Axel | PlazaGames
I SAID IT FIRST .-.New rule. Everyone can have a pack but staff is main priority ;-;
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
I SAID IT FIRST .-.New rule. Everyone can have a pack but staff is main priority ;-;
When I'm on my PC I'll get a waiting list down on the thread.I SAID IT FIRST .-.
Okaymy presence on the forums is more important than any of the staff members'!!!!
well know what, i actually don't want a rp LOOLOLOLLOOLO!
I'll add you to the top of the lost with the other staff! <3IGN: GetRidaHim
Anything specific you want in the pack: The Gapple Provided... :3
Any specific colors you want used: Most of the colours from my skin excluding brown.
Anything else I should know: Nope.
Added to the top of my list :*IGN: Vestre
Anything specific you want in the pack: Nothing special
Any specific colors you want used: Hmm, black and white meeib
Anything else I should know: Make it nice :*