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Mr_Penguin33's Ride as a Staff Member


May 4, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys and gals, before I start this I'd like to state that I can guarantee half of the people reading this will not read the whole thing, but for those of you who want to know what had happened then here you go :)

So, to start this off my name is Noah, or Mr_Penguin33, or Greene (Changed Mr_Penguin33's name to Greene) and I was recently demoted from the MCGamer Network, I was one day away from being mod for 7 months, so I'm just going to count it as 7 months I was mod for, and I'm not going to lie saying I resigned or anything, cause that's stupid :p I was demoted for being Inactive, which I could of prevented easily by just doing what I had to do. But I chose to not do anything cause I saw my demotion coming since the 1st of February.

Enough about that, let's move on to a story! I am 14 (Turning 15 on May 10th.) I applied to MCGamer on 20-25th of May, I don't remember :p But I came from TBNR a server owned by TBNRfrags (Prestonplayz) he has like 1 million subs or something like that. I was a Admin (I guess, Rob insists that I was just opped cause I forced him to op me lololol) So yeah, when I applied to MCGamer, I thought of it as let's see how I can improve my application not expecting to get accepted and to be easily declined in like a day or 2. To this day I still believe more people deserved mod more than me at that time period. I was inactive (AKA 2 forum posts and like no server experience) I've never been on the forums that MCGamer runs off of, and I was just a guy coming from TBNR, a 200-300 player server. So let this part be an example, if I obtained staff, anyone can! :)

Application part. I was accepted in the span of I believe 8 days, and was moved to all 3 stages my first time applying, again don't know how that happened or what they saw in me to do that :p but yeah. I was in my interview stage and it took me about 1 month to get my interview rank on TS taken off, because like I said Inactive as hell. So after my interview I was moved back up to the interview in which Sr Staff trolled me and told me that I was accepted :) I was accepted as Mod on the 17th of July and was trained a day or 2 later :p In this part of my story, I'd like to thank DracoHD as he put me through every stage throughout the application process, and even did my interview :D

I wrote some of this like in February so I'm going to include this part, I am able to apply for staff again if I wanted to, but I'm going to be honest I don't know if this place is for me anymore, and since the 16th of February I have just begun digging myself a hole that I cannot get out, and I'm pretty sure people think I'm a troll now, which is fine cause I couldn't care less. But to be honest I just don't think there is a chance of me applying and getting passed the interview with what I have done in the community. I am labeled as a troll now (Don't care) but I'm really just trying to enjoy many things that I couldn't when I was mod. So yeah :p if I ever do come back, it's going to be a challenge because being inactive came back and bite me in the ass xD from the beginning to the end, and I could of stopped all of it but chose not to because well I'm lazy hence the fact I got demoted. xD

Before I end this, I'd like to add a little more out of order stuff in this part of the story. Story about why I resigned once, cause I deleted that thread. I resigned sometime in November, because I was fed up with a lot of staff and that's really it, I'm just one of those people you like or hate, unfortunately most of the staff hate me in my opinion xD because I guess of the way I look at things, I wasn't the average mod, I made dumb jokes and laughed at rude things. So I'd call it crude humor. And If I wasn't mod it probably wouldn't of been as bad, but I also wouldn't of made some of the friends I have today. But overall I came back the next day from resigning because of the players, not staff friends, or anything else, the players. When I were to join channels and be that chill mod I guess people liked that and when someone would say like "You're the best mod ever" "You're the coolest" It was awesome because I knew I was pleasing the player base, but staff wise I don't think I pleased many people :p So for the 7 month ride that is was the biggest thanks goes to all the players, donors, etc... For making my days at MCGamer the best they could of been :D I'm not going to list people because I just don't need to. The staff members that liked me or that are friends with me you know who you are, and I'd like to thank you guys for being some cool people as well, but every non staff member even the trolls or people that broke the rules, you guys made my time here amazing. If I ever do apply again and manage to get out of the hole I dug myself into I'll be glad to be staff on here again!

Thanks for reading, even if you only read a little bit xD It was long I guess :p

I'm still active on TS and in game sometimes but forums, ehh I check em but not much.

Peace - Noah

Moderator from: July 17th - February 16th


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Ooh first :3

Anyway, hopefully one day we'll meet at the big building (huehuehue) and it's always sad to see you go. It's always sad to see someone go, especially through a demotion like you did. I'd love to see you around on TS some time, you're a pretty cool dude to be around. Pce Mr_peng_tirty_tree


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Dang, it's really sad to see you not as a moderator anymore. We've had some funny moments on the teamspeak, literally where we would scream at each other. xD Otherwise, you're a great and funny guy, and I hope you will stick around in the community!

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