Hey guys!
I would like to hear your opinions on a command, which would make it possible to find a specific map to play on.
It is often the case, that you want to play on a specific map, but just can't find it, and then spend 10 minutes or even longer to search for a server with that map in the voting list.
This could work as follows:
Commands for the SG Mini Hub:
/joinmap - gives a list of all maps.
(To prevent errors, for example when someone tries to do /joinmap Par 72 instead of Par72, or simply doesn't know the correct spelling anymore.)
/joinmap Par72 - joins a Lobby, which has Par72 as 1 of the 5 pickable maps.
(Maybe even the lobby with the highest amount of votes for that Map, at that point of time - possible donor poke ( as this server might be full already)? )
/watchmap - gives a list of all maps.
/watchmap SG:Adrenaline - joins a running game on the map SG:Adrenaline
Hm, well something around that.
Thanks for your opinions and ideas!
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