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My Time Has Come


Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
Hey guys so many of the ca players viewing this right now will know me as my old ign: DoY0uevenStrafe.

Let me start off with a little background.

DoY0uEvenStrafe was not my first account, i was not the First "DoYouEven" and i am not ibeat (someone thought i was)

mcsg brought me the best memories of my minecraft career. getting well known as a good pvper, reaching almost 500 wins, and gettimg known not just as a good pvper but a role model in the ca community to some people. most people knew me as a tryhard, a ping abuser (which i cant say i wasnt at times) and a nice person.

my main goal of mcsg was accomplished to be recognized in the community.

i even got a little known on my alts which was a big surprise so here is the list of them

HookedMethane. now known as Triqae
Qincxi. now known as JustStrafed
mgto9919 now known as Skylaaaaa

i think i got everything out of the way that i wanted to so here is my mcsg story

The first day i logged onto mcsg i was known as mgto9919. i didnt know what strafing was and i was the biggest bajan fanboy ever. i remember the first day of mcsg i played around 150 games and won only once. i thought i was a god. then after i realized that i was actually trash i started learning how to pvp from different people on youtube. The next month or two i dont really remember. then one night i was playing and someone asked if anyone had skype, this person turned into DoYouEvenSnipe (i wont list his old ign's because i dont know if he wants me to tell them) but anyway, being the noob that i was i said i do so i told him my skype, we instantly became friends and we used to play alot together. then that summer while at camp i had a friend that had been going to that camp the same time as me for about 3 years. one day i asked him if he played minecraft and he said yes, that night we called each other and played the fridge (now you are seeing how long ago this was) this person would turn out to be DoYouEvenSprint (the king of ca for about a year, hehe)
after that i introduced Snipe and Sprint to eachother (who at the time had different ign's) and we became friends. At that time we would run around ca in a 3 team all day. We all were still pretty bad at this point. After about 3 months and several new accounts later we were known as the three "DoYouEven's". we were all pretty good at the game at this point so we were pretty much unstoppable. we then made our first clan "Team Recon" at this point in time there were 3 other people into our little group and those three people at the time were known as Jaybombs2010, J_KIM00 and wb1314. yes, if you put the pieces together, i run around ca in a 6 team almost all the time. then after a few months of everything being perfect things got bad, i got into fights with J_KIM00, Jaybombs2010 and wb1314. we hated each other (well not the three people i got into fights with but i hated the threee people and they hated me). That is about the time i started tryharding ca. at that time i had around 25 ping so i could get insane hits. this is in the summer going into grade 9. early in the summer i met a boy on tsg2 (dont ask how i remember) but anyway he asked me to "Spare Me" so i said "ok". later that day i saw him in another game (this is at the time ca only had 25 servers) so he asked me to skype and me being bored out of my mind i said yes. again another instant friendship. alot of my fond memories of mcsg that summer came with him everything from hitting 200 wins to gettting full diamond on tsg2. at this point i had made a few new friends like zarmax, crazycarla, jonjayman and michellefoop. this is about the time i started racking up wins like crazy (i.e 10-20 a day) and on weekends even up to 40. so ya i no-lifed mcsg. then all my friends started quiting and i was sad. so what did i do? of course. tryharded. i basically tryharded for 5 months straight. then came christmas when i realized that i wasnt really getting anything out of tryharding so i stopped play mcsg almost entirely.

This is as far as i can go with out stating thing that happend 2 months ago.

it has been a great 2 years on mcsg and i well cherish all the wonderful moments on the server.

now i have to give shoutouts to my great friends


its been a great 2 years

Good bye



Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Peace. Im sure you were a GREAT addition to community.

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys so many of the ca players viewing this right now will know me as my old ign: DoY0uevenStrafe.

Let me start off with a little background.

DoY0uEvenStrafe was not my first account, i was not the First "DoYouEven" and i am not ibeat (someone thought i was)

mcsg brought me the best memories of my minecraft career. getting well known as a good pvper, reaching almost 500 wins, and gettimg known not just as a good pvper but a role model in the ca community to some people. most people knew me as a tryhard, a ping abuser (which i cant say i wasnt at times) and a nice person.

my main goal of mcsg was accomplished to be recognized in the community.

i even got a little known on my alts which was a big surprise so here is the list of them

HookedMethane. now known as Triqae
Qincxi. now known as JustStrafed
mgto9919 now known as Skylaaaaa

i think i got everything out of the way that i wanted to so here is my mcsg story

The first day i logged onto mcsg i was known as mgto9919. i didnt know what strafing was and i was the biggest bajan fanboy ever. i remember the first day of mcsg i played around 150 games and won only once. i thought i was a god. then after i realized that i was actually trash i started learning how to pvp from different people on youtube. The next month or two i dont really remember. then one night i was playing and someone asked if anyone had skype, this person turned into DoYouEvenSnipe (i wont list his old ign's because i dont know if he wants me to tell them) but anyway, being the noob that i was i said i do so i told him my skype, we instantly became friends and we used to play alot together. then that summer while at camp i had a friend that had been going to that camp the same time as me for about 3 years. one day i asked him if he played minecraft and he said yes, that night we called each other and played the fridge (now you are seeing how long ago this was) this person would turn out to be DoYouEvenSprint (the king of ca for about a year, hehe)
after that i introduced Snipe and Sprint to eachother (who at the time had different ign's) and we became friends. At that time we would run around ca in a 3 team all day. We all were still pretty bad at this point. After about 3 months and several new accounts later we were known as the three "DoYouEven's". we were all pretty good at the game at this point so we were pretty much unstoppable. we then made our first clan "Team Recon" at this point in time there were 3 other people into our little group and those three people at the time were known as Jaybombs2010, J_KIM00 and wb1314. yes, if you put the pieces together, i run around ca in a 6 team almost all the time. then after a few months of everything being perfect things got bad, i got into fights with J_KIM00, Jaybombs2010 and wb1314. we hated each other (well not the three people i got into fights with but i hated the threee people and they hated me). That is about the time i started tryharding ca. at that time i had around 25 ping so i could get insane hits. this is in the summer going into grade 9. early in the summer i met a boy on tsg2 (dont ask how i remember) but anyway he asked me to "Spare Me" so i said "ok". later that day i saw him in another game (this is at the time ca only had 25 servers) so he asked me to skype and me being bored out of my mind i said yes. again another instant friendship. alot of my fond memories of mcsg that summer came with him everything from hitting 200 wins to gettting full diamond on tsg2. at this point i had made a few new friends like zarmax, crazycarla, jonjayman and michellefoop. this is about the time i started racking up wins like crazy (i.e 10-20 a day) and on weekends even up to 40. so ya i no-lifed mcsg. then all my friends started quiting and i was sad. so what did i do? of course. tryharded. i basically tryharded for 5 months straight. then came christmas when i realized that i wasnt really getting anything out of tryharding so i stopped play mcsg almost entirely.

This is as far as i can go with out stating thing that happend 2 months ago.

it has been a great 2 years on mcsg and i well cherish all the wonderful moments on the server.

now i have to give shoutouts to my great friends


its been a great 2 years

Good bye

I remember seeing you in games awhile back! Goodbye and goodluck!


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
I hope you had some good moments while you played MCSG :)

Good luck with your future!


Jan 25, 2015
Reaction score
It's so sad to see you go. Always remember that if you ever want to come back, MCGamer will always be here. :)
Goodbye and good luck on everything that life may throw your way. I wish you the best.


May 13, 2015
Reaction score
lol i feel sorry for you PlusHD peasant

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