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5,000 Posts! (My Greatest Embarassing Stories)


Aug 20, 2012
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Hello friends! It seems as if I've finally done it. Five-thousand posts, it's honestly quite a wonder how I've managed to do this, and to many this is quite the absurd amount of posts. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering how I can post so much, I mean for those of you who know me you'd know that at times I can be quite the busy person so how does all of this foruming take place? Well, let me tell you. Of course I don't have an exact number, but I'll bet over 55% of my messages have come from my phone, while I was in the car, at school, at events when I had a little bit of down time to pop on the forums, in bed, etc. I would put this number more at around 70%, however being a moderator does require a computer platform of the forums to be more efficient. (For those of you saying you can use the desktop site on your phone via Chrome, I've tried it. Trust me it's just as bad as the regular mobile site)

Nevertheless, after some polling it seemed as if people really like embarassing/cringeworthy stories, therefore that is what you cruel people shall get. I think I'm going to go with one that's been searing my memory ever since it happened.

It was approximately May of 2012. I hadn't begun my journey here at MCGamer quite yet, in fact I didn't even have Minecraft or any interest in it (that came about a month later). My IRL friend and I were sitting in the living room on our laptops playing Toontown, one of the best childhood games there is. We were about to do a Front Three (s/o to all the tt players). For those of you who didn't play the game, it's basically a miniature boss battle that after a certain accumulation of experience points from it allows you to fight the "big boss" in that category, the CEO. We were about to head in, and something caught the corner of my eye. I saw the nametag of one of our favorite TT YouTubers, Gracey Baby (her videos are probably still up lmao). For those of you who don't know, Toontown wasn't as nearly as big as Minecraft, and to be considered successful in the TT/YT community, you'd typically have about 5k. Anyway, we saw this person and I approached her and started a conversation. To our surprise, she wasn't AFK, and she was actually willing to talk to people. After about five minutes of talking, she asked if we had skype. I almost jumped out of my skin this was so exciting. Unfortunately, I didn't have skype at the time, so I had to go make one and get back to her. We exchanged Skypes and she added me to a group with her two other friends, I guess I forgot to mention that she had two other friends; Seth and Kyle, who both had YouTubes of their own. The three were pretty cool in my eyes, and were all like 5-6 years older than my friend and I who were 12. Can you see how things began to get real bad? Oh yeah, forgot to mention that my mom was in the other room.

So she added us to the call (my name on Skype was something random like Joe Smith because I didn't want to give out my IRL name) and they all greeted "Joe". My friend and I introduced ourselves, and I thought that Skype was working with my camera so I began to explain that I was sweating because we were just outside before this, then I realized it didn't work like that ;-;

So it went great, despite being a lot older and not really seeming like the outer-friendly type of people, they were really nice and I guess you could say we got along pretty well. Then my mom noticed there were other people than me and Dylan (my IRL friend) talking and walked over. I didn't know how to mute my mic, I'm sure they could hear us whispering and eventually we just kinda stopped responding. I don't really know how they reacted. I made some reallly lame excuse like "Sorry, we have to go for dinner" (it was 4 pm est) and then abruptly hung up. The conversation couldn't have lasted more than ten minutes. Despite us being kinda lame, they were for the most part really nice. I'm sure they had quite the laugh about the 12 year old whos mom came over afterward but it was quite the experience for us. I tried to contact them afterward, but I never really got a response which is totally understandable from my perspective now.

So, you thought that was interesting? How about this. In our introductions, I said we were from "the east coast", but since they wanted specification I went with Florida, just a generalization to get them a solid answer. After I hung up, I poked around their skype profiles because I was bored and found something I still remember to this day (thanks to the fact that I have a really good memory :^) ). Turns out, one of them (Kyle) lives less than 10 miles from me, well probably not anymore because he's most likely in college now, but still! I always found that kinda cool and when I say "poked around" I meant "looked at and saw location: yada yada yada" xD.

It feels really good to have gotten that one off my chest, dang. In the crazy off chance that one of those three are seeing this right now, I have to apologize and am hoping you didn't make fun of us too much :c

I have another one, but I don't necessarily have time to type all of it out so long story short, I was at a 1 on 1 session with a basketball coach of mine and he went to turn on some music. He asked what I liked and I said "anything but classical or opera music" and he heard only the classical part. "Unfortunately" he only had rap music, so that'd have to do. I never got the chance to convey to him that I said anything BUT classical music, oh well.

There, now all of you have unlimited material to make fun of me with, go wild ;-;

This is normally where people tag their friends, but that always goes bad for me because I forget people and whatnot. You guys know who you are, and you know that you're all awesome <3

Thanks to all of the amazing people who have made my incredibly long journey here awesome. Looking back on my old v1/early v2 self, I never would have imagined that kid would become a moderator, let alone one for 8 months and standing or get a whopping 5,000 posts on the forums.

Here's to 5,000 more, amirite? (I'm coming for you RC_4777 HalfSquirrel)


Aug 20, 2012
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Jul 22, 2014
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Congratulations! You're so luck you got to actually talk to your favourite YouTuber. I was actually pretty close to doing the same xD

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