Rebels has gone through many stages but it has always been the longest clan in mcsg and it will continue to be that. Because we have reached a major depression in activity and motivation we have decided to bring on a new era of rebels by in a way merging with destiny who have suffered from the same problems. We will be active in minecraft but we will also play new games so not only do we enjoy mcsg again but we will enjoy each other presence and become the family that rebels is known to be. Many people might be thinking, rip top tier clans but in my opinion it is the opposite. It will revive the activity of old players and bring on a new form of competition. We are not making the clan to be overpowered, we are doing it to help revive the mcsg community and to have fun while doing it. In this merge Jccandfriends and Maxy will be leading along with the officers from both clans. Myruhh will be leaving, she will be missed by all of us and her influence on the way rebels stayed alive will be remembered. All members and elites will have to reapply but they will be awarded automatic trial for doing so. - Maxy & Jcc
Roster has been cleared everyone below officer will have to reapply. xoxoxo