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It's just a game!


Aug 20, 2012
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my self esteem, confidence and happiness has grown so much since I stopped staying on my computer all day
This right here ^

Although I spend a lot of time on the computer, I spend much more doing activities such as band, playing sports and the like with friends of mine, and having a life outside of Minecraft. If you can regulate the time you spend here, you'll be fine. I mean after all this is just a game when you break it down, I don't understand why everyone gets so worked up. Well.. I guess I shouldn't specifically say that, because I know I get very competitive, especially while playing MCSG and I take matters as a mod very seriously but there is nothing to prevent us from just having fun :)


To be honest, they don't take it too seriously. It's their job. Some people say "they're lowlifes" and I say they are highly intelligent. If you find a way to make a pretty good amount of money playing a game you enjoy, you're not a lowlife.
Exactly, that's the problem a lot of the time. If you're working at a normal job it's okay but if you're playing video games, making money, you're "lazy" or "stupid". Nah, you're probably quite intelligent and creative if you can do so.


Nov 1, 2012
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If it's like that man you might want to take a break and slow down your time on the internet. I might sound bossy, or something like that, but if it's hard to socialize and you rage all the time it should be a good decision. I never like to see a game negatively affect someone's personal life..
Ye I took a 3 month break recently


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
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Life is, in fact, about our passionate pursuits–the activities that most engage us. Might the “life is bigger than…” line be a way of sugar coating the reality and emotional impact of poor results despite our hard work and best efforts? If our attitude is always that “it’s just a game,” it seems a slippery slope to conclude that “it’s only a job,” or “it’s just a house,” or “it’s just a marriage.”

Of course, our health and wellness and that of our loved ones always comes first; no argument there. But beyond that, who is to say that sport or any other endeavor to which we devote ourselves is “just a game” or “just a race” or “just a presentation.” One bad day or one bad game may not comprise a crisis or tragedy, but our overall experiences are absolutely the substance of our lives, and their outcomes definitely matter. These outcomes become the stuff of our lives, and trying to convince ourselves that they don’t have worth can be as problematic as overreacting to a single negative event as though it were a tragedy.

The point is this: know what is important to you, know what you’re putting into your sport or your job or your relationships, and be sure that you are prioritizing appropriately. When things go well, how great is that? But when they don’t, let’s not pretend that life is bigger and that our losses don’t matter; life IS comprised of these events and outlets, and finding a balance is vital. Live it, love it, and enjoy the successes, but take time also to appreciate and process the downside in order to find meaning and grow with the challenge of loss. It’s okay to mourn bad sport outcomes, just as it’s acceptable to lament other endeavors gone awry. Learn from the experiences, the feelings, the losses, and move on with whatever it is that matters to you and warrants your focus moving forward. Onward you’ll go.


Jan 24, 2013
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The problem is competition. As soon as people become competitive their nature changes. Makes them a different person. For example. when I took Minecraft and CSGO seriously, I was possibly one of the most toxic people I knew of. Since then, I decided to play the game for what it is, and not to win every battle, or game. By doing this, I am nothing like I used to be and am generally calm in most situations.


Jun 20, 2012
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Seriously..you're going to have a very hard life. Don't take this harshly, I mean only in my case and perhaps for a few others, my self esteem, confidence and happiness has grown so much since I stopped staying on my computer all day..no point in being mad at a virtual situation.
Exact thing for me. Now I'm skyping girls on a constant basis who don't play MC, they just think I'm cute and like to talk to me. I went out there and socialized. Although I feel my social skills did develop here, it is good to actually use them elsewhere to help you out.


Dec 21, 2014
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Very true my friend, very true. I was once at a state around 1.7 where I would player MCSG non-stop and feed off the thrill a win gives me. Sure, I would accept a few loses here and there. But if I was continuously beaten, I would tend to look down upon myself and question my skill or capability to win. This in-turn made me lose a lot more games, which, as you guessed, made me rage even more.

I can remember one day I was having an abundance of losses and I didn't want to ruin my ratio further. So I jumped onto battlegrounds, which by this point I was already mad, and received a mass amount of targets because I was 'the guy coming first'. It got to the extreme where I got a fury inside myself which I couldn't stop and I lashed out, punching my computer screen. Breaking it. This is were you could just say "It's just a game!"

Long behold I got a new computer and everything is fine now, I play for fun more than seriousness now, I go outside a lot more, I feel like a much more happier person.


Jul 30, 2013
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If it's like that man you might want to take a break and slow down your time on the internet. I might sound bossy, or something like that, but if it's hard to socialize and you rage all the time it should be a good decision. I never like to see a game negatively affect someone's personal life..
Just adding on from that^ Also, social skills grow over time, all through my teenage years I have been very anti social, spending time on my computer and avoiding real life situations, my family became very worried about me and soon I learned too much of a good thing never ends well, you may think minecraft/computer games are what you enjoy doing and you may not see there's a problem there, but when you look at yourself from the outside you may not be happy.. really happy. I may sound like a psychologist or a parent or something but the outside world isn't a scary place! I recently spent some time getting help for my mental health and I have started seeing life in a new light, exercising and spending time with family has really helped my social skills and boosted my self esteem, sometimes you have to go through things in life that will give you reason to help yourself, even if you don't see what's wrong about what you're doing :)
Hope everyone who spends the time to read my rant is having a fantastic day/night :)


May 4, 2014
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Exact thing for me. Now I'm skyping girls on a constant basis who don't play MC, they just think I'm cute and like to talk to me. I went out there and socialized. Although I feel my social skills did develop here, it is good to actually use them elsewhere to help you out.
You're just a strait up G, nothing else to it.

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