I would argue the complete opposite! If the corn is overpowered there is more chance a team will dominate it (you have more hands and more chance to get that awesome stuff than a solo player). Once a team take the corn its basically all over.Without the corn being powerful the games would be overrun by teams, which I hate. If all have even items teams will win almost all the time. The corn draws people to the middle and makes for an exciting game.
If better items were in the harder to reach location and in short suply there in, a solo player who gets them would have a chance against a team of more lightly armed foes camping the corn.
If the corn was the main focus for food in the whole map that would draw people there when hunger takes its tole. Plus if going to the corn gave you a good headstart thats also fine, but the best items should not be there. In the fist few minutes any weapon is very powerful as time goes on they are less so as more are found.