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Why so much hate on Survival Games 5!?


Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Lag. Thats the only reason needed, I cant play a game when I have 12 FPS.

Lets develope this question a bit, why is it lagging? I'm trying to find it. It could be the extra snow slabs or whatever those appear to be, not quite sure, because it seems like a normal map with simle landscape and not too many buildings, I shouldnt lag on it, maybe an unnecessary amount of unneeded redstone? not sure.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
It's just because its for a survival type gameplay unlike the pvp everyone is used to.
I belive that we should have seperate servers, one section devoted to the survival aspect, and another section devoted to pvp, that way everyone is happy! :D


District 13
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Well, this is how it seems to work everytime. Exactly the same happened with sg4 when we first released it. People play it because its new, they don't know where anything is, or where to go, so obviously they end up getting killed. After that, they suddenly decide they hate the map, just for the simple reason they cant win on it. Then in the lobby they'll spam 'SKIP FOR BREEZE ISLAND, GOOD MAP NO LAG'... Does the majority of this community not get bored of playing the same map, over and over and over? Ever since sg4 was released, the only two maps i'll ever really play are sg4 and Breeze Island. Plus, being a builder of the map (built corn) and hearing people hate on our map already, it had only been released for about an hour for gods sakes, I found extremely disrespectful and ungrateful. We put hard work into these maps, and to see people just complain about little things like 'We struggle to run in the snow' well, really annoys me and the whole of TeamVareide. People in the lobby say how bad we are at building, and how all our maps are woeful, and its beggining to wear thin now. Man, I love the forum community of MCSG, but the majority of players in game must be arrogant 10 year olds. I'm sorry if I sound harsh or mean, but I guess you could say I'm kind of angry at the moment! :p
I agree with Frostyyy.


District 13
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 5 is an amazing map. The bridge is highly detailed, the statue of liberty is interesting and unique as well as the theme of the map which nobody had though of yet. I liked the cornucopia building whereas it gives you the option of risking it and dropping in or scaling down the steep snow outside the large building windows because it is very, very unique and hasn't been done before as successfully.

There are some interesting traps, I know because I've been stupid enough to step on that tripwire blocking my way off and flooding in lava, or activating that fall trap that confuses you within one of the cornucopia tunnels, it reminds me of Survival Games 3 except more dark and cold which fits the theme.

The only thing that Survival Games 5 lacks is much terraforming, in some areas there is plentiful terraforming but in others it is just low, uninteresting flat snow areas. I much prefered terraforming in Survival Games 1, 2 and 3; it has seemed to have advanced amazingly in Survival Games 3 but became boring and dull in Survival Games 4 and 5. Lag is not an issue for me, even on my poorly built computer it isn't as laggy as many of the other maps so I find that point an excuse. For that "We struggle to run in the snow" statement Llahud, it's probably the most stupid excuse somebody could complain about, the snow isn't soul sand, it's a normal solid block, and I find it a lot more easy due to the fact that you don't need to jump to manoeuver through some raised parts of land due to the half slabs I believe it is.

So far on the map I have played it three times, two of which I have won - losing the very first one due to jumping into cornucopia with a player obtaining a stone sword. At the moment I've already gotten a very great chest route going through many chests, it just seems that all the of hate is due to people literally sucking at the map, not bothering to learn and develop a decent route kinda like what Frostyyy mentioned above, players just in it for the killing aspect and not the survival.
Exactly. It's sad that people hate SG5, when in reality, it's one of the better maps in my opinion.


District 13
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
I like it and I want to play it more than SG4 or breeze. I played it only 3 times :(
I played it 3 - 5 times as well. It's really fun to play on, and I agree. SG4 and Breeze are great maps, but I'm just bored of them...


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Lag. Thats the only reason needed, I cant play a game when I have 12 FPS.

Lets develope this question a bit, why is it lagging? I'm trying to find it. It could be the extra snow slabs or whatever those appear to be, not quite sure, because it seems like a normal map with simle landscape and not too many buildings, I shouldnt lag on it, maybe an unnecessary amount of unneeded redstone? not sure.
I have one of the worst computers ever and sg5 doesn't lag me. Before I made some modifications I got on average 12-20 fps. Lag is no excuse. No joke I've actually won games with 3 fps. I've now gotten my computer up to 35 fps and sg 5 doesn't seem to lag if at all. (Side note: yes I am using the crappiest settings possible)


District 13
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
To answer the original question, I think really..
Haters gonna hate.


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
There is a few ways to reduce lag :
[*]Don't use mods (OPtifine allowed) and don't use texture packs.
Hope that helps <3
You can use lower quality texture packs. (8x8, i know one is called minicraft or something like that; simple texture pack, for some blocks it have only one color)


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well, this is how it seems to work everytime. Exactly the same happened with sg4 when we first released it. People play it because its new, they don't know where anything is, or where to go, so obviously they end up getting killed. After that, they suddenly decide they hate the map, just for the simple reason they cant win on it. Then in the lobby they'll spam 'SKIP FOR BREEZE ISLAND, GOOD MAP NO LAG'... Does the majority of this community not get bored of playing the same map, over and over and over? Ever since sg4 was released, the only two maps i'll ever really play are sg4 and Breeze Island. Plus, being a builder of the map (built corn) and hearing people hate on our map already, it had only been released for about an hour for gods sakes, I found extremely disrespectful and ungrateful. We put hard work into these maps, and to see people just complain about little things like 'We struggle to run in the snow' well, really annoys me and the whole of TeamVareide. People in the lobby say how bad we are at building, and how all our maps are woeful, and its beggining to wear thin now. Man, I love the forum community of MCSG, but the majority of players in game must be arrogant 10 year olds. I'm sorry if I sound harsh or mean, but I guess you could say I'm kind of angry at the moment! :p
I understand you. Off there are gonna be people who never consider how much work team variede put into this beautiful map. I don't vote for it simply because it lags too much , although I'd LOVE to play it properly , I just can't. Just a tip , I'm not dissing team v or anything but you guys seriously need to take into account that 70 percent of the MCSG community can't run large , world edited maps , therefore you should've expected that people would hate on it. Survival games 4 is the perfect balance for an urban map , not over the top like map 2 and 5. When your working on survival games 6 remember that gameplay is key , although giant structures are purely amazing, sometimes the simple little details make all the difference. The reason breeze is voted for is because it isn't laggy and is fun to play , though on the larger city maps it all comes down to your computer specs , not your skill. Keep up the good work but remember that not everyone can afford gaming rigs. Good luck for survival games 6! Also survival games 3 is my favourite map because 1:it doesn't lag and 2: it looks simply AMAZING without the giant things


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
I understand you. Off there are gonna be people who never consider how much work team variede put into this beautiful map. I don't vote for it simply because it lags too much , although I'd LOVE to play it properly , I just can't. Just a tip , I'm not dissing team v or anything but you guys seriously need to take into account that 70 percent of the MCSG community can't run large , world edited maps , therefore you should've expected that people would hate on it. Survival games 4 is the perfect balance for an urban map , not over the top like map 2 and 5. When your working on survival games 6 remember that gameplay is key , although giant structures are purely amazing, sometimes the simple little details make all the difference. The reason breeze is voted for is because it isn't laggy and is fun to play , though on the larger city maps it all comes down to your computer specs , not your skill. Keep up the good work but remember that not everyone can afford gaming rigs. Good luck for survival games 6!
Oh, noone of you never heard for optifine and for short view?

Well I have 2 computers at home. On the laggy one i downloaded optifine, make view shorter and changed some little things. And now its working like a normal map.

And sg5 is not really BIGGER and it also has some flat places (less blocks)...


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Oh, noone of you never heard for optifine and for short view?

Well I have 2 computers at home. On the laggy one i downloaded optifine, make view shorter and changed some little things. And now its working like a normal map.

And sg5 is not reallyopt BIGGER and it also has some flat places (less blocks)...
I have optifine and I'm on lowest settings. Have you tried playing survival gams 5 on your laggy computer. Because there's a difference between 30 fps or so on your 'bad' computer and 8 fps on my computer. I can't fully explore the whole map as I have to stick to the flatlands and the river , whereas I want to explore the whole thing.

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