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Phoenix EU


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, I don't know where to start.
These two years have been, without doubt, the two best years of my life ^_^ I've made sooo many good friends during the time of Sypher and Phoenix, and I'm sure many else has as well. Yesterday was our two years anniversary, and considering no one in the clan really plays MC anymore, I think it's best to disband it.

We've had a ton of great moments in the clan, too many to mention haha.
We were the first clan to ever reach both 100 and 200 clan battle wins, which indeed is amazing.
I've also been able to meet several of the people in our family (clan) in real life too, which was pretty awesome.
I've gotten so many good friends over the past two years, friends that I just won't forget. You guys are so important to me c:

The idea of making a clan was made by KD181999 the 11th of August: He asked me if I wanted to make a clan, and I said sure. None of us thought it would stay up for more than 3 months. We named the clan TeamSypher, due to me and Kyle having a server called SypherRaids at that time. We started off great, getting a lot of members the first couple of days, for example TNTime12 who is still a part of the family. Around our 1 year anniversary, we were probably the most hated EU clan, due to us removing losses against disbanded clans on our threads, even though there was no rule against it. The clan was not alive anymore, so why would we have it up anymore? Sure the battle had been, but we didn't feel like having it up anymore.
However, let's continue. When the clan was about 3 months old, we had most likely TeamSypher's most intense clan battle ever (veterans know) against a japanese clan called TheHeroesJP, tom00117's clan. We were down 1-4 and pulled it back to 5-4. It was honestly really amazing, due to the fact that their clan was stacked with great players. Another great battle was against TheRebels (at the time of the battle Team Metro). We got demolished 1-5 but not too long after the battle, Rebels went on a break, and we got one of their great members Slasher, who then became a leader in Sypher and Phoenix at a later time.

There were a couple of difficult times in Sypher and Phoenix. In the making of Divided (A clan 4-5 of our most important players left for) and Apocalypse. That clan stole a ton of our members, min. 6 members. And those weren't just normal and trial members. Some of them were staff members in the clan. We thought the end was near after Apocalypse was made, but we were strong and kept the clan open, and eventually, they returned to the clan.

Months passed by, and we got in contact with darkrai202, became good friends of him, and he offered us to become the EU division of his clan (Phoenix), and we accepted. It was a big step for the clan. But then, just a couple of days before the official merge, TeamSypher was blacklisted for loads of bs reasons (Blacklisting: moderators can not be a part of the clan), and I was left with a choice to make: Stay in my clan or leave it and be a moderator instead. I took the most obvious choice and I resigned from mcsg. I was a moderator for a good 11 months.
We started off pretty great as Phoenix, with getting a lot of clanwar wins, and just a couple of more months later, we hit the one year mark. We all said: nah, let's wait for our 2 years birthday haha (jokingly). No one thought that would happen. We thought that would just be crazy, and where are we now? Two years after the making of the clan.
I've had some of the best moments in this clan, and I couldn't thank you guys enough. It's been an honour to keep this clan up for so long, and it has been, as said, without doubt the best two years of my life.

Ily Jack (NotCanziano)

All staff members, please keep this thread open for now, as the post is not done yet. I'm getting some veteran members to write about their experiences as well.

Messages from clan members:

Holy damn, already been 2 years, and honestly it doesn't feel like it's been too long ago since the clan even started. I can't even explain how much this clan means to me and how much it has shaped my life, both internet and real one. This clan has been my second family (With Eskild being the mother and Jack being the father), and the amount of things I've seen it go through, the amount of times that people said that it will fall apart when some members of it left, not once, and not twice, was huge. And honestly, it probably would of, had it not been led by someone like Eskild and Jack {And slasher, just being nice ok), who even with the amount of crap they got through so many people due to conflicts, still kept it going till the very last day of it.
Sometimes, you realize how one step can change your entire course of your life, and I just can't deny that this has been a huge example of what just a small, stupid application that I wrong when I was terrible at the game just did to me.
I feel like with the disband of this clan, it marks a new era in the clan community, not a bright one from my perspective, as all of the good and well known EU players who brought it amazing and memorable clans are not gone, but who knows what the current community of EU MCGamer will be able to form, maybe something good, and maybe something horsesh*t.
I thank to thank everyone who's been a part of this clan from the very first day it has started, the 12th of August 2012, until now, and to everyone else who has took part in this amazing ride,

alright lads, 2 years, who would have thought it right?
I for one did not... sorry to disappoint you on that one.
When i joined this clan on the first of January i was looking at that roster like: this clan needs a little more Ian, and i happen to have alot of it.
Be easy on me please... I was in my prime and thought i was some invincible godlike being or something alike... Time has not been kind to me. ;)
So many games, so many memories... Sadly all great things come to an end and their ashes will give space for newer roots to climb.
However i do think the hole this clan will leave can never fully be filled.
You see, this clan that is about to go did not feel like a clan where people have to be gods at pvp or get kicked. It did not feel as a CW machine. Rather just as a group of chill friends, hanging out together on teamspeak and playing the game we all loved.
I even got to meet some of you guys in London last summer. I never would have guessed!
The fact that it stood strong for so long is thanks to the persistence of one man/boy/lad Eskild. This manboylad has thought me that no matter how bad times get, no matter how many people leave your side, as long as there is still people following your cause, you can and will achieve what you want.
But like the glorious TeamSypher, my post will come to an end.
So i would want to thank everyone that has been involved in the life of this clan.
Out of the sight, not the heart.
I don't know what to say, we had a good run. I've enjoyed pretty much all the time I've spent here. We've been through both good and bad times, but mostly good. I got all my experience about clans and MCSG in general from this clan, and I would probably never stay in this community for such a long time without TeamSypher/Phoenix. I've made lots of friends throughout all the generations of this clan, and sadly I never get to speak to many of them anymore because they're gone etc.

I want to thank Eskild for letting me in his clan even though I was extremely shy and terrible at the game back then. I still remember the skype message he sent me where he told me to apply. I only had like 200 wins at the time and I only played with my real life friends. I'm so happy that the teamspeak and skype chat is still alive and active to this day.

Sorry for not making any long paragraph, not good at making those, anyways.. I'm going to mention some of the most important people I've met through this clan:

xtoyszy - One of my best friends on the internet. I talk to him everyday and we still play together wether it's CS:GO or any other game.

Eskild - The one and only lad that got me into all of this, thank you so much for what you've done.

MrExtrodinaryMr - We've had so many good laughs together, and I appreciate that. Hopefully you'll learn to speak Norwegian fluently.. and ey, never forget our all-nighters c:

NotCanziano - You were a great leader and friend to me, even though we don't talk that much together anymore. Pro cs better.. >_>

ImCeline - Probably the most mature person in our clan, you always helped us out arguing with other clans and most of the times you won your arguments with people, haha.. xD

ThiNgY | Will - Stay strong against the microwave, my friend. Thank you for carrying in clanwars. : ^ )

iTzSlash3rHD - Not exactly the most active leader, but meh.. you're a legend and pro cs player, thank you for boosting me! ^_^ kappa

TheSurvivalGamesCrew - Thank you for the op routes on TE maps! You were also apart of the OP British lineup so ya.. c:

NinjaS - Thank you for all the amazing conversations we've had on kik and on teamspeak together with Mark, and thank you for always helping me out in difficult times. Keep in touch, pls.. ;-;

zebba11 - Swedish derp.. ;p I remember our conversations on teamspeak and when we played MCSG together in clanwars and just in general.. we should play cs more often. ;_;

ianianmense - You still have the old TeamSypher skin, can't believe you've had that for so long now.. :p I remember you helped me build a 1v1 map for a server so that I could get VIP, never happened to which is a shame, thank you so much anyways.

Derpy_ - Good pvp, 10/10 imo.. ur a legend m8.. (heart)

Too many people have been in this clan to mention, but I wanna thank all of the people that have been apart of this! ^_^

Last edited:


Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, I don't know where to start.
These two years have been, without doubt, the two best years of my life ^_^ I've made sooo many good friends during the time of Sypher and Phoenix, and I'm sure many else has as well. Yesterday was our two years anniversary, and considering no one in the clan really plays MC anymore, I think it's best to disband it.

We've had a ton of great moments in the clan, too many to mention haha.
We were the first clan to ever reach both 100 and 200 clan battle wins, which indeed is amazing.
I've also been able to meet several of the people in our family (clan) in real life too, which was pretty awesome.
I've gotten so many good friends over the past two years, friends that I just won't forget. You guys are so important to me c:

The idea of making a clan was made by KD181999 the 11th of August: He asked me if I wanted to make a clan, and I said sure. None of us thought it would stay up for more than 3 months. We named the clan TeamSypher, due to me and Kyle having a server called SypherRaids at that time. We started off great, getting a lot of members the first couple of days, for example TNTime12 who is still a part of the family. Around our 1 year anniversary, we were probably the most hated EU clan, due to us removing losses against disbanded clans on our threads, even though there was no rule against it. The clan was not alive anymore, so why would we have it up anymore? Sure the battle had been, but we didn't feel like having it up anymore.
However, let's continue. When the clan was about 3 months old, we had most likely TeamSypher's most intense clan battle ever (veterans know) against a japanese clan called TheHeroesJP, tom00117's clan. We were down 1-4 and pulled it back to 5-4. It was honestly really amazing, due to the fact that their clan was stacked with great players. Another great battle was against TheRebels (at the time of the battle Team Metro). We got demolished 1-5 but not too long after the battle, Rebels went on a break, and we got one of their great members Slasher, who then became a leader in Sypher and Phoenix at a later time.

There were a couple of difficult times in Sypher and Phoenix. In the making of Divided (A clan 4-5 of our most important players left for) and Apocalypse. That clan stole a ton of our members, min. 6 members. And those weren't just normal and trial members. Some of them were staff members in the clan. We thought the end was near after Apocalypse was made, but we were strong and kept the clan open, and eventually, they returned to the clan.

Months passed by, and we got in contact with darkrai202, became good friends of him, and he offered us to become the EU division of his clan (Phoenix), and we accepted. It was a big step for the clan. But then, just a couple of days before the official merge, TeamSypher was blacklisted for loads of bs reasons (Blacklisting: moderators can not be a part of the clan), and I was left with a choice to make: Stay in my clan or leave it and be a moderator instead. I took the most obvious choice and I resigned from mcsg. I was a moderator for a good 11 months.
We started off pretty great as Phoenix, with getting a lot of clanwar wins, and just a couple of more months later, we hit the one year mark. We all said: nah, let's wait for our 2 years birthday haha (jokingly). No one thought that would happen. We thought that would just be crazy, and where are we now? Two years after the making of the clan.
I've had some of the best moments in this clan, and I couldn't thank you guys enough. It's been an honour to keep this clan up for so long, and it has been, as said, without doubt the best two years of my life.

All staff members, please keep this thread open for now, as the post is not done yet. I'm getting some veteran members to write about their experiences as well.

Messages from clan members:

Holy damn, already been 2 years, and honestly it doesn't feel like it's been too long ago since the clan even started. I can't even explain how much this clan means to me and how much it has shaped my life, both internet and real one. This clan has been my second family (With Eskild being the mother and Jack being the father), and the amount of things I've seen it go through, the amount of times that people said that it will fall apart when some members of it left, not once, and not twice, was huge. And honestly, it probably would of, had it not been led by someone like Eskild and Jack {And slasher, just being nice ok), who even with the amount of crap they got through so many people due to conflicts, still kept it going till the very last day of it.
Sometimes, you realize how one step can change your entire course of your life, and I just can't deny that this has been a huge example of what just a small, stupid application that I wrong when I was terrible at the game just did to me.
I feel like with the disband of this clan, it marks a new era in the clan community, not a bright one from my perspective, as all of the good and well known EU players who brought it amazing and memorable clans are not gone, but who knows what the current community of EU MCGamer will be able to form, maybe something good, and maybe something horsesh*t.
I thank to thank everyone who's been a part of this clan from the very first day it has started, the 12th of August 2012, until now, and to everyone else who has took part in this amazing ride,

No mention of me instant report


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, I don't know where to start.
These two years have been, without doubt, the two best years of my life ^_^ I've made sooo many good friends during the time of Sypher and Phoenix, and I'm sure many else has as well. Yesterday was our two years anniversary, and considering no one in the clan really plays MC anymore, I think it's best to disband it.

We've had a ton of great moments in the clan, too many to mention haha.
We were the first clan to ever reach both 100 and 200 clan battle wins, which indeed is amazing.
I've also been able to meet several of the people in our family (clan) in real life too, which was pretty awesome.
I've gotten so many good friends over the past two years, friends that I just won't forget. You guys are so important to me c:

The idea of making a clan was made by KD181999 the 11th of August: He asked me if I wanted to make a clan, and I said sure. None of us thought it would stay up for more than 3 months. We named the clan TeamSypher, due to me and Kyle having a server called SypherRaids at that time. We started off great, getting a lot of members the first couple of days, for example TNTime12 who is still a part of the family. Around our 1 year anniversary, we were probably the most hated EU clan, due to us removing losses against disbanded clans on our threads, even though there was no rule against it. The clan was not alive anymore, so why would we have it up anymore? Sure the battle had been, but we didn't feel like having it up anymore.
However, let's continue. When the clan was about 3 months old, we had most likely TeamSypher's most intense clan battle ever (veterans know) against a japanese clan called TheHeroesJP, tom00117's clan. We were down 1-4 and pulled it back to 5-4. It was honestly really amazing, due to the fact that their clan was stacked with great players. Another great battle was against TheRebels (at the time of the battle Team Metro). We got demolished 1-5 but not too long after the battle, Rebels went on a break, and we got one of their great members Slasher, who then became a leader in Sypher and Phoenix at a later time.

There were a couple of difficult times in Sypher and Phoenix. In the making of Divided (A clan 4-5 of our most important players left for) and Apocalypse. That clan stole a ton of our members, min. 6 members. And those weren't just normal and trial members. Some of them were staff members in the clan. We thought the end was near after Apocalypse was made, but we were strong and kept the clan open, and eventually, they returned to the clan.

Months passed by, and we got in contact with darkrai202, became good friends of him, and he offered us to become the EU division of his clan (Phoenix), and we accepted. It was a big step for the clan. But then, just a couple of days before the official merge, TeamSypher was blacklisted for loads of bs reasons (Blacklisting: moderators can not be a part of the clan), and I was left with a choice to make: Stay in my clan or leave it and be a moderator instead. I took the most obvious choice and I resigned from mcsg. I was a moderator for a good 11 months.
We started off pretty great as Phoenix, with getting a lot of clanwar wins, and just a couple of more months later, we hit the one year mark. We all said: nah, let's wait for our 2 years birthday haha (jokingly). No one thought that would happen. We thought that would just be crazy, and where are we now? Two years after the making of the clan.
I've had some of the best moments in this clan, and I couldn't thank you guys enough. It's been an honour to keep this clan up for so long, and it has been, as said, without doubt the best two years of my life.

All staff members, please keep this thread open for now, as the post is not done yet. I'm getting some veteran members to write about their experiences as well.

Messages from clan members:

Holy damn, already been 2 years, and honestly it doesn't feel like it's been too long ago since the clan even started. I can't even explain how much this clan means to me and how much it has shaped my life, both internet and real one. This clan has been my second family (With Eskild being the mother and Jack being the father), and the amount of things I've seen it go through, the amount of times that people said that it will fall apart when some members of it left, not once, and not twice, was huge. And honestly, it probably would of, had it not been led by someone like Eskild and Jack {And slasher, just being nice ok), who even with the amount of crap they got through so many people due to conflicts, still kept it going till the very last day of it.
Sometimes, you realize how one step can change your entire course of your life, and I just can't deny that this has been a huge example of what just a small, stupid application that I wrong when I was terrible at the game just did to me.
I feel like with the disband of this clan, it marks a new era in the clan community, not a bright one from my perspective, as all of the good and well known EU players who brought it amazing and memorable clans are not gone, but who knows what the current community of EU MCGamer will be able to form, maybe something good, and maybe something horsesh*t.
I thank to thank everyone who's been a part of this clan from the very first day it has started, the 12th of August 2012, until now, and to everyone else who has took part in this amazing ride,

Never really was a fan of the whole clan thing here at MCGamer, but this clan was full of some crazy people with crazy friendships, I hope y'all don't drift apart...


Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Alright, I don't know where to start.
These two years have been, without doubt, the two best years of my life ^_^ I've made sooo many good friends during the time of Sypher and Phoenix, and I'm sure many else has as well. Yesterday was our two years anniversary, and considering no one in the clan really plays MC anymore, I think it's best to disband it.

We've had a ton of great moments in the clan, too many to mention haha.
We were the first clan to ever reach both 100 and 200 clan battle wins, which indeed is amazing.
I've also been able to meet several of the people in our family (clan) in real life too, which was pretty awesome.
I've gotten so many good friends over the past two years, friends that I just won't forget. You guys are so important to me c:

The idea of making a clan was made by KD181999 the 11th of August: He asked me if I wanted to make a clan, and I said sure. None of us thought it would stay up for more than 3 months. We named the clan TeamSypher, due to me and Kyle having a server called SypherRaids at that time. We started off great, getting a lot of members the first couple of days, for example TNTime12 who is still a part of the family. Around our 1 year anniversary, we were probably the most hated EU clan, due to us removing losses against disbanded clans on our threads, even though there was no rule against it. The clan was not alive anymore, so why would we have it up anymore? Sure the battle had been, but we didn't feel like having it up anymore.
However, let's continue. When the clan was about 3 months old, we had most likely TeamSypher's most intense clan battle ever (veterans know) against a japanese clan called TheHeroesJP, tom00117's clan. We were down 1-4 and pulled it back to 5-4. It was honestly really amazing, due to the fact that their clan was stacked with great players. Another great battle was against TheRebels (at the time of the battle Team Metro). We got demolished 1-5 but not too long after the battle, Rebels went on a break, and we got one of their great members Slasher, who then became a leader in Sypher and Phoenix at a later time.

There were a couple of difficult times in Sypher and Phoenix. In the making of Divided (A clan 4-5 of our most important players left for) and Apocalypse. That clan stole a ton of our members, min. 6 members. And those weren't just normal and trial members. Some of them were staff members in the clan. We thought the end was near after Apocalypse was made, but we were strong and kept the clan open, and eventually, they returned to the clan.

Months passed by, and we got in contact with darkrai202, became good friends of him, and he offered us to become the EU division of his clan (Phoenix), and we accepted. It was a big step for the clan. But then, just a couple of days before the official merge, TeamSypher was blacklisted for loads of bs reasons (Blacklisting: moderators can not be a part of the clan), and I was left with a choice to make: Stay in my clan or leave it and be a moderator instead. I took the most obvious choice and I resigned from mcsg. I was a moderator for a good 11 months.
We started off pretty great as Phoenix, with getting a lot of clanwar wins, and just a couple of more months later, we hit the one year mark. We all said: nah, let's wait for our 2 years birthday haha (jokingly). No one thought that would happen. We thought that would just be crazy, and where are we now? Two years after the making of the clan.
I've had some of the best moments in this clan, and I couldn't thank you guys enough. It's been an honour to keep this clan up for so long, and it has been, as said, without doubt the best two years of my life.

All staff members, please keep this thread open for now, as the post is not done yet. I'm getting some veteran members to write about their experiences as well.

Messages from clan members:

Holy damn, already been 2 years, and honestly it doesn't feel like it's been too long ago since the clan even started. I can't even explain how much this clan means to me and how much it has shaped my life, both internet and real one. This clan has been my second family (With Eskild being the mother and Jack being the father), and the amount of things I've seen it go through, the amount of times that people said that it will fall apart when some members of it left, not once, and not twice, was huge. And honestly, it probably would of, had it not been led by someone like Eskild and Jack {And slasher, just being nice ok), who even with the amount of crap they got through so many people due to conflicts, still kept it going till the very last day of it.
Sometimes, you realize how one step can change your entire course of your life, and I just can't deny that this has been a huge example of what just a small, stupid application that I wrong when I was terrible at the game just did to me.
I feel like with the disband of this clan, it marks a new era in the clan community, not a bright one from my perspective, as all of the good and well known EU players who brought it amazing and memorable clans are not gone, but who knows what the current community of EU MCGamer will be able to form, maybe something good, and maybe something horsesh*t.
I thank to thank everyone who's been a part of this clan from the very first day it has started, the 12th of August 2012, until now, and to everyone else who has took part in this amazing ride,

alright lads, 2 years, who would have thought it right?
I for one did not... sorry to disappoint you on that one.
When i joined this clan on the first of January i was looking at that roster like: this clan needs a little more Ian, and i happen to have alot of it.
Be easy on me please... I was in my prime and thought i was some invincible godlike being or something alike... Time has not been kind to me. ;)
So many games, so many memories... Sadly all great things come to an end and their ashes will give space for newer roots to climb.
However i do think the hole this clan will leave can never fully be filled.
You see, this clan that is about to go did not feel like a clan where people have to be gods at pvp or get kicked. It did not feel as a CW machine. Rather just as a group of chill friends, hanging out together on teamspeak and playing the game we all loved.
I even got to meet some of you guys in London last summer. I never would have guessed!
The fact that it stood strong for so long is thanks to the persistence of one man/boy/lad Eskild. This manboylad has thought me that no matter how bad times get, no matter how many people leave your side, as long as there is still people following your cause, you can and will achieve what you want.
But like the glorious TeamSypher, my post will come to an end.
So i would want to thank everyone that has been involved in the life of this clan.
Out of the sight, not the heart.

Sad to see you guys go but I guess CSGO is stronk as Slasher said. It was an awesome friendship/rivalry relationship between you guys and TheRebels and I hope you guys make it out of silver some day, G_G

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