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To the (depressed) People on MCGamer


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
(Note: this is a reupload of a thread I posted in early 2014 on another server + a few extra notes at the end. So no, I am not stealing someone else's work.)

"Alright, I've noticed this a lot lately, and it's bothering me a fair bit. I finally decided it's time to post this and let my feelings be known.

Lately, I've noticed a few status messages and public posts regarding topics such as depression and suicide. This has not been a one-time occurance from one person, I've seen it on a daily basis from many people. On that note, I am not attacking anyone here, or attempting to hate on anyone. That being said, on with the thread.

As I've said, these posts have been quite bothersome for me lately, and I'm sure many other people. Suicide and depression obviously isn't a good thing, and probably isn't something you would go and discuss in public. I can (fully) understand why you might come online and talk about your feelings here: maybe this is the only place you can really 'let loose' and just talk about it, or maybe it is another reason. Whatever the case, I think it needs to stop.

I don't have a heart of stone; I totally feel bad for these depressed people. However, public posts on the forums are not the place for it. Not everyone can help you, not everyone knows how to react, and sadly enough, not everyone cares. I know this is harsh, but it's the truth. It's the internet, anyone can say anything, and they are hidden between bits and pieces of code and a computer screen. Anyone can pretend to be someone they aren't, and it isn't hard for people to shift their attitude a bit online. Besides that, posting it publicly has many negative repercussions. As I said, anyone can say anything. One negative comment from a troll, and your mindset is destroyed. It doesn't matter how many nice comments you get; one negative comment can really shatter your mood. While these rash comments are rare, I have seen them posted. They aren't completely foreign.

All of this is not to stop you from venting a bit. While I'd prefer that these scenarios be completely removed from the community in general, I understand that it may not be possible or really all that good, especially for the people who come online to escape from the hassles of reality and need to 'unwind' or vent a bit. Please, if you are depressed, don't express it publicly. While you may be looking for help, we can't truly help you. A large chunk of the community is probably in their early teenage years (13-15), and haven't actually experienced many of the bitter sides of life yet. Many people could claim to have knowledge about it, but really have no idea how to help you. There is a 'PM' feature on the forums. Feel free to invite some friends and talk with them. Not everyone can help, and besides, one negative comment can do a lot.

If you are depressed, get real help. There are qualified people who took special courses to help people such as yourself; use them! It's 100% confidential (they aren't going to go on Facebook and ridicule your issues). Talk with your parents as well. They care about you. (If your problem is your parents abuse you, then it may be wise to skip this idea). I'm no qualified professional, but it makes sense to me to seek help from people who can actually deliver sound, quality advice over the latter.

This is the end of my rant. Again, not attacking anyone or trying to flame anyone. I respect everyone and their issues, but this thread is really trying to inspire change and potentially help those who need it."

With all this being said, I'd just like to elucidate a bit.

I'm not trying to call anyone out for anything, I'm not trying to generalize a group of people for any reason, and I'm not trying to conjure a negative reaction from said group of people. What I am trying to do, however, is just inform said group of people that by posting your story of depression on a public forum that you may just end up falling into hot water.

This is MCGamer, after all, and let's be fair here: there are far too many children here. At the time I posted this on another server, the issue wasn't as bad in terms of how often this stuff was posted, and also in terms of how the community as a whole reacted to such threads. I will admit - I am surprised by the general reaction I've been seeing thus far. I've been impressed by such a kind minority who goes through these threads and offer hope and kind words in exchange for little else. It really is quite nice to see.

However, this isn't all to say that such a trend needs to continue. At this point, it's a waiting game as to when someone comes and bashes, flames, or ridicules one of these threads or the publisher of said thread. It will definitely happen eventually, and deleting the post really won't solve the problem. Minor censorship can't really undo what (may or may not be) done, and in this case (a suicidal/depressed person asking for help on the forums, or a suicidal/depressed person posting their story), it truly won't help, especially if the publisher or another depressed person(s) sees the message. If anyone here is depressed, I'm quite sure they can vouch that one small negative message can really hurt. Of course, positive messages are also amazing to see, yet negative messages can also sting a fair bit and cause a lot of problems.

In the long run, I see it as beneficial to just simply try and close off this avenue of threads and stories. I have no problems with something along the likes of,

"I joined MCGamer on (...). I have struggled with depression since that time because of (vague reasons, no extra details) (...)"

However, it becomes excessive and unnecessary when an entire life story is posted, to be blatantly honest. Community corner is indeed reserved for stories, introductions, goodbyes, and other types of threads, but surely it's a bit excessive to go into scrutinizing detail over someone's battle with depression? To me, it's just flat-out excessive, as aforementioned. This is a community of children (yes, children), and the idea behind this entire server is SG - I see it as best to try and keep it at least decently relevant to that.

And again - this doesn't mean that depression needs to stay off the forums! I just feel it needs to be minimized. Is a whole thread about your depression necessary? Is agonizing over every detail needed?

If you are depressed - seek real help, or talk to some close, trusted friends about it, not a community of children. We aren't the Breakfast Club. I am also quite sure you can PM a staff member if you have no trusted friends to reach out to.

Thanks for reading. I'm not quite sure what kind of reactions I'll receive to this, but nonetheless I feel it conveys a message that needed to be delivered.

TL;DR: Read.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
In general, I understand where you're coming from, however the Community Corner is for community discussion, and as you said, stories. These stories are mostly supposed to be of Minecraft, but we shouldn't be denying people the right to share with us their struggle as a cry for help because they need it. I understand it may not be the intended function of the forums, but no matter what we should support people who are going through a struggle such as this.

To an extent, I do agree, however. The Community Corner was meant for Minecraft content, and should not necessarily be run over by depressing stories. We want to keep this upbeat, and if people continue to have problems they should be seeking professional help :)


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
In general, I understand where you're coming from, however the Community Corner is for community discussion, and as you said, stories. These stories are mostly supposed to be of Minecraft, but we shouldn't be denying people the right to share with us their struggle as a cry for help because they need it. I understand it may not be the intended function of the forums, but no matter what we should support people who are going through a struggle such as this.

To an extent, I do agree, however. The Community Corner was meant for Minecraft content, and should not necessarily be run over by depressing stories. We want to keep this upbeat, and if people continue to have problems they should be seeking professional help :)
Its not that its just we don't care


Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
Well not here we don't they have hotlines and other forums for this stuff
Not everyone doesn't care. It's pretty simple.

In the politest way possible, don't speak for everyone because your adamant your opinion is right.


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
Not everyone doesn't care. It's pretty simple.

In the politest way possible, don't speak for everyone because your adamant your opinion is right.
ok and you have an opinion also but it doesnt mean its right so go away


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Its not that its just we don't care
I care.

I disagree with most aspects of this post for a number of reasons. For one, sometimes people online have the right words at the right time. For example, someone might need to hear that they are cared for and, if someone is there to let the person know that, a life may somehow be saved. Additionally, there are always going to be people who aren't social in-real-life and need to go online in order to talk to people like normal. Finally, lives can be saved online. If someone needs or wants to talk about their depression, I am happy to do so.

It's not really something a thread is going to stop anyways. If someone is to a point where suicide is something they're considering, a thread telling them not to talk about it isn't going to matter in their eyes. If someone is considering ending their life, which, in essence, is the final thing on Earth, they're more than willing to make a thread about it on a forums.

Sorry about anything that comes off as harsh, but it's just my opinion.


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
I care.

I disagree with most aspects of this post for a number of reasons. For one, sometimes people online have the right words at the right time. For example, someone might need to hear that they are cared for and, if someone is there to let the person know that, a life may somehow be saved. Additionally, there are always going to be people who aren't social in-real-life and need to go online in order to talk to people like normal. Finally, lives can be saved online. If someone needs or wants to talk about their depression, I am happy to do so.

It's not really something a thread is going to stop anyways. If someone is to a point where suicide is something they're considering, a thread telling them not to talk about it isn't going to matter in their eyes. If someone is considering ending their life, which, in essence, is the final thing on Earth, they're more than willing to make a thread about it on a forums.

Sorry about anything that comes off as harsh, but it's just my opinion.
But putting stuff about depression on a forum meant for fun isn't enjoyable for us to look at. What you CAN do, is pm people on forums, or seek actual help. Sometimes, its legit, but sometimes, its also just a plea for attention, and I don't like getting involved, but its stupid the younger kids can just read these depressing stories or whatever, when we claim these servers are PG.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
But putting stuff about depression on a forum meant for fun isn't enjoyable for us to look at. What you CAN do, is pm people on forums, or seek actual help. Sometimes, its legit, but sometimes, its also just a plea for attention, and I don't like getting involved, but its stupid the younger kids can just read these depressing stories or whatever, when we claim these servers are PG.
I mean, the forums isn't always meant to be enjoyable. It's a place for discussion and for thought-provoking conversations. If someone needs help, they should be able to make a thread; furthermore, if someone is doing it for attention, it's really not that different. Most people who are depressed because they don't have any attention or affection. It's overall not anything above PG-13, so personally I think it's fine. Look at it from this perspective: If a life can be saved through the forums versus a few people reading a depressing story, is it worth it? My answer is yes, and hopefully everyone's answer is yes too.


May 3, 2015
Reaction score
I agree with this thread. Some people go a little too far. But saying that on a daily basis you do suffer with depression, that seems okay. But a lot of people get annoyed when some of you guys go into extreme detail.

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