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Message to People that say KYS

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Sep 17, 2014
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Don't read it if you despise me or if you are just going to talk poop. It won't help.

So today at school, a kid told me to kill myself cause of a personal reason. The thing that he doesn't know about me is how I have this really bad depression. I once thought of killing myself was the right awnser and that telling the adults is just stupid and would make things worse. (Im only 12) so I tried it. I tried to commit suicide. Luckily I have this tonsil problem so I couldn't swallow the pills. I am sharing this story because joking around about that isn't funny and someone might actually do it.
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Aug 20, 2012
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You never know what someone is going through. Plus, I'm not exactly sure what telling someone to kill themselves solves anyway.


Jun 14, 2014
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That is very true, and I am disheartened to hear that someone would think it's permissible to act like that towards other people. I personally think it's to do with the lack of knowledge when it comes to compassion and actually contemplating about how you would feel if it those hurtful words were used on you. I one hundred percent agree with you that people need to realize that the words you say can have a positive or negative impact on the outlook in which you portray and as a result of such people need to be wary of their actions for it may deflect back to them one day.
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Sep 26, 2013
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Like seriously, don't say it at all. You don't know what the person is going through, and maybe, you might find yourself guilty of being the one whom affected his/her life.
Oct 31, 2013
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The worst thing you can say to a person is KYS. A person called me a fa* and p***y and I beat the sh** out of him. So people are sensitive to words. Don't talk to them.
Sep 7, 2013
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You never know what someone is going through. Plus, I'm not exactly sure what telling someone to kill themselves solves anyway.
Well you know, in League it solves a lot of things if the other guy calls cancer/ebola/aids on your whole family and that he is going to f*** my dead grandpa and then tell me my mom is a wh**e. I am pretty sure I have the right to tell him to STFU and kill himself.


Aug 20, 2012
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Well you know, in League it solves a lot of things if the other guy calls cancer/ebola/aids on your whole family and that he is going to f*** my dead grandpa and then tell me my mom is a wh**e. I am pretty sure I have the right to tell him to STFU and kill himself.
Or you could take a moment to chill and show him Jesus XD


Apr 6, 2014
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It's absolutely awful to know that the inhumanity in some people can cause them to state things that are beyond the comprehension of evil. I have had to endure similar circumstances as you have, DarkraiM8. And in every single part of the world, there is someone out there who will believe such awful statements can solve their own, mundane problems. I truly sympathize with your situation. And honestly, it feels agonizing. But I urge you, and I truly mean it, do not attempt something like that again, because that will only let the monsters win. I urge you to stand your ground, and believe in what your heart desires, do not let the disgusting fantasy of the so called "humans" get to you. And believe me, those who passionately wish death upon a fellow human being over a matter deemed unecessary should be stripped of being termed as a human.
You can always talk to me, the MCGamer community will always be there for you. Because we love our members, and we treat them as equals. <3


Dec 10, 2014
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Alright lets get one thing 100% straight here. Im not at all hating on you or anything. I 100% understand that what you are going through is extremly hard. So just so you understand. Im not hating just stating my opinion like your supposed to on forums.

I have no idea why you would tell a story like this on the forums.

Why do I say this?

Well this is a community of 12 and up people that are all immature and have a mask on because of the internet. For all you know someone like me (a total Feminine Hygene Product bag) could come on this thread and tell you to "KYS". Imagine that. People being mean on the internet. I understand what you are feeling or i'm assuming. This place here mcsg may seem better than your irl life at the moment. AND THATS OK. Im warning you that people are nasty and horrible. THIS IS COMING FROM ME. Ive said some horrible things to people. You know why. I don't think about what they may be going through in there real life. In all honesty I don't care. A friendly warning that sharing something this personal is not something that you need to be doing.

Now lets talk personal. I've gone through a decent amount of challenges in my life. Thats for sure. Let me tell that everything no matter what gets better. Find your release. My release are Baseball and Gaming. I love games. They are a time for me to focus on something other then what is going on within your life. I play baseball every day and it gives me a place to release negative energy in a good way. Its amazing what you can do to make yourself happy. Because in the end. Thats all that matters. At the end of your life make sure you live with no regrets ever.

If you ever need help talk to your parents, siblings, counsler or anyone. Just don't bring things like this up on minecraft forums. People are horrible. Im a horrible person at times so trust me when I say a lot of people here have no problem what so ever telling you to KYS because we don't understand at all what is happening with you.


http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/get-help-now (common misconception that this is only for LGBT people it isn't.)

I hope you understand where I am coming from. I hope things get better.
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