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Staff Stepping Down- Attorah's Resignation


Jun 17, 2014
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So, personally, I didn't think that this day would come so soon. It has been only 5 months of being a staff member here at MCGamer and I really wish that it could have been longer.
I would like to say that this was my decision entirely which has not been influenced by anyone or anything within the community; if anything, everyone here has only made this choice so difficult because they are so amazing and supportive- I really did not want to leave the staff team.

From day one of being a moderator, I have always said to myself that I would only ever prioritise one thing over moderating, which was my education. Until recently, my balance between moderating and my schoolwork had been working very well. Moderating was something that was such a nice reward after coming home from school everyday and this network was such a nice escape from the stress of any real life issues. My role here has changed me as a person, and I mean that in the best possible way. I feel much more confident and happier as a person and I have some fantastic memories of my time here.
Anyways, back on topic. My reason for resigning is school. I am 16 and living in the UK, so in a few months I have my GCSE exams. Yes, I'm in a similar situation as a lot of people in the staff team, but my upcoming GCSEs have a string of issues attached. Firstly, I underperformed in most of my mocks, which has influenced my parent's attitude about me playing on my laptop, and they have become more reluctant for me to go on it and play games as I've started to neglect school work.
Because of exams I'm not allowed to buy a new setup which I have worked over a year to save up for, and my laptop that I did moderate on made it very difficult to carry out most moderating services (to put this into context, it takes about 10-20 minutes to render a few minutes of footage and my internet is a pain).
I've also had a lot of family issues that have come up recently which has just added to the stress of everything.

The fact is that I have loved being a staff member here and I'm upset that I am leaving, but I know it is for the best. I am heavily anticipating the possibility of joining the staff team once again in Summer when I have more time and when I choose to re-apply. I hope that if I do come back I can fulfil the rest of my staff ambitions.
I have no plans on leaving this community at all as it means so much to me. I want to do everything I can within my abilities as a non-staff member. I just won't be wearing the red name anymore.

I have so many people to thank for making my time here great :3 :

Liam (Axanite) : Oh Haxanite, you're such a great mod and an all round nice guy. You're so friendly and easy to talk to. I wish you all the best in your endeavours as a staff member!

Matt (MattGlowstone): You're such an upbeat guy and so so nice. You're great with advice and being there for anyone. Good luck in the future!

Neph: I witnessed you be an exceptional moderator and witnessed you be an exceptional Sr. Moderator. You are so hard working and so friendly; I wish you all the best!

JLioner: Such a great and committed mod! Good luck, not that you'll need it ^-^

Pokeys: Such a friendly and funny guy! Although I struggled to keep up with your name changes, you were so awesome to be around.

Honestly, I could mention countless people here. So if you did expect to see your name here, it should be here :3

Once again, thank you everyone for everything. It's been great! <3
Last edited:


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
Nooo ;-; I have gcses too this year, I know how you feel :ccc Good luck with school and stuff though!


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Noooo my slow internet buddy :(
Good luck with your GCSE's and whatever else the future might hold <3


Jun 17, 2014
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Apr 28, 2014
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Thank you Arga! The worst thing is that I forgot to save your Twitch settings you sent me :eek:

D'awww, Nick. You're one of the kindest members in this community. I'll miss you too! ;)
I can DM them to you on the forums if you like :p


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
It's sad to see an amazing moderator leave the team. Good luck in your exams and in your future! :)

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