Cool event, guys!
Unfortunately I will not be able to participate, for personal reasons. :/
Unfortunately I will not be able to participate, for personal reasons. :/
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Hey there! Glad your interested in applying for this event, but, as it is said on the thread, you have to send a private message to Etos , if you are having trouble to do so, I am here to help or the rest of the staff teamIn-game username?: itsbeny
Which region would you prefer to play this event on?: AU or US doesn't really matter.
Which team would you prefer to be on, Runners, Hunters, or do you not care?: Runners
Are you able to get on MCGamer's TeamSpeak?: Yes.
How good are you at the Minecraft PvP? (1-10): 9-10.
If needed, who would your replacement be?: itstomy
I itsbeny, agree to all the rules found below and if I chose not to follow any of them that I may be disqualified and/or muted/banned from the MCGamer network.
Great, hope to see you there!Sounds like fun! i'll be applying!
ripThis sounds like something I'd be good at. Too bad I'll be on vacation...
It's 6 AM at my place and I'm still on MCGamer soooo.. I'll probably be there.Considering the event is at 8 p.m. EST, don't expect many EU players