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Ancient [US]

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Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
I would like to say something before I post the win against Audentia.

The first 2 rounds made the score 1-1 until we got a 3 win streak. The score was 4-1 (Ancient) but something happened... it suprised me so much... we were failing and losing so many rounds in a row and Audentia made a comeback making it 4-4. The last round was on SGHighway, Ancient took the barn route and Audentia took Construction... both teams met at spawn and Audentia was super stacked... after a few minutes refill happened and we took spawn very quickly and ran back to barn. Both teams took the same routes and when Ancient went back to spawn, they met up with Audentia... I, YourBaee was getting another route so I was split up with my team and Audentia almost picked me but my team met up with me just in time. The battle (5v5) at spawn took about 2 minutes and we were all alive against 1 of them. I still have no idea what happened but I was stunned and impressed at the same time. After we killed their last guy, we went ffa, and we were all screaming into our mics... Good battle Audentia!

Final Score: 5-4 Ancient

Shoutout to: ThunderClunder, YourBaee, Instqnt, Fusionnuggets, Bronze_Box, UserDisconnected, Kraxerax, ShadowStrikes, beastaboniam, FarPixel

Great & Intense battle

EDIT: In the last round we had our ultra carry roster; FarPixel, YourBaee, Bronze_Box, Kraxerax, beastaboniam
Zich was being an idiot and split up from the rest of the squad. That's the main reason we lost the last round. I was also being DoSSed after it was 4-4 and couldn't play.
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