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Josh's | JustHyperion's ¬ Life Story.


Apr 20, 2015
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Hey guys, pretty sure this is the first thread I'm doing on this account, before my other account got hacked and couldn't login into it.

So I got the inspiration from Silently if I'm correct? To write a in-debth story.
So sit back, relax and start reading ;)

This is how I look like:

And my profile picture.

I admit I'm not the largest fora 14 year old but pls dun be r00d

Alright let's begin c:

I was born on the June 7th 2001. Currently 13, by June I should be 14 :)
I was a really, really fat child when I was born, maybe because my mum had to much kfc ahaha. Honestly I was kinda a really cute child coming from my photos, so didn't really mind :p

For my dad, saw him till I was 3.
I haven't really talked about to this to anyone actually, guess I could tell you.
Ever since I was born he'd never actually been a father. All my mum told me was that he drunk all day, beat us up and stole crap from our house and stores. I know for a fact he had drugs, heard mum speaking to someone over the phone just a couple years ago. When I was 4 years old he just moved away, never saw him again and am happy not to.
Unfortunately he was the man who got me into gaming. He had bought the first ever xbox and all day he just played; no job, didn't let me or my new born sis play.
After he left I got it, it started off with some kill zone and gears of war games.
When I was about 8 my mum got remarried, too a kind loving father.
They had 2 more kids which both ended up being girls, so I was the only boy in the house besides dad.

I remember my childhood as being a damp, anomalous one. It wasn't really enjoyable and we were really poor. I don't really know how my parents managed to get me and my siblings up. I remember them finally buying me a Toshiba Satellite when I was 11.

Though school was really tough for me, I was really just by my self just kicking the footy or running around the school untill year 4.
I met a girl, so pretty. I was always shy (still am) so I never actually talked to her.
She ended up watching me play a match against the year 5's and she came to me to tell me positive feedback, can't really remember specificly but yeah.
We became really good friends, she was only my first one and best one.
Her name was Denaye.
I remember we used to visit each others houses and just play Halo together, we were so annoying to the other people. We loved it!
Honestly I'm still shy around her, continuing on with the story anyways;

In year 6 I still really only had Denaye and a couple more friends, but then Denaye moved away. I was so upset and angry.
I met this girl called Claudia a couple weeks later, we ended up dating just that very day. I remember going up to her and pulling my shirt up, she just laughed. Then I asked her.
She blushed and say a yes.

Year 7 was starting.
This was the year were I finally got into gaming; Minecraft, and at this same time I really didn't have real life friends. Honestly all I did was kick the footy.

I never talked to randoms untill nearly June to where I was forced to.
I decided to make my first clan in near January called "Dhromex" which I had to create a Skype account and actually talk to people.
I remember talking to starstrong and jaspa8855 (unfortunately they've both quit) as my first people I've ever talked to online.
Now I could go rambling on about how many clans I made and joined but I think I'll just stick to the main bits :)

I wasn't really liked in the community at one point. And that one point still leads to now.
After everyone who cared for me left, around August. I had no one to call a "friend".

And stating I was disliked anyway I decided to go for 2 months and just focus real life. By the time I came back it was already nearly November 2014.
On this same month I met someone called Cindy. Now before I get on with this, after this point of the story gets kinda depressing.

I never actually talked to her, I just added her on Skype.

On near March I ended up being in a game with her, she added me to her call with some people who didn't really like me at the start. After a couple of weeks I was added to a chat with them and we made a 2am call or something. This was it, where I finally realised my potential. For some reason these people liked me? As who I was. They respected me.
I was honestly just surprised.

Now in real life I wasn't doing so well, I took most days off so I could just be with them.
This happened just 1-2 months ago which I wanted to keep private, but...

Remember Claudia? She has broke up with me. It was really tough because it was the first relationship I've ever been in.
So as well as that, on the following week I found out my mum was in hospital in really bad condition. We weren't alloud to visit her, not alloud to see her or ever call her.
As well as that even online was tough. Getting abused by which at the time felt like everyone really sucked.

I was just, shattered. I felt as if I don't belong anywhere. That everything had just fallen in dust.

And that night, I tried something which I wish I never did.
I just couldn't cope with life. And felt as if it was the right thing to do.
I found my self in hospital, the pain, the needles were just unexplainable.
I'm grateful that I lived. I was grateful to everything I have.
I don't have much, but I don't need to think about that.
I really just have to think about people who care about me, respect me as who I am.

About a couple weeks later knowledgeguy accepted my skype request, as I spammed it :p
I joined a game with him and Gordon and I was just hanging on his ts.
Gordon moved me and we just chatted for a bit. It was a feeling which I hadn't felt for ages; happiness.
I was kinda glad I had people like Ryan, Cindy, Alyanna, Gordon and alot more. Otherwise I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for them <3

And now I'm here, mums just fine and don't care about Claudia.

I didn't wright this so you could feel sorry for me or anything, just because I've never actually done with one these.

Hope you guys enjoyed and Josh out!



Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
Very interesting story, glad to hear you and your family are now doing well. :)
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
woah, that actually just made my day. thankyou <3
joshie touching story, but some advice.. chill out :p

you dont always have to act mature and put a dot at every sentence it just makes you look to mature for your age anyway gg nice story


District 13
Apr 30, 2015
Reaction score
This goes to show that you do watch what you say to others especially when your online, you don't know their past and you don't know how they will take the situation :/ Touching story Josh hopefully your life stays positive! :)

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