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Natalia Kills - X Factor NZ Controversy (RANT)


Dec 3, 2013
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Hey Forumers.

I don't really write long threads, but I watched a video today that completely angered me inside.
You may have heard or watched the video of the 2 judges at New Zealands x Factor bullying one of the contestants. They did this to several other contestants as well, but this video especially threw me off the tracks.

I'm going to review some of Mrs Kills lines that she said and break them down.

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm just going to state that it seems we have a doppelgänger in our midst"
This means that there is a double person in the room or a look alike. She is comparing the contestant on stage with her husband Willy Moon he is the judge next to her.

"As an artist who respects creative integrity and intellectual property I am disgusted at how much you have copied my husband, from the hair to the suit do you have any value or respect or originality, your a laughing stock it's cheesy it's disgusting, absolutely artistically atrocious"
She actually said more, but from then on it was complete trash. The thing that has annoyed society and media in general is the fact that she thinks anyone who wears similar clothing or hair style to her husband lacks originality and "atrocious" towards art and someones creative integrity. Basically she doesn't like the way this guy looks because she claims the appearance of him is to similar to her husband. SHE made that assumption, no one else did. This is bullying, its terrible and it won't stop till a very long time. But at least justice was served.


Just to note for any other critiques...
Art can be expressed in so many ways, some people appreciate it and some people won't what she did was bullying, and the contestant looked nothing like her plastic husband, ones natural one isn't. Saying he doesn't have an identity because he has a certain hair style and wears a suit is ridiculous. I don't understand her logic or artistic views because it's utterly nonsense.

Here's some funny memes...

Thanks for reading :3
I could of said a lot more but I didn't want to get violent or confuse people!​


District 13
May 29, 2013
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I saw this video and felt the same way as you! Even if you think that way in your head, you'd have to be crazy to say it out loud and live on tv. I'm happy they fired her. Ive heard of her before, never had an opinion because I havent seen or heard anything from her, but now I just don't like her.

Just because the guy wore a suit and had a certain hair style he is copying her husband. Just because she thinks he looks like her husband his music sucks. Just because of those reasons she is disgusted and embarrassed for him?


Apr 19, 2014
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Okay here is my opinion. Also take in mind that I didn't get to see the performance too.

It didn't matter whether or not the contestant copied Willy Moon or not, she was out of line to speak that way. She was arrogant and rude because no matter what he did he was a human being and she clearly forgot morals and maturity too. Natalia wouldn't like it if someone screamed in her face saying that she was a copy of someone too.

The way she went along with it too was horrible. It's enough that she insulted him at first, but the fact that she carries on with the hate AND not focusing on the voice and switches to assaulting him as a person.

I understand that her husband is suppose to be supportive, but that was just horrible. He was being so whipped by her and if he disagreed it would've just cause more drama on the X Factor show. Seriously even if see felt that way, at least put it in more formal and less childish way than called someone a disgrace. That's just being cruel. I feel bad for the guy.

Well, they couple have been fired. All I have to say is goodbye to Ms.Kill-ed a person's soul and Mr. Moon-strosity.


Aug 7, 2013
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Yeah so I'm from NZ so I've watched most of this unfold all over our news and stuff so I kinda wanted to share my opinions on it. First off I think this kills is completely out of place to go and throw around such big and meaningful words which is pretty much summed up in this line:

"I am disgusted at how much you have copied my husband, from the hair to the suit do you have any value or respect or originality, your a laughing stock it's cheesy it's disgusting, absolutely artistically atrocious".

Just because the man wore a suit doesn't mean he is out there trying to copy her husband, because I'm fairly sure Willy Moon wasn't the first to wear a suit and he won't be the last. She also mentions his hair, and I'm pretty sure that's not the first time I've seen that style of hair either. "you've copied my husband", no when he was getting ready before the show his thoughts were not I'll put on this suit and do my hair like this because I then look like Willy, and therefore he will like me. His thoughts probably were more along the lines of 'this suit is a nice suit and I wear my hair like this because it looks good'.

I don't really like these kind of shows very much at all, but I think the way she ignored how he sang and instead just ripped into how he looked, which is completely off topic. I think this is one thing that The Voice does better, not being able to see the contestant and instead just hearing their voice. However I am very content with how both the public reacted to this and to how the directors and higher powers reacted to the judges actions, and I think they totally deserved to be fired.

- ben


District 13
May 29, 2013
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Yeah so I'm from NZ so I've watched most of this unfold all over our news and stuff so I kinda wanted to share my opinions on it. First off I think this kills is completely out of place to go and throw around such big and meaningful words which is pretty much summed up in this line:

"I am disgusted at how much you have copied my husband, from the hair to the suit do you have any value or respect or originality, your a laughing stock it's cheesy it's disgusting, absolutely artistically atrocious".

Just because the man wore a suit doesn't mean he is out there trying to copy her husband, because I'm fairly sure Willy Moon wasn't the first to wear a suit and he won't be the last. She also mentions his hair, and I'm pretty sure that's not the first time I've seen that style of hair either. "you've copied my husband", no when he was getting ready before the show his thoughts were not I'll put on this suit and do my hair like this because I then look like Willy, and therefore he will like me. His thoughts probably were more along the lines of 'this suit is a nice suit and I wear my hair like this because it looks good'.

I don't really like these kind of shows very much at all, but I think the way she ignored how he sang and instead just ripped into how he looked, which is completely off topic. I think this is one thing that The Voice does better, not being able to see the contestant and instead just hearing their voice. However I am very content with how both the public reacted to this and to how the directors and higher powers reacted to the judges actions, and I think they totally deserved to be fired.

- ben
totally agree with you!


Jul 12, 2014
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She's like the most disliked person in New Zealand right now. +1 to the guy she went off at, he actually sung pretty well too.


Oct 10, 2013
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I am disgusted and appalled by his lack of originality and individuality! How dare he sing a song written by someone else11!111

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