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Guide Reporting Players


Jun 27, 2015
Reaction score
Hey guys! It's Jackson/xDownfall here and today I will be showing you how to correctly report a player.

Whether the player is hacking, spamming, repeating abusive/hateful comments, or joining with an inappropriate skin, they need to be reported and dealt with!

That is why I am here today. I see so many players asking in chat to report a hacker or abusive player, You can direct them here to show them how to correctly report the abusive player :)

1. The first thing that you want to do when reporting a player is make sure to gain some valid and quality proof of the abuse. Video proof is needed if you would like to report a hacker, while photo proof can be used for abusive skins/comments or spamming.

2. After you have gained quality proof of the abuse you will need to go to the MCGamer forums and create a profile if you have not done so already.

3. Once you have your profile created, go to the Report Abuse section of the forums located -=[HERE]=-

4. The next step is to find the Abuse Report template found -=[HERE]=- and copy the template onto your clipboard.

5. Almost done! Then, you want to hit that "Post Thread" button on the lower right part of the forum.

6. Once you have opened the new thread maker, you can name your thread "{abusive player name} Abuse Report".

7. Paste the Abuse Report template into the body of your new thread and fill out the information regarding the abuse. Look -=[HERE]=- for a guide on how to fill out your Abuse Report.

8. Finally, when you are finished with your report, post the thread and a Staff member will look at it as soon as they can! Be patient!

I hope this helps a lot of players, especially newer ones. The MCGamer Network appreciates your effort to make sure every player is having a good time!

See you all later!


May 21, 2015
Reaction score
Thankyou for providing the community with such a helpful thread! However, you forgot to mention that players can also report abusive members of the community with the /report command. I'll now give you a little run down on that.

The /report command is extremely helpful if you do not have a recording software. Here is a simple guide I have constructed for new/not so new members of the community.
  1. When you see someone committing any of the following acts in chat be sure to use the /report command? Take a look here. The acts that /report covers are Harassment, Inappropriate language, spam, advertising, revealing personal information, hacking, inappropriate skins and anything else you can think of.
  2. Once you know the basics, how do you go about your report? Well, as you can see in the image below, there are numbers next to each of the possible offences. For example if I were to report CaptainSparklez for hacking, then I would type /report CaptainSparklez 6 Fly hacks on AU.
  3. After I have successfully reported the suspect, is my duty complete? Absolutely! After submitting your report, a Moderator is alerted and will be on the case within minutes. So you are effectively notifying staff when reporting a user via this command.
  4. Whilst it may be true that reporting users on the forums is more practical due to the evidence side of things, /report is no worse. The fact that members of staff have the potential to see the User committing the offence gives this method the edge.
I hope this post helped a little bit, I was just trying to expand off of what xDownfall mentioned in his thread. Hope this helped!


Jun 27, 2015
Reaction score
Thankyou for providing the community with such a helpful thread! However, you forgot to mention that players can also report abusive members of the community with the /report command. I'll now give you a little run down on that.

The /report command is extremely helpful if you do not have a recording software. Here is a simple guide I have constructed for new/not so new members of the community.
  1. When you see someone committing any of the following acts in chat be sure to use the /report command? Take a look here. The acts that /report covers are Harassment, Inappropriate language, spam, advertising, revealing personal information, hacking, inappropriate skins and anything else you can think of.
  2. Once you know the basics, how do you go about your report? Well, as you can see in the image below, there are numbers next to each of the possible offences. For example if I were to report CaptainSparklez for hacking, then I would type /report CaptainSparklez 6 Fly hacks on AU.
  3. After I have successfully reported the suspect, is my duty complete? Absolutely! After submitting your report, a Moderator is alerted and will be on the case within minutes. So you are effectively notifying staff when reporting a user via this command.
  4. Whilst it may be true that reporting users on the forums is more practical due to the evidence side of things, /report is no worse. The fact that members of staff have the potential to see the User committing the offence gives this method the edge.
I hope this post helped a little bit, I was just trying to expand off of what xDownfall mentioned in his thread. Hope this helped!
Thanks :) Sorry I forgot about in game commands.


May 21, 2015
Reaction score
hello chatni here some of u guys might remember me from back in the year 2012 or 2013 i used to be a moderator its been a wile so i thort i would stop by and say hi
P.S sorry about the spelling/grammer
Thanks :) Sorry I forgot about in game commands.
Hello again! Just dropping in to remind you that double posting is actually against the rules here on MCGamer. So in the future please try and remember to avoid doing that. Just edit your last post, like this.


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