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Quik's Goodbye


Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
Well mcsg is starting to get boring. ive been here for 2+ years. I think its time to quit.

_Ziggurat_ Hey ratboy, we just became friends like 2-3 weeks ago and youre really chill and you have had my back this whole time. thanks for being a good friend ratboy. :)

RockyRobin1922 Rocky we have been friends since i first started playing mcsg. ill never forget how i met you ahha, but anyways gl in life rocky and ill miss you :) if you ever need me. you have my number and my skype im always here for you.

Tyler Tyler, we've been friends for a month or two and you have been really cool the whole time, we've been in arguements a couple times but were cool now so it doesnt matter. Gl with your clan man.

SkitThePsyco Heroes n Generals dude??? lol. Every time we play mcsg i give you the fat 20 hearts with my fist. Get better. jk ily bud

Aardvarkfart Hey Bacca. your the biggest randy ik but its ok because your the coolest randy on mcsg. msg me on skype soon kid.

rokonrob Hey spencer, you were one of the only people to still talk to me from X after it disbanded, thanks for that man, msg me on skype if you need someone to talk to. and listen to your dad (lol)

crits I can pvp you so easily its not even funny

OO7 Hey buddy, i miss you man, good luck in whatever youre gunna do with your life man, you can make it far bud. Best pvper

GoldNova3 LOL ill miss u kid

Kinify Im sorry man, i hope you can forgive me. cya

Liftedx_x Deigo. we were like really good friends for about 8 months. i got you into X, and when it disbanded you took there side. ill miss you man.

SkillsAtPvP AAahah ima miss talking trash to you man. jk dude. cya

DeviantHydro You dont have a forum acc, but you were one of my first friends on mcsg and you just randomly quit without tellling me. lmao ill miss v1 days when it was me you and rocky, if somehow you see this then ill miss you bud.

SuperKyleFTW Hahah hey dude if you see this you were really chill, gl in life kid.

Silently Youre a garbage pvper. jk dude. your really funny dude, ahah and ill miss you. i remember when you were in X you kept the bench warm for us all the 2 times we cbed. ty for that

Wow i forgot to put Yannick in for Best mod, anyways You were my favorite mod on mcsg and We were in the presidential games together, gl on mcsg buddy

Ima stop right there, if i put any more there would be like 500 people. Cya mcsg, probably wont be coming back.
Last edited:


Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
wtf is with all of invincidoss squad leaving

anyways bye quik, you were a chill guy and ur really funny + good at pvp !

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