• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Mirkoz's 1000th post! [My story]


Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, so now we are not free to say what we think right? Have we broken any forum rules? Have we said any bad words? The mod that did that (that is probably going to remove this message) must be a really good person.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
All the rules that were broken in those posts are below. At least one of you broke 4 of them in one post.
2. Do not disrespect or harass other members: We want people in our community to feel safe and respected.

  1. [User], you suck at minecraft.
  2. [User] is a hacking noob.

  • If someone is telling you to stop harassing them or is making it obvious that they are feeling abused, do not continue what you are saying or doing.
  • Harassment is taken very seriously. If you are caught harassing others, you may risk being permanently removed from our community.
  • Spreading rumors about others is not allowed.
  • Stalking a player around into servers and constantly targeting them is considered harassment
  • Do not antagonize other members or staff members in order to evoke any specific reaction to the point of including up to abusive reactions.
3. Do not use derogatory or profane language: There are many members in our community of various ages and words that are not appropriate should not be spoken or seen.

Do not say anything you wouldn’t say to your loving grand parents

  • Keep the chat PG.
  • Inappropriate names will be banned.
  • Do not say/post anything inappropriate.
  • The use of light swear words such as crap and damn are allowed.
  • Bypassing the profanity filter will result in an immediate ban.
  • If you are unsure of whether a word is considered inappropriate, ask a staff member.
8. Do not start argue/flame wars: We want to keep the community peaceful; a place where people are free to have opinions and discuss things. Arguments ruin discussions and are unnecessary.

  1. Your opinion is stupid.
  2. This idea is just stupid.
  3. User 1: Your ideas are bad and you’re a hacker!
    User 2: No you’re a hacker!
    Staff: Stop arguing.
    Users: No!

  • The difference between an argument and a discussion is that a discussion has valid points provided by each sides debating. An argument is a pointless disagreement where sides repeatedly claim the opposing side is wrong without any explanation or validation.
  • Flaming/trolling threads are not allowed as they may cause arguments.
  • If a staff member says to stop arguing, you must stop.
  • Controversial topics that may incite harassment, flame wars, or hate crimes are not allowed. This includes discussion of religion and politics.
14. Do not start drama: This is a community about gaming where the purpose is to have fun. Causing drama causes stress for others, makes the community look and feel bad and will not be tolerated.

  • If you are unsure if what you plan to post or have posted will or can cause drama, message a staff member privately for approval.


Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats on 1k posts! It was interesting reading your story! <3

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