications posted here, please PM them to me! Thank you all for reading and the project team will see you next time!
Last edited:


Jun 25, 2015
Reaction score
First :3

Sounds great but I can't apply only because I joint the community on April 6th which is not 9 months.


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
someone do a TL;DR for me?

non-staff organized project that will hopefully bring back the good community mcg once had and build upon the ideas and suggestions the community has for the server.

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