I am already working on something like that, but it will be time consuming but by tomorrow I'm sure the reasons will be up
I might be able to help out a bit with that.
If you're trying to keep this list as accurate as possible, you're a little too late. No offense to anybody on the list right now.
In that case...
* LeafyGreenTea
* Benjamin
* Gravey4rd
* Huahwi
* Col_StaR
* Lovelights
* ChadTheDJ
* Vareide
* Devin
* kpwn243
* subv3rsion
* life855
* exer60
* MoLoToV
* NoahSailer
* Zeno
* ThatOneTomahawk
* BajanCanadian
* JeromeASF
* RC_4777
* Mooclan
* CAmadeusA
* Edog
* Joey
* G33ke
* Mamiamato24
* Krafty
* Antster360
* Blamph
* RonnieBondage
* xQualia
* Shelby
* Ninetailefox92
* cheezedoodles
* Philly67
* Blake
* SpaxHD
* Eskild
* Elgoldo
* Extract
* Fisheer
* TimmaaaaH
* CracklingHD
* xGtZz
* darkrai202
* TheCrazyCowww
* croe97
* AlpakaWhacker
I crossed out the names that I
personally don't consider to be "MCGamer Legends".
I'm not saying that they're not, but from my point of view, I don't recognize them as legends.
I'm keeping mind that I'm
not knowledgeable about 100% of MCGamer, its playerbase, and who's who.
But at the same time, the hidden word in the title "MCGamer Legends" is (in many cases) "
Famous MCGamer Legends," keeping in mind that this list should have people who are (or were) widely-recognizable, across multiple platforms - the forums, clans, in-game, and TeamSpeak.
Here's why:
Benjamin: Unless I'm mistaken, he's an ex-staff member, TE member, and fairly well-known person among the staff/ts community? However, being well-known and recognizable doesn't instantly mean that he's a legend. Although he's a builder, what has he contributed individually to MCGamer to merit him being a legend? Perhaps there is something, but I don't know about it. (Honestly, the #1 reason I know him is because I hear that he and Dave are friends, and #2 would be because SammieMariee ranted about him.)
Kpwn: He's a developer, yes, but if we put all of the current and previous high-ranking staff and administrative team on the list, then it'd sort of change the boundaries of the term "Legend". Of the staff that are on the list, they have to have a specific reason for being there.
• Example: Col_StaR was, and is, widely viewed as the best administrator (from a community point of view) for many reasons, such as his openness, surprisingly sassy (and hilariously clever!) attitude when dealing with silly things, his willingness to actually
communicate with the community and express why certain things are or are not done.
(I'm not 100% sure about whether Kpwn should be removed in the list - he still has done a
lot of work for the servers and deserves credit for it as a Developer, but at the same time his compensation is monetary payment: he's a paid dev, and doesn't do this for reputation. Other Devs, like Subv3rsion, are known in the community for something like potato and Half-Life 3 memes.)
Those who are on the list for clan-related recognition, but crossed out:
These are people who are known among the clan scene, but if you were to go onto the forums (for foruming purposes, not clans) or TeamSpeak or the in-game servers, there would be much lower chances of them being recognized as note-worthy, whereas players like Zeno, Eskild, Canziano, and Fisheer are either long-standing members who have had a significant impact across multiple clans and regions throughout MCGamer's history, or retired players who have left a long-lasting legacy behind them.
And then, there's a few names closer to the bottom of the list that.... well, I just have no idea why they're even there.
I could also pick out a few more names, (croe97 and alpaka being among them) but I feel like people would just argue with me about them, and I'd have to go to great lengths to explain how the OP states that just because they're high-ranking staff members doesn't mean they're "legends"
Legend - an extremely famous or notorious person, especially in a particular field.
A lot of the people on the (current) list are famous to an extent, but not to the point where they're defined as legends.
"Legend" also implies that they're from a long time ago - in this case, it can imply that many players who have risen to prominence within the past year or so might not be classified as legends... yet.
...or maybe im just being way too picky about this.