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Dengel's mcsg story

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David | Dengel

Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
Just to clear things up in not quiting this is just my mcsg journey so far

So it all started with my new pc
A Asus laptop (which i still use)
I instantly went to pvp and joined hypixel where i met a guy called Ralph who doesnt play mcsg and only played hypixel. I never talked to him after i went on mcsg

When i joined mcsg with my hypixel skill i saw the level of mcsg and found it very amusing (joined the server in november 2013) I got my first win at 60 games played at that point i got better learned playing with the rod and beat decent players when i had a 1/15 ratio i was really proud of myself (220/3000) then i joined a clan called #DutchEmpire i met one of the best Dutch players in there called Laurens laurenscs and Ryan RyanShooterApply after a while DutchEmpire disbanned and i had to go on with mcsg.

I wanted to join a English clan called Temptation at this point i had a 1/12 ratio that clan bassicly made me this player who i am now because of Paz a.k.a WhiteXMas and drewritchie11 2 of the most nicest people i ever met and teached me how to play cws and communicate. Temptation died after a while and disbanned at this moment i had a 1/12 ratio and was way better then before. After that RuffyPlayzMC made another clan called Penetration that wasnt that good as Temptation but still a really Nice clan and after a while it disbanned.

Then i met Dr_Woofies a really good and Nice Dutch player togheter with BlueStyledGamer the 2 nicest guys i have ever been friends with and always Will be. They made a clan called Puglife and never knew them before. I joined their clan and the first day we fought Phoenix Eskild | Xero we lost 5-2 but it was the most intense cw i've ever played back then and got pumped to play more
After half a year i think the first Puglife disbanned R.I.P

Then I saw the clan called Retro seriously the best clan i've ever been part of at this moment i had 1/11 and everyone knew me as a randy (im still a randy but not as much as before) i got accepted and showed my skill to Jake jdennis2000 one of my best mates in this community who quit mcsg since today he saw my skill and talent and promoted me to elite after that i improved even more i got a 1/9 ratio and more and more people knew me. In Retro there was this Nice Guy called demetzeu the nicest Romanion person ever in mcsg :) and he still is i met Tobi Huzandrix and after a while i got leader in Retro togheter with BlueStyledGamer after a while Retro disbanned and i had to Search for a new clan.

Then puglifereborn was made but not as succesfull as the first one since mathijsmattie123 and xExplore werent in there and disbanned after some weeks

At that point i took a break of clans and played solo to get better and got a 1/8 ratio with Nearly 5000 games played. Then i joined alot of differnt clans : Convicted And alot of other randy clans.

Then i made my own clan called Excalibur where i met my old friend again xZiire @mylilfony10 aka Alex he helped me with making threads. Making a good TS and just win cw's with us in general it just lasted for 2 weeks but it was alot of fun

At this point i made a new clan called Intrepid togheter with Hungerz (who still has the weirdest profile picture) and it got really succesfull we had Mantas and Beaver and were properly one of the most active and best clan in EU (No cockyness involved) we beat alot of good clans and after 4 months of Intrepid we disbanned with 29 wins and 3 losses i was very proud of myself being a leader from a top EU clan.

This was my story
Last edited:


May 12, 2015
Reaction score
Just to clear things up in not quiting this is just my mcsg journey so far

So it all started with my new pc
A Asus laptop (which i still use)
I instantly went to pvp and joined hypixel where i met a guy called Ralph who doesnt play mcsg and only played hypixel. I never talked to him after i went on mcsg

When i joined mcsg with my hypixel skill i saw the level of mcsg and found it very amusing (joined the server in november 2013) I got my first win at 60 games played at that point i got better learned playing with the rod and beat decent players when i had a 1/15 ratio i was really proud of myself (220/3000) then i joined a clan called #DutchEmpire i met one of the best Dutch players in there called Laurens laurenscs and Ryan RyanShooterApply after a while DutchEmpire disbanned and i had to go on with mcsg.

I wanted to join a English clan called Temptation at this point i had a 1/12 ratio that clan bassicly made me this player who i am now because of Paz a.k.a WhiteXMas and drewritchie11 2 of the most nicest people i ever met and teached me how to play cws and communicate. Temptation died after a while and disbanned at this moment i had a 1/12 ratio and was way better then before. After that RuffyPlayzMC made another clan called Penetration that wasnt that good as Temptation but still a really Nice clan and after a while it disbanned.

Then i met Dr_Woofies a really good and Nice Dutch player togheter with BlueStyledGamer the 2 nicest guys i have ever been friends with and always Will be. They made a clan called Puglife and never knew them before. I joined their clan and the first day we fought Phoenix Eskild | Xero we lost 5-2 but it was the most intense cw i've ever played back then and got pumped to play more
After half a year i think the first Puglife disbanned R.I.P

Then I saw the clan called Retro seriously the best clan i've ever been part of at this moment i had 1/11 and everyone knew me as a randy (im still a randy but not as much as before) i got accepted and showed my skill to Jake jdennis2000 one of my best mates in this community who quit mcsg since today he saw my skill and talent and promoted me to elite after that i improved even more i got a 1/9 ratio and more and more people knew me. In Retro there was this Nice Guy called demetzeu the nicest Romanion person ever in mcsg :) and he still is i met Tobi Huzandrix and after a while i got leader in Retro togheter with BlueStyledGamer after a while Retro disbanned and i had to Search for a new clan.

Then puglifereborn was made but not as succesfull as the first one since mathijsmattie123 and xExplore werent in there and disbanned after some weeks

At that point i took a break of clans and played solo to get better and got a 1/8 ratio with Nearly 5000 games played. Then i joined alot of differnt clans : Convicted And alot of other randy clans.

Then i made my own clan called Excalibur where i met my old friend again xZiire @mylilfony10 aka Alex he helped me with making threads. Making a good TS and just win cw's with us in general it just lasted for 2 weeks but it was alot of fun

At this point i made a new clan called Intrepid togheter with Hungerz (who still has the weirdest profile picture) and it got really succesfull we had Mantas and Beaver and were properly one of the most active and best clan in EU (No cockyness involved) we beat alot of good clans and after 4 months of Intrepid we disbanned with 29 wins and 3 losses i was very proud of myself being a leader from a top EU clan.

This was my story
Rip Intrepid , it didn't have to go this way.
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