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What do?


Jul 12, 2014
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Hello there viewer of my thread! Please ignore the title I wasn't sure what to put it as.

I have writers block. I've wanted to write about something for quite some time now, but haven't found the motivation or had anything interesting to write about. So why not write about writers block?

For those who do not know, writers block is where a writer or author is completely and utterly stuck and cannot think of anything to write. Your brain just decides to shut down its creative department, and being an avid forumer myself, it really frustrates me, even if I means I have to write about writers block to fix my writers block! So here I am, just essentially jabbering on.

So from here I'm not sure what to write about. Maybe, uh, what am I doing at the moment? I'm sitting at my computer (duh), at 10:25pm New Zealand time listening to some nice EDM on Spotify. I currently have this thread open and my subscriptions open in another tab. To my left is my fan. It's not really warm, just muggy and it's nice to have some air moving around. To my right, I have a whole bunch of maths notes and a practice assessment. I had a practice maths test today, where it's not actually worth any credits, just is a gauge for my upcoming progress report, and to see if I still qualify for my level of math class (eek), I last night I spent a lot of time revising and making sure I don't fail or get an average score, and just passing isn't enough to stay in the top class. Hopefully I passed with at least merit (like a B in US grading), cause I don't normally like algebra and I'll feel a whole lot better once it's out the way and done with. Wish me luck.

I'm also ignoring the fact that I have to write a whole essay for English. It's a film study on the movie Gladiator, you know the one where you have to discuss how film techniques and the director portrayed a character or theme in the film. I personally feel like they're a waste of time, but this essay will make up the most of my external assessment at the end of the year. But there's no rush, as it's just a draft and I have till Tuesday, but I don't like leaving things to the last night, so I'll probably end up doing it tomorrow.

Enough about school. Let's talk about something else.

*brain shuts down*

uh, mod stuff? My friend Owen has reached the interview stage and I really hope he gets it cause he'll be a great mod. They were doing interviews today but stopped before he got to go. It's good to see a influx of new moderators, I just wish there were more forumer mods like me before my demotion. And no, I'm not moaning about those moderators which have like 7 posts, just it'd be nice to see more moderators get involved with posting more on the forums, as I think it's the best medium on the network. Hopefully I'll be back as staff one day, I'm not banned from applying forever, just a while!

Ok, ok, that's enough. If anyone read all that, I'm sorry. It really had no other purpose than to help me get past my writers block and I now feel better for writing it.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hmm, I actually like this thread. What am I doing, you ask? Welp, 5 A.M. on the nose here in Pennsylvania and I woke up extremely early so that I could change one of my alts to a name I'd been waiting to get ever since the original change. Today is the end of my 30 day cycle and me being the paranoid genius I was, I thought I might as well get up really early to try and get it. Apparently I have to wait a few more minutes, so I'm passing the time by browsing the forums c:

Best of luck with your English essay!


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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I feel you right now, I've been trying to come up with a good forum thread for a long time.

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
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I honestly wish I was a better forumer. I was playing around with the idea of having an AMA for applying to college since I used to be on the admissions team at my university. Then, I got discouraged because I figured most people wouldn't be worrying about college for a very long time. :(

I'm currently browsing the forums because I can't sleep. It's 7:55am and I stayed up all night helping a friend try to fix his computer. I'm also worried about some final exams that I have next week but it'll be all good because after that is my Spring Break. Good luck on your test!

As for forumer mods, I wish there were more too. The forums are just as much of a platform of MCGamer as the actual game and I'd love to see some more eligible people applying. Sorry for not getting to your friend today during interviews, hopefully he gets his interview very very soon!


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
Really nice thread.
I live in New Zealand too. Argh. Level 1. I hate this credit thing...

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