The results are amazing for the first week!, keep up the good work guys, I wish I could attend but the times are unfortunate for me as it is around 2 am, but anyway, keep up the great work!
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
I gave two more to Alpaka at the end of last nights cleansweep. If I counted correctly, it should be either 4 or 5.Are you sure about that? Make sure you're messaging us all of the evidence you get.
yes! hackers are very anoying : (I literally love you guys so much. <3 Hackers are my greatest weakness
I only play on "eu" and I appreciate the effort all the sweepers of computer hackers that have been made for a long time. I've noticed a big improvement, just meeting hackers. Long, finally can return to play in "eu". Thanks to all participants and moderators of the sweeper of computer hackers. If a moderator reads this message. What should I do to have platinum Forums?
Check If you have the rank on the server and then send a message to a sr.mod or mod to his personal account on the forums no on this post