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The Rebels (AU Division)

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Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Overturned. Application pending.
Wait why... >.>

If it's about rumors of him hacking, I can turn it down straight away. Abco is a really good player, I've seen him play while sharing screens,


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Wait why... >.>

If it's about rumors of him hacking, I can turn it down straight away. Abco is a really good player, I've seen him play while sharing screens,
abco doesn't hack i've killing him lots , just saying


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: 123abco
Age: 12
Donor: None
Wins: 76
Got Skype/TS: Yes
Skype name (PM me or my co-leaders if you don't want to post it) the123abco
Got a mic: Yes. :3
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Pretty often
PvP Strengths: Bow fights, sword fights, water fights.
PvP Weaknesses: Shovel fights
You cool?: Very cool. ;3
Best puppy picture: ()O..O()
Accepted! Welcome to the clan!


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
No no, what I meant he was banned for hacking (as in Nodus). But somehow, he got unbanned.
You seem to have a personal vendetta against him. He's such a sweet little guy. And he records videos, so you should simply give up. He's a funny and very focused, gameplay oriented player, and I can tell because Ive spent many hours on Skype with him, with screen sharing. He was banned because of crap evidence, and I got him unbanned because after I slowed down and color corrected the footage (it was over-exposed and sped up for some reason), it was obvious that it was just lag. Here's what I sent in to the admins to prove my point:
"Finally here. Well, here's the deal. I know mark because of skype and clan teaming, and if you ask me, he is the type of guy that would ban or at least upload any evidence (good of bad) he has on that player if he gets killed by him. He did take the video down, as abco mentioned, because he agreed to my comment and too my advice that this indeed was not hacks. Im no mod, but the fact that he could not land a hit on abco at <1 block range could simply be the result of a random lag spike. I took this one personally, actually, and downloaded the video myself, slowing it down to the right speed because it was sped up for some reason. I tracked the movements of both of the players and I instantly noticed that abco was landing hits where, on mark's screen, he was about 2 seconds ago. I deducted by myself that this was simply a case of lag, that because he was being hit from where he was about 2 seconds ago. Eg: They are facing each other. Mark then runs past abco and tries to hit him from behind. He cannot land any hits, and is taking damage from abco swinging at the very spot where he was 2-3 seconds ago. He runs past abco once more and attempts the same strategy, but because of this (in my opinion) sudden ping issued lag, abco was appearing to hit him from behind (when on abco's screen he actually is in front of him, probably lagged out at this point) until death occurs. Furthermore, abco has just been starting to record for his youtube channel, based around the whole of MCSG. I record videos myself, actually, and it is really ridiculous when someone poses hacking accusations to me. My verdict is that abco doesn't hack. And don't get me wrong, this opinion of mine is not biased at all! When I first saw the video, I was thinking 'Jesus abco, how could you be a hacker!', but after color correcting and slowing down the footage on my own software, I could tell that something fishy was going on the connection side, and what mostly gave it away was mark's inability to hit abco at a very close range. I used to get lag a lot myself before starting my MCSG youtube channel myself, and I was getting stuff like that hourly. I hope that's a good enough argument. I have had so many great games with abco, and he's such a sweet little guy he wouldn't do something like that!
Hoping for the best.
- Dragon."
As mentioned, when I did all my research and editing again. To hit someone, you follow them with your cursor if they are running to land a hit. I tracked the hits taken and realized the abco was simply swinging and hitting mark by following his location, as usual. The thing is, he was killing him by swinging at the place where he was 2 seconds ago. Furthermore, the fact that mark could not hit him back straight on at a <1 block range meant that in reality, his entity (character) was lagging about 2 seconds behind. On abco's screen, he was indeed 2 seconds behind, and was winning the fight this way. I used to get the same lag myself, and I thought everyone where hackers, until I carefully analyzed my footage like I did with this one. This is how I know and have experience on that kind of stuff.


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Gpdragon99 has been promoted to full member.

Shanwkong and damoisawesome have not made the clan.


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: DayBreak_27
Age: 15
Donor: No
Wins: 333
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me or my co-leaders if you don't want to post it)flipsideneb
Got a mic: Blue Yeti
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: A lot
PvP Strengths: Blocking hitting or water pvp
PvP Weaknesses: Lag kills me
You cool?: No Good, Sherlock
Best puppy picture:http://cutestuff.co/2012/03/sleeping-derp-puppy/


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: DayBreak_27
Age: 15
Donor: No
Wins: 333
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me or my co-leaders if you don't want to post it)flipsideneb
Got a mic: Blue Yeti
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: A lot
PvP Strengths: Blocking hitting or water pvp
PvP Weaknesses: Lag kills me
You cool?: No Good, Sherlock
Best puppy picture:http://cutestuff.co/2012/03/sleeping-derp-puppy/
Yay, daybreak applied :)
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