So a few things that I just wanted to bring up that I have been noticing a lot and things I would like to have to change those bad things
Not posting loses
So according to mods and the rules of course, posting loses are not required. Meaning clans can just go 150-0 even though they still lost like 100 battles they just never posted them. We recently beat a clan in a very long intense battle and after we beat them they are refusing to post the loss because "they dont have to" I am not calling anyone out for that but I think loses should be required. Referees/mods should watch the battles and require the losing team to post the loss or there will be consequences. But taking down loses after a clan disbands should be allowed because the clan disbanded...
So even though
Col_StaR has brought up the idea of clan servers as of now there are a lot of interferences in battles such as hackers, teams using randies, or just other rules being broken that the other clan doesnt know about. This can obviously change the course of the game which is not good because it is cheating. I think that clan staff which are mainly on TS should also be referees and spectate/record every battle that a "professional" clan makes (clans that have been around for while, and clans that 6v6+) this would make sure there was no cheating and it would make redos/disqualifications either abolished or very quick and easy other than the other team going on TS for an hour, uploading evidence and just all together waisting time.
Please leave comments about these ideas, and if I think of things to add on I will edit it.