Probably killed most of the "best" mcsg players atleast once. The only one im struggling to get is against joethepro15 .-... fought him 3 times got ezz'd (atleast I've beaten him on swish:3, when that used to be a thing)
-Araxed (my bae)
JackD88HD (totally didn't scumbag him)
- Pretty much everyone in the old Emporers
-I think I killed Exploding_wrath once not 100% sure though
-Bester911 (my 2nd bae)
-Huahwi (He was streaming at his "peak" on Us)
-Timmmmaaaaaaahhhhh (I dont even know how many m's and a's there are. --.)
-ZeliikaHD (he wasn't the best at the time, improved a lot since then)
--- The list goes on