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Staff Chrstian - Meet the Staff!


Feb 14, 2014
Reaction score
AMA that's appropriate, that's not already found here!

First name:

IGN(s): Chrstian (Yes, the omission of the first "i" is intentional). My previous IGN was "whiteipad2". :p

Nickname(s): I have no nicknames...

Age: I'm 14 years of age.

Region: US is my primary. However, if you need assistance on another region, don't hesitate to ask me! I'm terrible at SG, so ping and all that doesn't matter for me :p

One Cool Fact: Erm. I taught myself to player guitar, I guess. I'm also a nerd, as I'm told.

One Embarrassing Fact: During my interview for Moderator, I spilled my water all over my shorts. Not only did it look like I soiled myself, but I sat in wet shorts for almost my whole interview.

One Fact that makes you proud: IRL I'm usually the go-to person for everybody's tech problems, when my dad isn't around.

One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I taught myself to play guitar, and I use to play the flute.

Most Common question you get asked: (It use to be this, at least) Why are you racist? Why don't you like Black iPad 2's?

Favorite Animal: Cats

Favorite Color:
Deep blue

Favorite Food: Don't ever ask me this. If it tastes good, then it's always my favorite.

Biggest Pet Peeve: I honestly have too much to think of. However, one of my biggest one is English grammar mistakes (only for those who are native speakers. I'm completely fine with it for those or non-native speakers, as it's completely understandable.), especially the "your" variations. Your = You are signifying that something belongs to whoever you are saying this to. You're = you are. However, I usually try not to point this out, as many people find it rude when done so :)

Astrological Sign:

Personal Catchphrase: "Fantastic!" and, "It's/I'm not a ___, It's/I'm a ___. Do your research." (Doctor Who and Sherlock, anyone?)

Heard about MCG by: By the chat of one of those "hundreds-of-players" DIY SG chats.

Ever Bring someone to MCG: None of my few IRL friends play MC on the computer, sadly!

First friend in the community:
I can't remember, as I've had a couple - Jodimo , Sebastian , Equalitee and Giggity69Goo just to name a few! (Please don't kill me if I've forgotten you)

MCG role-model:
Each and every member of the Staff team.

Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Again, I've taught myself guitar. I don't know if this counts, but I'm more competent at technology than the average human.

Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: I'd still, in the end, beat him. Even if he does beat me up, I've still got law enforcement to charge him for assaulting a minor :p

Call me maybe? Before you came in to my life I missed you sooo bad. I missed you sooo bad. I missed you sooo bad. I missed you soo soo bad.

Do you team in game: Yeah, quite a bit!

Have you been backstabbed: Sebastian Giggity69Goo :mad:

Ever Broken a bone:
I've fractured my wrist, however I've never fully broken one.

Would you rather be a fish or a bird?:
Depends on what kind of bird/fish.

Personal Skills: Guitar, technology, taking in information easily, memory, reading body language.

Computer specs: I don't feel like getting all the part numbers, etc. All I can call off the top of my head is a GeForce GT640, AMD-FX6300(or something like that) 6-core 3.4GHz, and 8 GB of ram. Also two 128GB SSD's.

Computer operating system: I don't game too much, so I use Ubuntu 15.04. The rest I do in a Virtual Box usually. However, I could put Windows 10 on a hard drive somewhat fast, if I needed it for whatever reason.

Program I use to record: SimpleScreenRecorder

Favorite movie: I have no idea.

Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer:
Ed Sheeran is amazing <3

Favorite game (other than Minecraft):
I don't game too heavily, however, it'd definitely be the Portal series!

Favorite character from fiction:
Oh goodness, way too many to list. I read a lot.

What does a fox say?

Terrified of:
I hate a lot of bugs/flying/crawling spawns of satan.

Personal website:
Currently working on a blog. I'll keep you posted!

Favorite website (Other than these forums):

Dream job:
Anything that makes good money and lets me be happy.

What job you currently are doing, or plan to do:
Again, anything that makes good money and lets me be happy, as I have no current job.

Favorite thing about the community:
The variety of places we're all from. Sure, we all know that there are different people on the other side of the globe. But actually interacting and talking with them is really eye-opening, and quite awesome.

When I am online: Whenever I'm able to, when I have no other responsibilities to attend to :)

Previous moderating experience: I was a previous MCGamer Moderator.

Been a member of staff since: (For my current position here) May 6, 2015.

Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc):
Mainly the SG Hubs and games :)

Personal goal(s) as a staff member: One of my goals is obviously to rid the community of hackers, rule breakers, etc. However, I want to increase communication between the Staff team and community. I don't want myself or any of the Staff team look like scary monsters or anything. I just want myself and the Staff team to look like regular people who just so happen to be able to help you with any problems you may have :)
Last edited:


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
lmao spelled ur name wrong in the title <3


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
You are pretty bad at SG :p

Nonetheless, welcome back to the staff team! I look forward to working with you. :D

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