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Turkish MCGamer Community - Türk MCGamer Topluluğu.

Aug 22, 2014
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Hi everybody! Today I wanna talk about Turkish community. You may know, Im Turkish aswell. Nowadays I've been seeing a lot of people trying to be mods. But its not working like you help somebody and you get mod. And also I've been seeing a lot of resigns on staff team, why is this? Maybe they lost their motivation I understand but why its that much? Because MCSG/MCGamer is losing its position. Firstly Im not offending on sr.staff or something. Thank you Devs for coding a great server. Whatever Im talking about community so don't say hatefull stuff. Some people here hate Turkish people because of they are teaming so much. Like 'Turk olan' or something like that. Please guys not all of us do that. And we are not Arabs. Most of us are muslims such as me. But we are not arabs. People please don't call us like that. I saw so much kids. Hacking, teaming, using auto clicker. I know you guys hate us because of this. But give Turkish community a chance. You may like us. And lets go on with this 'Mod Thing'. As you know we have only three mods. And they are Holiday BerkayDG and IlkEfsane . And we have some 'upcoming mods' they are
NovaPunch and XecutionerHD first good luck guys. And dont be scared!
Whatever. I know that MCGN needs Turkish mods. But its not only english. People should think like I can help this server and stuff like that. But nowadays I've been seeing people like [Upcoming mod] and they havent applied yet. Lol. They dont know anything. This is not a kindergarden. Most of us are bored about that. Espically my best friends. Not giving names they know themselves. And the other side of the Turkish Community 'People who are not trying anything'. People say that MCSG doest have a anti cheat plugin. As berkay said in his video minecraft is a Java supported game or whatsoever. Its hard to make a great anti cheat plugin. And devs dont want to get people banned for lag. So they will wait untill minecraft comes out of java probably. The only thing you turkish people who cuss to admins and devs is reporting. Dont think that they are not going to see it. If you do so many reports you have a chance to get a iron rank as I know. Please dont think that your english is bad or Sr.staff is not going to care about you. Look at levi_the_potato . He is really close to sr.staff because of what he did. He always acted as a mod than Chad gave him VIP. You can do that aswell! Why not? Whatever the last thing I want to say I and my good friends are getting bored of this community. We help people and gain nothing. We just wanna make community better. I want this community to reborn I'd like to call. So much Sr.'s are resigning. And mods too. We need mods but please apply of you know what to do. As I said this community is not a kindergarden. And special thanks to
BerkayDG Holiday for being great mods!
And JLioner , charliewolves , for helping Turkish community and acting as a Turkish person.
Aziz_PvP and Enes_Pvp for helping Turkish community.
Also special thanks to NovaPunch for not being cocky as a big youtuber and being one of my best friends and helping community (Good luck with being mod)
Thanks to DeagleHDMC for being my good friend, helping me out, and helping community.
Good luck to XecutionerHD with his interview.
And thanks to you, devs. For coding MCGamer.
thank you ChadTheDJ for making a great community.
thanks to sr.staff and all of the mods for moderating servers great!
And thank you guys for being good people. This comes to all of you.
Lets try to like Turkish community, ok? And lets try to reborn our community better! Make it a better place! No-Hackers and no arguements! Its not all about wins and PvP guys.


yusa kurkcu
Aug 18, 2014
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  1. I am from Turkey and i think MCgamer try hard about the hackers


Aug 20, 2012
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It's because the internet is filled with a bunch of racially insensitive immature pubescent teenagers that can't control their mouths or emotions, hence the rude comments toward people of a certain group or niche.


May 29, 2015
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It's because the internet is filled with a bunch of racially insensitive immature pubescent teenagers that can't control their mouths or emotions, hence the rude comments toward people of a certain group or niche.
try playing eu regularly



Sep 10, 2014
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Ceroria is right.It is about us, not because of them.Like it or not we ruined this community.There are a lots of kids playing younger than 12, who doesn't know what respect is.Keyboard bullies etc etc.This can be fixed.But they need someone to lead them.They don't know what to do.

Within that, does nationality matter that much? Turks aren't guilty, they just don't know what to do.This is a dead end.There is only one way to fix this issue.Someone needs to stop creating Hacked Clients, then we can secure the peace.


Jun 15, 2014
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It's because the internet is filled with a bunch of racially insensitive immature pubescent teenagers that can't control their mouths or emotions, hence the rude comments toward people of a certain group or niche.
As Exult said, try playing EU regularly. You will see turks hacking, turks random teaming only because they live in the same country and speak the same language. They wouldn't be so hated if they wouldn't ruin other people's games.
Imagine if you did really good in a game, got stacked, killed a lot of people and then deathmatch starts and you rekt the turk that you were fighting. Then he asks the third guy if he speaks turkish and if he does then they team on you simply because you're too good for that kiddo. You still can win though, but it's much harder.

Not trying to be racist, but it's the truth. There are some turks are actually quite nice.


Mar 19, 2013
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There are quite a few people who are racist towards Turkish people on the servers yet, believe it or not, this stems from the very people they are abusing. Many Turkish people only speak Turkish and do not communicate with English speakers, this alienates people like me and many others who would rather everyone be able to communicate efficiently and kindly. The other thing that needs to be solved is that for example in death-match: there are two Turkish people and one English speaker, the Turkish people team simply because they speak the same language and are of the same ethnicity. That is blatant racism. Obviously this does happen the other way around, yet nowhere near to the same degree.

This brings me on to the chat, the one thing that annoys me the most. Anyone who logs into the EU hub can see that it is out of control, mostly Turkish people are spamming, ranging from server advertisement to just repeating the same incoherent messages all the time. This really does need to be sorted out.

I pose this question to the Turkish people MCSG: If you constantly joined servers which were 60% full of English speakers, who team together simply because they are of the same ethnicity, would you not express some degree of anger or hatred?

I am trying to be racist or stereotype in any way yet I apologise if I came across that way. I can personally testify, that having visited Turkey 3 times, that the people are very kind and considerate. I don't know why this is not the case on MCSG, perhaps to do with the anonymity that hiding behind a screen provides, yet this is something we are all guilty of once in awhile.

I have already been in full support of an Eastern European server. The Turkish people have such a large community of gamers that in games such as LoL, they even have their own region. I believe that this will solve the issue yet it is most likely too expensive or not economically viable to even consider. Yet, is this a long term solution to the alienation and racism? No, to put it shortly.

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