Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Your donor is appearing on US, EU, and AU right now. If you've just joined Canada, your donor will be updated within the next 6 hours.My donor hasn't transferred...
When are you gonna start streaming again? ;( we miss you Chad....We are going to start upgrading our system with the newest updates to everything (Our SG plugin, bukkit, NoCheatPlus + working config, new lobby, new donation account system, and other back-end security updates). This will take some time and will only be done 1 physical server at a time. Check back here for updates for any large amount of servers being down.
US: Done!
EU: Done!
CA: Done!
AU: Done!
Network donation (US, EU, CA and AU): Transferred!
Update: Updates have been finished! Note that all current donors have "network donor" now and can log in with their rank in any location!
Your texture pack is probably outdated.I like the upgrades you are planning. One question though. For some reason when I uploaded my last skin (before the one I currently use), it showed this pumpkin fire thingy as my avatar when I went to use my skin as my avatar. Then I uploaded a new skin, and it wouldn't change, any suggestions?