"Pinger". That term has never existed, nor should it. "10 blocker". Nobody can hit from 10 blocks away. Certain hacked clients without nocheat can get you up to six blocks, but that's it.
How about we take a trip to the land of Ceroria's funtime stories? Okay. I get 30 ping to CA, 75 to US, and 100 to EU. My ping differences are
so miniscule that it doesn't matter. I never understood why people think ping plays such a difference. The only time you'll have a SLIGHT issue with ping is if yours is over 150 and you're fighting somebody whos pingzone is under 50. The main things ingame that your ping affects are your bow and fishing rod, not your hit reach. Your hits will be delayed slightly, but you cant hit any further. Take it from someone who's played on servers that I get 10 ping to to servers I get over 250 ping to. The only time I ever have had a ping issue was when I had over 200 ping and was actually lagging around.
Well, PvP skill has never been dependant on click speed, even though it slightly helps. The main aspects of PvP would be things like managing your sprint (lol rip cuz sprint key), use of secondaries, and swordsmanship (including strafing and occasional use of rod to get combos)