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MCGamer Forums V3.


Mar 15, 2015
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So as a prominent member of the forum community, I am going to suggest some updates that can be included in a patch, or a new version of the MCG forums. I hope the developers can seriously consider these but I understand if not :3

One - Default Font.
Many of you know that me and many other forumers use Arial in most of our posts. This is unfortunately not the default font, and forces us to have to click on it over and over in every post which gets very annoying. I think that like in-game the /cc &? could set your default chat color, you could set your default font. People could keep the original or have the other few fonts to chose from to be defaulted.

Two - Rank Toggle.
As I go on the forums more I find an interest in different forum ranks. Sometimes I feel like having my in game Platinum rank, but sometimes I wish I could have my default Peacekeeper rank. There should be a button in your edit profile section that could toggle this on/off. It wouldnt be between different in game ranks, or staff ranks but instead it would toggle off your given rank (Staff, donor, vip ETC.) to your default rank. You would still have to email [email protected] to get your donor rank, but once you receive it you may toggle it on/off depending on your mood.

Three - Forum Staff.
The MCGamer staff are very stretched between moderating In-Game, TeamSpeak, and the Forums. I think there should be a certain group of people that would be deemed the forum staff. They would have the current moderator permissions but only on the forums. The in-game staff would be defaulted to Moderator which would also have those permissions, but if they asked an Admin, or Sr. Mod they could receive the Forum staff rank as well. It would also let regular players/forumers have the ability to moderate the forums as well.

~ More To Come ~


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
One - Default Font.
Good idea. I would personalize my font, but it's just a pain.
Two - Rank Toggle.
Nice. I also wish I could change my rank back to older ones.
Three - Forum Staff.
I think this would be a little unnecessary. There are always mods on the forums, the Teamspeak, or the server.

As a mod, you can do all of these things, so getting the mod rank requires you to be decent with all of them. If you divide up the staff, you end up with ranks that are too easy to get, too abused to work, or too powerless to function on their own. If the mods stretch themselves between the places, then it can be hectic, but if we introduced sub-ranks, we'd see less moderators on each one, since they would resign and go to the forum staff, and then that mod loses interest or sense of duty for other types. That's how I feel, but maybe it could work out.


Nov 24, 2013
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First off most members aren't really concerned about the type of font they use. Though I'm not saying I wouldn't like your idea.

Dividing the staff would just make it 10x more complicated. A separate application would be most likely be needed if it was added. Which is also double the work.

If I was a mod I'd like it if I could have more room to moderate and perform my duties instead of being tied to a single area.


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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I like all your ideas except for the last one. Being a moderator is a job that commits you to in-game, ts, and the forums. Say that we just have a moderator for each types of those and not all of it in general, it would be so much less organized in my opinion. There's mods everywhere on the forums so that issue wouldn't be a big problem.


Jan 22, 2014
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The thing about being mod is, you're not only handling the threads, you're also answering report-abuses. Having the "FORUM-STAFF" will be quite pointless, and in my opinion, will complicate things quite a lot :)


Aug 20, 2012
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I'd personally love to see the default font implemented, in fact I tried to make a push for it a while back, but nothing came of it. I like typing in Arial font because it's just more pleasing to my eyes in my opinion and it's different than the bland Georgia default font.

As for forum moderators, this has been brought up in the past. The only users that will be allowed to moderate any of our platforms are actual moderators. We may in the future create a system for certain moderators to have more permission than regular mods for forum issues, but if that is to come it will most likely be a ways from now as we have more pressing issues to deal with.

I do like these suggestions, however. They're very insightful and could benefit us in the long run, good job!


Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
I'd personally love to see the default font implemented, in fact I tried to make a push for it a while back, but nothing came of it. I like typing in Arial font because it's just more pleasing to my eyes in my opinion and it's different than the bland Georgia default font.

As for forum moderators, this has been brought up in the past. The only users that will be allowed to moderate any of our platforms are actual moderators. We may in the future create a system for certain moderators to have more permission than regular mods for forum issues, but if that is to come it will most likely be a ways from now as we have more pressing issues to deal with.

I do like these suggestions, however. They're very insightful and could benefit us in the long run, good job!
me too!


Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
I think they should add Comic Sans MS as a default font!!1!!11!! xddddd

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