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Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
Hello, I'm going to be talking about censorship within the MCGamer community. I'm going to try and abide by the rules as best I can, and keep witch-hunting to a minimum by omitting all names.

Yesterday, as many of you know, there were a large volume of "Coming out" threads posted to this sub-forum. A majority of them were created for the purpose of trolling but on one of the more serious ones there was a debate on gay rights and whether people should 'come out'. I voiced my own opinion in reply to a moderator's post. The post wasn't breaking any of the rules, and I even made a point at the bottom that it doesn't break any rules, should anyone believe it does. Another moderator replied to me, telling me that my post breaks no rules, and that nobody should tell me it does.

Not even a minute later, the moderator that I originally replied to had removed my post and asked the other moderator to remove his post. No rules were broken by either post, all we did was voice our own opinions on the subject.

Now, I've spoken to this moderator before on social media. They act the same way; they believe their opinion is 'correct' and nobody should be allowed to disagree with it. I have been blocked by this person on another network for disagreeing with some claims they made and asking for factual evidence. They value personal experiences and beliefs over evidence and the beliefs of others, which would be fine if they didn't impose these beliefs onto others and censor content which challenges their opinion.

So, why are moderators allowed to remove content purely because they don't believe it's true? Are we not free to post our own opinions as long as we are not forcing them onto others?

No rules were broken, yet my content was removed because a moderator has a different opinion to me. This isn't the first time this moderator, or other moderators, have censored content they don't believe in. This isn't right.


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
I understand what you're saying but it must be really difficult to actually come out and be open about your sexuality when you have kept it a secret for so long.

Also, If your post didn't break any rules then it shouldn't have been removed but the mod must have thought it did, for example disrespecting others or starting flame (that being said i don't know what your post said). Even if you disagree, mods are trying their best and you should try and respect their opinions :)

I think people have every right to 'come out' and i think it's really nice to see people accepting who they are and not being afraid to hide it.


Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
I understand what you're saying but it must be really difficult to actually come out and be open about your sexuality when you have kept it a secret for so long.

Also, If your post didn't break any rules then it shouldn't have been removed but the mod must have thought it did, for example disrespecting others or starting flame (that being said i don't know what your post said). Even if you disagree, mods are trying their best and you should try and respect their opinions :)

I think people have every right to 'come out' and i think it's really nice to see people accepting who they are and not being afraid to hide it.
I'm happy to see people coming out, that's not what this post is about. My post wasn't breaking the rules, one of the most experienced mods on this server told me it wasn't. This post isn't really about the content of the removed post, but rather the fact it was censored because another mod didn't agree with my opinion.


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'm happy to see people coming out, that's not what this post is about. My post wasn't breaking the rules, one of the most experienced mods on this server told me it wasn't breaking any rules. This post isn't really about the content of the removed post, but rather the fact it was censored because another mod didn't agree with my opinion.
If you thought a mod was abusing their powers you can always report them. What I'm trying to say is even though you and a mod thought it was fine, other people/another mod could find it disrespectful. People can interpret things in different ways. c:


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
It's alright dude, it won't mean any harm. But if your opinion didn't break any rules than I don't understand them removing the comment. Also this person blocked you on a another network and he is staff on here? He probably had something against you tbh.


Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
If you thought a mod was abusing their powers you can always report them. What I'm trying to say is even though you and a mod thought it was fine, other people/another mod could find it disrespectful. People can interpret things in different ways. c:
I understand that, but her opinion was just as polarized as mine. The fact that she's a mod shouldn't allow her to say what she likes whilst removing posts that she doesn't.

It's alright dude, it won't mean any harm. But if your opinion didn't break any rules than I don't understand them removing the comment. Also this person blocked you on a another network and he is staff on here? He probably had something against you tbh.
It's a her, and that's what I mean; they shouldn't be allowed to remove content that they don't agree with unless it breaks the rules. I've seen them do this before to other people, so I don't believe it's a personal thing.
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Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, the post you made on that thread was deemed inappropriate for a few reasons.
First off, it was being quite homophobic, saying things along the lines of "Being gay isn't normal. No matter how you try to justify it, that is pretty much the definition of homophobia.
The reason a post like that would be removed is not a matter of opinion at all. The fact is, in a community like ours, we want people to feel supported regardless of their race, age, or sexuality. As you have doubtlessly seen, there a lot of people who are being really honest, and open with tons of people, and those people who come out need to feel supported by us, as they have trusted us with something that might be quite big for them.

I'm going to lock this thread now. If you have any questions, or you would like to continue this discussion in a PM, please don't hesitate to send me a message.
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