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The Rebels (AU Division)

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District 13
Aug 9, 2012
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I have a few questions as this is the first time Im in or in any other contact with a clan.
101: Are we required to team with people in the clan at all times? If so, then can we not team with other people? If not, what is the point of being in a clan?
(Darkrai)202: What exactly are "Clan Wars"? Nick talked to me briefly about this, but I do not understand how this could happen in a survival games match.
303: Why are we called the rebels o_O? And what's up with all the cute puppies? (My eyes are bleeding)
1. Yes you are required to team with these people in the clan. You can team with others if it is ok like if you're recording or whatever.

2. Well, say the Butter Clan for example, they're another AU clan. Sometimes we will muck around and have a team vs team game (that's why we prefer people with donor and seeing as global donor is coming out it will be much better)

3. The rebels started with Zeno wanting to make a clan and he started in US so it was a US clan. Gaga then asked him about expanding the clan to AU, and more people have been interested in the Rebels from AU then EU.

Don't dis DemPuppies bro, Zeno loves puppies even though he doesn't own one. He believes he is the dog whisperer of some kind.


Sep 4, 2012
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1. Yes you are required to team with these people in the clan. You can team with others if it is ok like if you're recording or whatever.

2. Well, say the Butter Clan for example, they're another AU clan. Sometimes we will muck around and have a team vs team game (that's why we prefer people with donor and seeing as global donor is coming out it will be much better)

3. The rebels started with Zeno wanting to make a clan and he started in US so it was a US clan. Gaga then asked him about expanding the clan to AU, and more people have been interested in the Rebels from AU then EU.

Don't dis DemPuppies bro, Zeno loves puppies even though he doesn't own one. He believes he is the dog whisperer of some kind.
Alright. This is making more sense now. The only thing that needs clarification for me personally so far is 'global donor'. I was not able to buy donor myself because of the fact that I am not allowed to buy anything online (even though Im 16, sigh), but I think that I will soon just simply buy a prepaid credit card to get it (and hell, for the amount I play and the fact that I record on here should be a valid enough answer to spend 10 bucks a month). If it grows to be a rather important thing to help the clan in the future, then I will have to wash away the laziness and get it.
P.S: Im not dissing'em puppies. I'm just saying that I can't handle so much cuteness in a single day after going around slicing rather blocky people up in a rather blocky environment :D


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Alright. This is making more sense now. The only thing that needs clarification for me personally so far is 'global donor'. I was not able to buy donor myself because of the fact that I am not allowed to buy anything online (even though Im 16, sigh), but I think that I will soon just simply buy a prepaid credit card to get it (and hell, for the amount I play and the fact that I record on here should be a valid enough answer to spend 10 bucks a month). If it grows to be a rather important thing to help the clan in the future, then I will have to wash away the laziness and get it.
P.S: Im not dissing'em puppies. I'm just saying that I can't handle so much cuteness in a single day after going around slicing rather blocky people up in a rather blocky environment :D
Its my derpy dog isn't it ;)
Screen shot 2012-12-25 at 7.57.27 PM.png


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Alright. This is making more sense now. The only thing that needs clarification for me personally so far is 'global donor'. I was not able to buy donor myself because of the fact that I am not allowed to buy anything online (even though Im 16, sigh), but I think that I will soon just simply buy a prepaid credit card to get it (and hell, for the amount I play and the fact that I record on here should be a valid enough answer to spend 10 bucks a month). If it grows to be a rather important thing to help the clan in the future, then I will have to wash away the laziness and get it.
P.S: Im not dissing'em puppies. I'm just saying that I can't handle so much cuteness in a single day after going around slicing rather blocky people up in a rather blocky environment :D
Global donor I'm pretty sure will be implemented at the start of the new year, this allows players who have donated to one region donate to all for the same cost.

Eg. Zeno has Iron donor, he wants to play a game on AU with us, his donor perk allows him to have donor on any region, even though he originally donated for US.

You kinda get it?


Sep 4, 2012
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Global donor I'm pretty sure will be implemented at the start of the new year, this allows players who have donated to one region donate to all for the same cost.

Eg. Zeno has Iron donor, he wants to play a game on AU with us, his donor perk allows him to have donor on any region, even though he originally donated for US.

You kinda get it?
Ohhhhh. Right. I get it bro :)


Sep 4, 2012
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In my opinion, I think that because we are (obviously :D) aiming to be #1 clan in the AU servers, you should make the requirements (in wins) greater. Of course, I am not one to talk (only been part of this for a day), but I see that it is somewhat strategic as the MCSG total stat reset will cause a setback and people will (maybe) be striving to get to those 60 wins. And since I just learned from kind Jake that we indeed have to team with people in the clan, I think that there should only be a limited number of spots in the clan (Cause usually, Im in a game with devilic, darkrai, kytria and sometimes tomo/lewilmon), just so we dont get a 5 man team of people all in the top 30 at once. But I'll stop here. I'm not the leader of this clan. Dont want people to think Im bossing around :D

My next point is that I personally think there should be a spot in the current lobby which we all should meet before the game, simply to know who in 'The Rebels" is on the server at the same time. It's not necessary, but I think can bring some sort of organization to the clan and it's members.

I've ALSO just had a fantasy day-dream. These are, in my opinion, some pretty good suggestions if any major update to the SG plugin is to be scheduled. I think that when stats are reset, there should be a slot in your stats which indicates which clan you are in, making this whole clan/team thing a little more official. When people type /records, they see (Clan name: Eg. The Rebels [AU DIVISION]), or something along those lines. What would be even more awesome would be that a if a person belonging to a clan would spot another in the same clan, their name would appear green, or blue for example. However, someone belonging to a different clan (eg. The Butter Clan) was to be spotted, their name would appear red, indicating a High Value Target :D. Any other random players not taking part of any clan, though, would have his/her name appear white and would see everyone else's as white, too. I think this kind of color coding has the potential to really beef up the competitive aspect of the game, leading to more rare events like clan wars etc. In the future. It also makes people think more about joining any clan, as they can only be part of one. (I really personally do not see the point in participating in more than 1 anyway, cause then you can't kill anyone!)

Those are just some suggestions from my part. Zeno or Jake, you can choose to ignore this if you want, simply because I know I seem a bit picky. The reason for this random surge of suggestions and tactics is because I'm a really competitive guy and wanna make my clan proud :D.

And here's a picture of a puppy, just to get your attention:


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
In my opinion, I think that because we are (obviously :D) aiming to be #1 clan in the AU servers, you should make the requirements (in wins) greater. Of course, I am not one to talk (only been part of this for a day), but I see that it is somewhat strategic as the MCSG total stat reset will cause a setback and people will (maybe) be striving to get to those 60 wins. And since I just learned from kind Jake that we indeed have to team with people in the clan, I think that there should only be a limited number of spots in the clan (Cause usually, Im in a game with devilic, darkrai, kytria and sometimes tomo/lewilmon), just so we dont get a 5 man team of people all in the top 30 at once. But I'll stop here. I'm not the leader of this clan. Dont want people to think Im bossing around :D

My next point is that I personally think there should be a spot in the current lobby which we all should meet before the game, simply to know who in 'The Rebels" is on the server at the same time. It's not necessary, but I think can bring some sort of organization to the clan and it's members.

I've ALSO just had a fantasy day-dream. These are, in my opinion, some pretty good suggestions if any major update to the SG plugin is to be scheduled. I think that when stats are reset, there should be a slot in your stats which indicates which clan you are in, making this whole clan/team thing a little more official. When people type /records, they see (Clan name: Eg. The Rebels [AU DIVISION]), or something along those lines. What would be even more awesome would be that a if a person belonging to a clan would spot another in the same clan, their name would appear green, or blue for example. However, someone belonging to a different clan (eg. The Butter Clan) was to be spotted, their name would appear red, indicating a High Value Target :D. Any other random players not taking part of any clan, though, would have his/her name appear white and would see everyone else's as white, too. I think this kind of color coding has the potential to really beef up the competitive aspect of the game, leading to more rare events like clan wars etc. In the future. It also makes people think more about joining any clan, as they can only be part of one. (I really personally do not see the point in participating in more than 1 anyway, cause then you can't kill anyone!)

Those are just some suggestions from my part. Zeno or Jake, you can choose to ignore this if you want, simply because I know I seem a bit picky. The reason for this random surge of suggestions and tactics is because I'm a really competitive guy and wanna make my clan proud :D.

And here's a picture of a puppy, just to get your attention:View attachment 5811
With the requirements of 60 wins, yes it will be higher because the AU people the top 100 is like 70 wins?
But the US have like a requirement 100 wins because of the fact you have to have at least 130 - 140 to be in the top 100.
And for the Elite the reason why ours is 150 and the US' is 200 is because if you put 200 for elite in AU then that means LeWilmon or higher and that's not much people.

With the joining up somewhere in the lobby is not really necessary. Unless if you want to find them in the lobby then you can.

So you're thinking of having a code that shows what clan you're in?
I would personally have to say no. Because clans and teaming can change quite regularly, this meaning a lot of work for the developers just code people's names and un-code them. This is because some people leave clans, get kicked or disband.
Its not something I think we really need.

But amazing questions though.

Edit: This is what subv3rsion (MCSG Developer) said about the new leaderboards.

"Just to clarify immediately, WE WILL NOT BE RESETING THE LEADERBOARDS. More information will be available soon about the new leaderboards, or it may just be included with the news on Jan. 1st.

So no one will be striving for the 60 wins the it's New Years, they will be striving to get the new amount that will possibly implemented into the AU clan.

PS. I told Zeno about your channel. XD


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
:O huh! You made a grammatical mistake there you may want to correct that.
Should be Zeno and I have this. c:
This pains me so much... ;(


I never ever ever used 'I' right. Never.


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Well.. Most of you would of heard of a thing called Friends Overlay mod. I'm pretty sure you can make clans on there and once people join there is a clan chat. I think Butter clan might use it.
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