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Meet the community- StatsIV


Jun 29, 2015
Reaction score
Hey before I introduce my self and all that, I would like to say the reason my forum name is sneakyy and many of you might not know me is because I recently switched my name to StatsIV :) Now then lets hop right in :D Oh btw guys my forum name says I joined recently but this is actually a new forum account :)

1. Name: Ethan
2. Nickname: Still just Ethan :p
3. IGN: StatsIV
4. Age: 12
5. Which region do you play on?: I play on US
6. What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Not quite sure what this means but I will say that I like that everybody is skilled and i can have a challenge (Not saying that I like tryhards though xP don't get that confused)
7. One embarrassing moment in your life?: Well maybe the most embarrassing moment in my life was when i was younger we had to do a play. That is not embarrassing alone but the thing is that I forgot my lines :p So that was kind of awakard xP
8. One cool fact about yourself?: I am a decent pvper and I am only 12 years old, Also I do jiujitsu-justu which I think is pretty awesome ;)
9. Which are your best friends in the Community?: I really don't play with the community much (That is kind of why I am posting this) but i guess I would just say my regular IRL friends that play this. Don't get me wrong though I would like to be well known in the community and a friend but I am not... I have been in mcsg since 2012 but still a ghost..... *Sigh*
10. When did you join MCGamer?: Like I just said earlier I joined in 2012. Some where near christmas time.
11. How did you find out about MCGamer?: Actually It was by my brother, Well what happened was that he figured out about mine craft and about 2 months later we saw the movie. But at this time I didn't know about mine craft only him. So what happened was he saw the server after getting hyped from the movie and told me about it. I then started playing mine craft. I didn't play solo or anything else. I actually only played this :) This was actually my first experience about MCGamer and now that I think of it Mine Craft. I played on his account for a while. About 2-3 months, Then I got my own again near Christmas. :) Technically I started playing earlier but only about 2-3 months earlier!
12. PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: My strength's would be sword and rod. My weakness would be Bow, Fns and maybe all of the other stuff ;)
13. What is your favorite Gamemode?: Most likely MCSG, but at times BG could be quite fun as well. But overall MCSG.
14. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Same time when I figured about MCSG around 2-3 months before christmas. But I was not playing on my account as I said and I was playing on my brothers account istead.
15. Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: Staff member hmmmmmm... I would have to say....... None :( I am sad to say this but I am not familiar with the community. Like I said I played during 2012-2015 but I still don't know the community quite well. That is why I am making this!!!! :)
16. What is your favorite SG map?: I would have to say It would be SG 4, Solar frost or the most classic map of them all...... Breeze island. Out of those 3 the ranking order would be Breeze, sg4 and then Solar frost :)
17. What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: My top goal is to be well known in the community and be a friend with a lot of people! :) 2nd I would say is become a moderator for MCSG. That would be really cool but as of right now I am too young as I am only 12 years old :( and last but not least 3rd would be................... I don't really know for this one so I would say getting good stats. Even though I don't really care about that. But that would come in at number 3 :)
18. Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: It would probably be ThatOneTomahawk :) Yes somewhat of an old one but still Enjoy his commentary when he actually uploads :)
19. What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: I would not know because I don't go on the team speak that often :( I am hoping I would know quite soon we I become more familiar with the community and more people know me :) (This is break up line so it doesn't look to cluttered with black :p )
20. What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: The beginning of it. Just the feel of MCSG I liked it :) Just took the amazing idea and the time I was in was still BETA xP :)

Thank you guys for reading all of this, If you actually did :) I hope you guys have a good day :)

And I may be recognized in the community a little bit more! :) Say Hi if you see me in a game :)
My IGN is StatsIV. Well cya Guys and Gals!


Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Hey before I introduce my self and all that, I would like to say the reason my forum name is sneakyy and many of you might not know me is because I recently switched my name to StatsIV :) Now then lets hop right in :D Oh btw guys my forum name says I joined recently but this is actually a new forum account :)

1. Name: Ethan
2. Nickname: Still just Ethan :p
3. IGN: StatsIV
4. Age: 12
5. Which region do you play on?: I play on US
6. What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Not quite sure what this means but I will say that I like that everybody is skilled and i can have a challenge (Not saying that I like tryhards though xP don't get that confused)
7. One embarrassing moment in your life?: Well maybe the most embarrassing moment in my life was when i was younger we had to do a play. That is not embarrassing alone but the thing is that I forgot my lines :p So that was kind of awakard xP
8. One cool fact about yourself?: I am a decent pvper and I am only 12 years old, Also I do jiujitsu-justu which I think is pretty awesome ;)
9. Which are your best friends in the Community?: I really don't play with the community much (That is kind of why I am posting this) but i guess I would just say my regular IRL friends that play this. Don't get me wrong though I would like to be well known in the community and a friend but I am not... I have been in mcsg since 2012 but still a ghost..... *Sigh*
10. When did you join MCGamer?: Like I just said earlier I joined in 2012. Some where near christmas time.
11. How did you find out about MCGamer?: Actually It was by my brother, Well what happened was that he figured out about mine craft and about 2 months later we saw the movie. But at this time I didn't know about mine craft only him. So what happened was he saw the server after getting hyped from the movie and told me about it. I then started playing mine craft. I didn't play solo or anything else. I actually only played this :) This was actually my first experience about MCGamer and now that I think of it Mine Craft. I played on his account for a while. About 2-3 months, Then I got my own again near Christmas. :) Technically I started playing earlier but only about 2-3 months earlier!
12. PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: My strength's would be sword and rod. My weakness would be Bow, Fns and maybe all of the other stuff ;)
13. What is your favorite Gamemode?: Most likely MCSG, but at times BG could be quite fun as well. But overall MCSG.
14. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Same time when I figured about MCSG around 2-3 months before christmas. But I was not playing on my account as I said and I was playing on my brothers account istead.
15. Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: Staff member hmmmmmm... I would have to say....... None :( I am sad to say this but I am not familiar with the community. Like I said I played during 2012-2015 but I still don't know the community quite well. That is why I am making this!!!! :)
16. What is your favorite SG map?: I would have to say It would be SG 4, Solar frost or the most classic map of them all...... Breeze island. Out of those 3 the ranking order would be Breeze, sg4 and then Solar frost :)
17. What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: My top goal is to be well known in the community and be a friend with a lot of people! :) 2nd I would say is become a moderator for MCSG. That would be really cool but as of right now I am too young as I am only 12 years old :( and last but not least 3rd would be................... I don't really know for this one so I would say getting good stats. Even though I don't really care about that. But that would come in at number 3 :)
18. Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: It would probably be ThatOneTomahawk :) Yes somewhat of an old one but still Enjoy his commentary when he actually uploads :)
19. What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: I would not know because I don't go on the team speak that often :( I am hoping I would know quite soon we I become more familiar with the community and more people know me :) (This is break up line so it doesn't look to cluttered with black :p )
20. What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: The beginning of it. Just the feel of MCSG I liked it :) Just took the amazing idea and the time I was in was still BETA xP :)

Thank you guys for reading all of this, If you actually did :) I hope you guys have a good day :)

And I may be recognized in the community a little bit more! :) Say Hi if you see me in a game :)
My IGN is StatsIV. Well cya Guys and Gals!
Lez play some time bro u sound swag

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