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Staff Treble_Maker07 - Meet the staff


Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
I've been a mod for a while and still haven't done this, but better late then never right :p

First name:
IGN(s): treble_maker07
Nickname(s): treble, trebs, lyss?
Age: 17
Region: Australia

One Cool Fact:
I've met 5 of the best online friends ever
One Embarrassing Fact: I've tripped up stairs???
One Fact that makes you proud: I got 5 gold medals for school SIS Athletics
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I'm not actually all about that bass.
Most Common question you get asked: Are you all about that bass? no treble... haha

Favourite Animal: Kangaroo
Favourite Plant: Eucalyptus trees
Favourite Colour: Orange
Favourite Food: Pasta
Biggest Pet Peeve: When people make fun of others, trying to be funny.
Astrological Sign: Aries
Personal Catchphrase: Life is like a camera, focus on whats important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out... take another shot

Heard about MCG by: My Sister
Ever Bring someone to MCG: Yep
First friend in the community: hazza72 (as well as Ryan and Suzie <3)
MCG role-model: Vanicle because she's always there for me, very nice and hard working. Is someone that no one could dislike because she's just so amazing and kind to everyone. Even though I may be annoying at times, she's stuck by my side as a best friend and I really look up to her.
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Becoming a Staff member, if i hadn't I wouldn't of met majority of the people that are my best friends today. So I'm very lucky to have gotten this chance to meet them, and still hold friendships with them after these long months :)
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: hmmm i guess chad

Call me maybe? No
Do you team in game: Yep because I'm bad at the game
Have you been backstabbed: Yep
Ever Broken a bone: Yep (when I was 18 months old I might add)
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: A bird
Personal Skills: I don't really see myself as someone with that much skill, I mean, opinionated isn't a skill, but I guess I can hold an argument. But that's not a skill. I can run kinda fast idk .-.

Computer specs: umm... what?
Computer operating system: umm... mac?
Program I use to record: Quicktime Player cause I'm cool

Favourite movie: Harry Potter
Favourite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: I like a lot of different kinds. (But look up the "teamspeak 3 song" it's pretty fab)
Favourite game (other than Minecraft): I don't play any other games, which is really sad. I used to like club penguin?? haha
Favourite character from fiction: Winnie the Pooh

What does a fox say? No
Terrified of: Spiders, sharks, snakes, stingrays, a lot of things starting with S
Personal website: umm... what?
Favorite website (Other than these forums): TWITTER
Dream job: Paramedic
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I'm a checkout chick, and MCG mod :p
Favourite thing about the community: The People. Because we wouldn't have a community without them. And they're the people that make my day, most of the time so yeh. The People.

When I am online: Usually after school and on weekend (AEST)
Previous moderating experience: Nope
Been a member of staff since: October 19th 2014
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): Survival games
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: To become friends with as many people as possible, and welcome as many new people to the community and staff team with a helpful hand. But yeh, mostly just becoming friends with as many people as I can, because from experience I know that the best people out there can be from places thousands of kilometres away. And I can't wait to meet as many of them as I can :)
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Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Your phrase urmygurd love it!
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Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
One more thing, exlain how you tripped up the stairs?

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
OMG YAS! You finally made one of these! Ilysm Alyssa <3 and I actually lol-ed at a bunch of these answers xD

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