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Hackers and Mods

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Aug 10, 2014
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<.< So recently Ive seen like 2 mods since the leaderboards (Im us) and Ive been dyeing to hackers away to much recently and its running my 1/3 and killing my spot on the leaderboards and both The times Ive seen the mods they just 3/4 teamed me so Ill ask the question are the mods being more lazy? Like I've not seen as many online and its kinda pissing me off actually... There job is to ban Hackers,Trollers,Cocky a-holes who say ez, But thats besides the point the point is There have been too many hackers recently and I would like to see a change and If someones takes offense to this Im sorry, didn't mean it to come out like this or Lets say mods have just been to busy banning hackers and there are just to many to ban Like honestly I'm not too sure what the mods are doing. (My ign is Excellerate)


District 13
May 29, 2013
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Its just there are so many hackers right now (bc everyone wants to be number 1) that the mods cant do a lot to keep them all away.
But the hackers and big teams and boosters will die down in a week or two.


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
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Firstly, there are a lot of hackers and the race to get a good spot on the leaderboards has only intensified the competition and has thus, caused more players to hack to achieve their wins. Secondly, if you feel a moderator is not completing their job to par, please report it to Sr. Staff and they will review it. If worse comes to worst and a moderator is not available to spectate a hacker, you can always either /report them or record the hacker and create a report abuse here. I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread because making a thread about moderators not doing their job is not the best way to go about resolving the issue (as I said, just report them to Sr. Staff). I hope you have a nice day! ^_^


May 21, 2014
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<.< So recently Ive seen like 2 mods since the leaderboards (Im us) and Ive been dyeing to hackers away to much recently and its running my 1/3 and killing my spot on the leaderboards and both The times Ive seen the mods they just 3/4 teamed me so Ill ask the question are the mods being more lazy? Like I've not seen as many online and its kinda pissing me off actually... There job is to ban Hackers,Trollers,Cocky a-holes who say ez, But thats besides the point the point is There have been too many hackers recently and I would like to see a change and If someones takes offense to this Im sorry, didn't mean it to come out like this or Lets say mods have just been to busy banning hackers and there are just to many to ban Like honestly I'm not too sure what the mods are doing. (My ign is Excellerate)
I cannot stress enough how much this aggravates me. Please be aware that the Staff Team consists of approximately 130 people. This includes Moderators, Sr. Moderators, Administrators, Developers and even Chad. We, as a Staff Team, simply cannot catch every hacker at any given moment. There is not enough Staff Members to do so, making it virtually impossible.

Let us explore a hypothetical situation. Say there are 200 games with 2 hackers in each game over all four of our regions, for example, with only 130 members within the Staff Team and while a great deal of them are timezone-limited, we simply cannot cover each of those 400 hackers.

If you want to visually see a difference in the community as far as the hackers go, it is also up to you as Community Members to help the Staff Team and make it a more enjoyable place for everyone to entertain themselves. Without a group effort to make a change, the attempt at change will go unnoticed. A group effort is the key to success. It is like that in the real world, whether it is legal debates for something like gender equalitee, or not. It is just the way the world works.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I understand this is locked, I just wanted to add something in :p

Just because there are some mods with a lot of wins doesn't mean we're all lazy. In fact, the two that are in the top 30, Croe and Badger, are some of the best and most mature mods I know c:

The thing to keep in mind is that we can't spend all of our time chasing hackers. Mods have other duties too like schoolwork, IRL activities, and sometimes we just want to hang out together. We all do our jobs for a solid amount of time, and we're allowed to relax, you have to understand.

I know for myself, I've been painfully busy IRL and haven't had much time to moderate this week but there are plenty of other mods who are out there dealing with problems like hackers.

Remember, we do a lot of behind the scenes work too to make MCG a better place.
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