1. Rainzzz/Pantelex/Porridge/Forceee_ (Absolute god, he barely ever gets beaten, but when he does, he calls them a hacker so obviously he only dies to hackers, that's how pro he is).
2. Jordyy (Plays solo every single game and I have to respect him for that. I've never seen him with a team before).
3. TeeArrr (Wayyyy better than his brother, he's almost as good as Jordyy at pvp).
4. kingson/Daunter (On the forums he is suddenly a moderator tryhard but as soon as he connects to your ts, incoming dos threats for days mate).
5. MrYodesLad (His hits are so suspected of hacking that he needs to screenshare to show his 4ms to prove that his 10 block head snaps are in fact legitimate).