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Congrats to Our Newest Administrators! [UPDATED]


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score

"Unfortunately, our friend Eldritch has decided to step down from his position. Looking on the bright side, however, Chad and Col have found yet another local Admin to come in and assist the team! Let's all welcome nrob19 to both the community and staff family!

I felt like I'd bring back this thread as to not exclude Nrob from all the hype, given he was hired a week or so after everything bubbled over, and because I haven't necessarily seen a formal introduction of him yet."

Staff, do not hesitate to yet again edit in your congratulations/welcome messages to this thread, and if Nrob himself would like to stick a little introduction in at the top, he is more than welcome!


Ever since April I have made it a tradition to write up congratulation threads for new trial groups/promotion groups within the staff team. Thrice then since we have seen new promotions, each followed by a thread of this nature. It is time to carry on the tradition and send yet another wave of congratulations to our newest batch of fresh meat.

This promotion push features three new Administrators! Vanicle | Vanessa, Ear_Is_Here, and Nephilim.

Van: If I have a problem that needs to be fixed, you're my number one go-to for the job. Not only do you care about the well being of the community and staff team, but you are willing and able to effectively make change when it is needed. Where would we be without you?

Eldr/Ear_Is_Here: I have never had the pleasure of meeting you personally, however if Col. trusts you with such a job, I will do the same. Just from seeing you around the few posts you've made, I see you as both a person with a valuable character and who will fit well with our community. It shall be a pleasure working with you.

Neph: My man Neph, whoa. I don't know many others who can say one of their waiting buddies is a freaking admin?! I'm proud to call you a friend, even though timezones and outside conflicts prevent us from spending much time together. You are also extremely hard working and caring, therefore I have no doubts you will do an amazing job in this new position.


As always, staff members may edit in messages here or post them on the thread; and community members are more than welcome to join the festivities!

Congrats once more, friends.
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Congratulations to you three! I bet you'll all do great in your roles and I'm interested to see how you'll influence the community with your new roles.


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