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Me Quittin cauze yeh

Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah so after a long thought I have decided to take a break from clans for many reasons. I have been in this community since the beginning of April 2012 so a long time I always played this game to have fun with people and I still enjoy this from time to time its just not as fun as it used to be playing this game for hours on hours actually havingcompentition. However no time in this community's history has it been perfect but there was always good parts about it. There used to be clans who played together just for fun not compentition like clan wars and just ended when they were over some of these still exist but many have faded into the past. However this is not the worst part in my opinion about this community this community used to have no hackusation or that person is a toggler part to it etc but so many people now a days are called out for cheating in the mcsg community. Yeah people are entitled to there own opinions but so many rumors are spread around about certain players even though there is no hard core proof that these people are cheating in some form or another. People legitimentally believe that I happen to be a perm banned player just because I happen to play on a surplus of alts however this is not true all the accounts I have ever had access to still have the ability to log on to the mcsg community. Another thing I was known as a toggler and this is where this thread will probably be the most interesting. I was a randy been in this community for over a year at this point playing mcsg begin have a big loseing streak this goes on for around 50 games at this point I didn't care anymore and I was told about this toggleing thing then I went and downloaded my 1st client in almost a whole year it was Nodus for 1.7 at this time I was currently in a clan called Alpha and I began to toggle on ca because of how easily I could get away with it. The i found itsghostmc in a game and i was with my friend Chatter/Chatterbox what ever you want to call him so i went onto rivals ts and played on there from time to time and after a while I applied however I was never really active the time I played was usally on ca toggling and then when I did go play in Rivals v3 i would be legit and use nothing I was never bad persay I just really wasn't that decent. So after I was kicked from Rivals I went and applied to Trespire and i knew the hacking thing didn't help I learned about things called macros sometime around this point and began to use em I've had macros on my mouse for a long time until 1.8 came around and it didn't help by getting a boat load of hits so I was kinda bad for a large period of time carrying randy clans here and there always leaving or haveing them disband. Then I found this hacked client metro and look at this hacked client more intensially this made me realize 1.8 wasn't based around the speed than rather the timeing the hits so I basically got my skill from 1.8 by learning how to pvp like a hacker yeah that didn't help my rep and it got horrible it kinda sucked for me but I don't really care I mean meh at this point. So when 1.7 came back I went back to it and my macroing however when I applied for rivasl I realized it wouldn't be good if I had so many unlegitiment things on my computer so i got rid of all my hacked clients and other things includeing my macros that gave me a legit advantage the only one I kept was the ones on my keyboard to say little phrases. So yeah I hacked back then macroed back then but I take extreme offense to people that accused me when i was actually legit. Now time to mention people.

BossErwyn123 been friends with you over a year gl bud
cf918 thanks for running Rivals I got to meet alot of new people and enjoyed my time in the clan if I ever come back i'm sure i'll be back to Rivals but in till that time win clan wars for me atleast
Atu Evermore when me and evil are gone you have to keep the 8 block alive
Foopy your one of the coolest and most goofiest people in this community rip even though I haven't talked to you in a long time keep makeing dem foopy clans
Leafed Hokama thanks for makeing amnesty it was my favorite clan i was ever in and it had a good run
Frezzy thanks for introducing me to trove my dude best game right now

Yeah so pecae guys see when I came back if I do -Redstone


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah so after a long thought I have decided to take a break from clans for many reasons. I have been in this community since the beginning of April 2012 so a long time I always played this game to have fun with people and I still enjoy this from time to time its just not as fun as it used to be playing this game for hours on hours actually havingcompentition. However no time in this community's history has it been perfect but there was always good parts about it. There used to be clans who played together just for fun not compentition like clan wars and just ended when they were over some of these still exist but many have faded into the past. However this is not the worst part in my opinion about this community this community used to have no hackusation or that person is a toggler part to it etc but so many people now a days are called out for cheating in the mcsg community. Yeah people are entitled to there own opinions but so many rumors are spread around about certain players even though there is no hard core proof that these people are cheating in some form or another. People legitimentally believe that I happen to be a perm banned player just because I happen to play on a surplus of alts however this is not true all the accounts I have ever had access to still have the ability to log on to the mcsg community. Another thing I was known as a toggler and this is where this thread will probably be the most interesting. I was a randy been in this community for over a year at this point playing mcsg begin have a big loseing streak this goes on for around 50 games at this point I didn't care anymore and I was told about this toggleing thing then I went and downloaded my 1st client in almost a whole year it was Nodus for 1.7 at this time I was currently in a clan called Alpha and I began to toggle on ca because of how easily I could get away with it. The i found itsghostmc in a game and i was with my friend Chatter/Chatterbox what ever you want to call him so i went onto rivals ts and played on there from time to time and after a while I applied however I was never really active the time I played was usally on ca toggling and then when I did go play in Rivals v3 i would be legit and use nothing I was never bad persay I just really wasn't that decent. So after I was kicked from Rivals I went and applied to Trespire and i knew the hacking thing didn't help I learned about things called macros sometime around this point and began to use em I've had macros on my mouse for a long time until 1.8 came around and it didn't help by getting a boat load of hits so I was kinda bad for a large period of time carrying randy clans here and there always leaving or haveing them disband. Then I found this hacked client metro and look at this hacked client more intensially this made me realize 1.8 wasn't based around the speed than rather the timeing the hits so I basically got my skill from 1.8 by learning how to pvp like a hacker yeah that didn't help my rep and it got horrible it kinda sucked for me but I don't really care I mean meh at this point. So when 1.7 came back I went back to it and my macroing however when I applied for rivasl I realized it wouldn't be good if I had so many unlegitiment things on my computer so i got rid of all my hacked clients and other things includeing my macros that gave me a legit advantage the only one I kept was the ones on my keyboard to say little phrases. So yeah I hacked back then macroed back then but I take extreme offense to people that accused me when i was actually legit. Now time to mention people.

BossErwyn123 been friends with you over a year gl bud
cf918 thanks for running Rivals I got to meet alot of new people and enjoyed my time in the clan if I ever come back i'm sure i'll be back to Rivals but in till that time win clan wars for me atleast
Atu Evermore when me and evil are gone you have to keep the 8 block alive
Foopy your one of the coolest and most goofiest people in this community rip even though I haven't talked to you in a long time keep makeing dem foopy clans
Leafed Hokama thanks for makeing amnesty it was my favorite clan i was ever in and it had a good run
Frezzy thanks for introducing me to trove my dude best game right now

Yeah so pecae guys see when I came back if I do -Redstone
So many people leaving, it is so sad, but people have a life to continue on with. I hope your time here was worth it, have a good one.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
So many people leaving, so many people cheating. It's truly a disappointment.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
We played hide and seek together I believe. You may have been good, but I was the legend. Anyway, good luck in life.

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