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Valiance EU

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May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Garry-xray
Age: 21
Donor: Roman randy :)
Skype name: roman randy.12
Wins / Losses: I reseted my stats so im bad stats now
Where are you from?: Roman
Why do you want to join Valiance?: So I can use my x-ray rp and win hunger games and get better stat ^_^
im not in clan but i think aksept ^_^
if not acept pleas join me clan we need pvp <9


Aug 31, 2013
Reaction score
ign: rusia101
age: ? wat r agge
donor: i donate blod everyday so blod?
skype: what are skype?b ut i raid call ign are rusianpvp101
wins: in cove i have 1 win adn that against gravey3rd! so i good plvp, i hav 3 win in batlion
from: wat ar fro,m? i am from city
whyd o you want 2 join trivium: cus valiance is gooder then trivium, i got told by my dads. psl acept im good pvpr
pls acept my alt acount are huawhi so im good pvp!1 PLSPLSPLSPLSplSPLsplspls i also friend of araxed so he wil tel u i am good pvp i also known gravey3rd he and i r real friend in everyday life. pls acept acept me plsplsplspls i rally good if u no acept i wil join trium or acendyancy cus imdanarwal is the best leadr so i join his clans. trium and asendyancy are realy good clans so if u don acep ti join tem and uwil lose clan war !! noobs if not accept.
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Reactions: Quw


Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ElliotPvP
Age: 12. Although I am very mature and respectful.
Donor: None.
Skype name: Elliot0300
Wins / Losses: 72/380 I know my stats is very bad, but I am a very good pvper, although I do need to work on my defensive parts.
Where are you from?: Sweden. I get an average ping on the EU servers of 29-35 ping.
Why do you want to join Valiance?: I want to join Valiance because I think it will be very fun since this clan is very good and I really think that I do fit for the clan and have the qualities for it. I also want to join it because I love meeting others/new people, aswell as speak to others on TeamSpeak. I also love to have clan wars and I do have the ability to stay calm, and listen to orders. I can very good communicate with others. And I am very good at teamworking so thats another reason of why I want to join Valiance. I also want to join Valiance because I really like the people in the clan, I have fighted some of them and when it is a good/fair fight they always be good sports and say "gf" or they just dont say anything. But I have just meet a few people in this clan.


Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ElliotPvP
Age: 12. Although I am very mature and respectful.
Donor: None.
Skype name: Elliot0300
Wins / Losses: 72/380 I know my stats is very bad, but I am a very good pvper, although I do need to work on my defensive parts.
Where are you from?: Sweden. I get an average ping on the EU servers of 29-35 ping.
Why do you want to join Valiance?: I want to join Valiance because I think it will be very fun since this clan is very good and I really think that I do fit for the clan and have the qualities for it. I also want to join it because I love meeting others/new people, aswell as speak to others on TeamSpeak. I also love to have clan wars and I do have the ability to stay calm, and listen to orders. I can very good communicate with others. And I am very good at teamworking so thats another reason of why I want to join Valiance. I also want to join Valiance because I really like the people in the clan, I have fighted some of them and when it is a good/fair fight they always be good sports and say "gf" or they just dont say anything. But I have just meet a few people in this clan.
If you love to do Clan Wars, I'd suggest you to join another clan, because we barely even play minecraft.
Despite the English, your application is good.


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ElliotPvP
Age: 12. Although I am very mature and respectful.
Donor: None.
Skype name: Elliot0300
Wins / Losses: 72/380 I know my stats is very bad, but I am a very good pvper, although I do need to work on my defensive parts.
Where are you from?: Sweden. I get an average ping on the EU servers of 29-35 ping.
Why do you want to join Valiance?: I want to join Valiance because I think it will be very fun since this clan is very good and I really think that I do fit for the clan and have the qualities for it. I also want to join it because I love meeting others/new people, aswell as speak to others on TeamSpeak. I also love to have clan wars and I do have the ability to stay calm, and listen to orders. I can very good communicate with others. And I am very good at teamworking so thats another reason of why I want to join Valiance. I also want to join Valiance because I really like the people in the clan, I have fighted some of them and when it is a good/fair fight they always be good sports and say "gf" or they just dont say anything. But I have just meet a few people in this clan.
Your app is bein discussed yo. Just keep in mind, we're kinda inactive and not that many of us play MC that much now
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